HealthHealthy Eating

8 products worth using every day

Compliance with a strict diet requires enormous effort from the people. When there are so many temptations around, the hand reaches for the refrigerator. Do you know that a wandering mind can be deceived with the help of healthy foods? Eat something from this list, every time you want a snack. Put all these superfoods into your diet on a daily basis. And then the successes associated with the loss of excess weight, do not take long to wait.


You know that people who stick to a strict diet seek to eat spinach. These green leaves can boast of "negative" caloric content. However, this product is indispensable for all people who care about their health. It helps build muscle mass, is a rich source of folic acid and vegetable Omega-3 fatty acids. These valuable substances help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. It is believed that these green leaves are more useful than cabbage. Your goal should be one cup of fresh spinach per day.


Different cultures of the world position themselves as inventors of yogurt. We will not go into details, let's just say that the history of this product has been conducted since the beginning of our era. Hundreds of millions of probiotic microorganisms, getting into your body, serve him faithfully. Useful bacteria contained in yogurt, help to increase immunity and protect your cells, preventing the development of cancerous tumors. Also the product is enriched with calcium and protein. Make sure that your daily cup contains no preservatives.


About tomatoes you need to know only two things: they contain a large amount of antioxidant lycopene and are better absorbed in the processed form. Studies show that a diet enriched with lycopene helps reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, as well as certain cancers (including stomach, lung and prostate cancer). In order to be healthy, every day use a glass of tomato juice.


Most bright vegetables are filled with carotenoids - liposoluble compounds associated with a reduced risk of developing diseases such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, as well as cancerous tumors of a wide spectrum. When we talk about carrots, we remember the "negative" caloric content of the product. Your goal is half a glass of carrot juice daily.


In the bilberry contains the greatest amount of antioxidants among berries. Eat this product on a regular basis, and you will not be aware of age-related diseases associated with memory, diabetes, and cancer. This is due to the fact that antioxidants effectively fight inflammatory processes in the body. Your goal will be half a glass of frozen or dried berries a day.

Black beans

All legumes are good for the heart, but only black varieties, among other things, improve mental abilities. They are filled with anthocyanins - antioxidants, which increase the activity of the brain. Half a cup of black beans a day will give your body 8 grams of vegetable protein and 7.5 grams of fiber.


There seems to be no more useful sort of nuts than walnuts. They contain more healthy Omega-3 fatty acids than in red fish. These delicious nucleoli are literally charged with polyphenols and vegetable protein. Your goal is 30 grams of walnuts on a daily basis.


Ask any doctor, and he will tell you that oats are the most valuable product among cereals. It contains soluble fiber, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

A portion of oatmeal in the morning will charge your body with energy for a long time. Despite the fact that it contains carbohydrates, the fiber prevents the instant increase in blood sugar. Half a serving of oatmeal contains 10 grams of protein, which is a good help for strengthening the muscles.

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