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18th week of pregnancy - tips and tricks

The first half of pregnancy comes to an end - 18 weeks of pregnancy come. At this time, a long-awaited event can occur - you will feel the first perturbations and tremors of the baby. This is the time when women are stabilizing the condition or vice versa - there is a manifestation of complications. It is very important to monitor your health, and also, as carefully as possible to listen to the baby.

State of health and general condition of the future mother at 18 weeks gestation

Because of the rapid growth and development of the baby, your uterus will increase, and also secretions from intimate areas in a small amount, of a mucous origin and very light color may appear. You can notice the first stretch marks on the skin - this is due to the fact that the skin becomes more dry and thin. And also pimples can appear. On the face and entire body often there are freckles, moles and pigmented spots. But on this occasion you should not panic, because everything will pass after childbirth. The volume of the hips increases, thereby your body is gradually being prepared for an important event. And also the navel can begin to bulge. Some women at this time suffer pain in the lower back, also possible fainting and dizziness. And do not panic if suddenly the nose goes from the nose - this is caused by a more intense blood circulation, which will return to normal after childbirth. And, of course, there are active movements of the child. Some of the first tremors may occur in the seventh week of pregnancy, but it is at this time that they are more distinct and sensitive.

18th week of pregnancy - development of the baby

The body of the baby at this time reaches its final proportions. His skin is covered with original grease - it protects the baby's skin in the uterus. The adipose tissue begins to appear under the skin. After 18 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus continues to increase and, very quickly. In the oral cavity, the baby has the beginnings of 32 permanent teeth, and taste sensations are already formed. The eyeball of the baby is improved, the retina becomes more sensitive and the child at this time can already react to bright light. At this time, your baby can already hear the voice of his mother. After 18 weeks of pregnancy uzi shows the baby's heartbeat. Usually at this time the girls are already fully formed uterus, and the boys begin to fall into the scrotum ovaries. Oxygen, while the child receives from the mother, since his lungs are not yet functioning in their purpose. Blood also comes to the baby from the mother.

18th week of pregnancy - possible dangers

Due to a sharp increase in the volume of the uterus, there may be some difficulties, namely:
- Pain in the back and muscles (because of the extra load). Massage the problem areas or better ask your loved ones to help.
- Possible occurrence of heartburn (this is due to the change and displacement of internal organs, including the stomach)
- As well as discomfort and pain in the abdomen, caused by the displacement of the organs and a full bladder - try to go to the toilet more often, it is not worth it.

18th week of pregnancy - recommendations and advice

Compared with the first months of pregnancy, your well-being improves, you can feel a surge of energy. Allow yourself longer walks, and even small trips - fresh air and positive impressions, can not affect your well-being and the health of your child. Watch for weight gain. Remember that it should not exceed 15 kilograms for the entire pregnancy.

Accustom yourself to sleep on your side. This is not only a necessity due to the growth of the abdomen, but also a good way to lower your back pain. For a more comfortable position, use a pillow, put it under one side or the other.
Do not be scared if you have a runny nose. This does not mean that there is an infection in the body. It will pass after pregnancy, possibly earlier.

Learn how to properly allocate your strength, rest more.
Wear comfortable shoes, and now is the time to buy a comfortable supporting bra, but remember that all underwear should be of cotton fabric - no synthetics.

And most importantly - only positive and good thoughts, funny events and joyful feelings. Listen to pleasant music, read interesting literature and watch fascinating films. And also do not forget to talk with your baby, remember - he already hears everything and understands.

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