
180 degrees in the oven - this is what number on the scale of divisions?

Most modern ovens, both stand-alone and included in the slab, are available with a specific temperature scale. In order to correctly set the corresponding division temperature, you should first familiarize yourself with the equipment manual. Such documentation is included in any package of supplies, and from it you can find out: 180 degrees in the oven - this is what figure? After all, it is impossible to determine this independently. Especially, given that the scale of divisions can be very different, ranging from four divisions to nine. The maximum temperature that the oven can produce is also different.

180 degrees in the oven - this is what number on the scale of divisions?

For exact information regarding the equipment installed in your kitchen, please refer to the operating documentation. It indicates the correspondence of the temperature divisions in degrees (Celsius). This information can be written out on a piece of paper and used as a reminder, so that each time you do not go to the instructions. But how do you know which figure corresponds to 180 degrees in the oven if the documentation is lost? In this case, we recommend that you carefully read the information in this article - it will certainly be useful.

How to determine the correspondence of the scale on the oven to degrees?

What should be paid attention in the first place:

  • The total number of divisions (as mentioned earlier, it can differ in different models of the oven).
  • The indicator of the maximum temperature to which the oven warms up.

The number of divisions can be easily calculated by paying attention to the temperature switch next to which the scale should be located. With regard to the maximum temperature, it can be determined by the type of oven: for electric models, it can reach 280-290 degrees, for gas - 250 degrees (average values are given). Having specified these parameters, it is possible to find out what division can be made for 180 degrees in a gas oven. Which figure corresponds to the same temperature index in electric models - will also be considered. Below you will find information on the ratio of the temperature in degrees and the divisions on the oven switch. Please note that these figures are approximate.

The ratio of the scale to degrees in ovens that have a maximum temperature of 280-290 degrees

Below you can see what division is taken for 180 degrees in the oven, this is what figure. Preparation of most dishes is carried out with this indicator. Therefore, it is important to remember how to set it on the scale of divisions.

If there are nine divisions, the desired indicator is set by including 4 divisions. If the scale consists of eight digits, then set 3.

Often you can find electric ovens, in which there are only seven divisions, while heating is carried out to a maximum of 250 degrees. Here it is necessary to be attentive, as several variants of modes can approach:

  • "Deuce" is equated to the indices from 150 to 180 degrees;
  • "Triple" is equal to the values from 170 to 200 degrees;
  • "Four" has a minimum of 182 degrees and a maximum of 215 degrees.

The ratio of the scale to degrees in ovens that have a maximum temperature of 250-260 degrees

For equipment that heats up to 250 degrees, there may be the following indicators:

  • If there are 7 divisions, the digit 4 is equal to 180-190 degrees;
  • If there are five divisions in the oven with a warming up to 266 degrees, a value of 1 is equivalent to 170, and 2 to 230 (thus, putting on the scale of 1.5, you can achieve the desired result).

How to know 180 degrees in the oven - this is what figure, if your oven differs from the above options, having either a different maximum temperature or another scale of divisions? In the absence of instructions to cope with such a task will be problematic. One way out of this situation may be to visit the official portal of the equipment manufacturer to find documentation, in which you can accurately find out: 180 degrees in the oven - this is what figure.

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