
1147 - what is the age for the establishment of Moscow?

The "Pantheon of Russian Sovereigns" contains information that the first tribes on the territory of modern Moscow mastered these lands as early as the year 880. Many scholars ask the question: 1147 - what century is it for the establishment of the Russian state? Moscow River in those years was called a beautiful and sonorous name - Samorodinka, and on its shores Russian prince Oleg built a small town Neglinny. What happened afterwards with this small principality is unknown, but from that time the Rusich did not leave these lands.

Yuri Dolgoruky - the founder of the capital

Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in his conversation with Svyatoslav Olgovich, the lord of the Chernigov lands, invites him to visit Moscow in early April 1147. In the ancient Russian chronicles the description of this dialogue has been preserved, therefore Yuri is considered to be the founder of Moscow. 1147 - what is this age in terms of communication between neighboring principalities? Although at that time the city resembled a small settlement consisting of several nearby communities: Sushovo, Kulishki, Vysotsky, Kudrino, Simonovo, Vorobyevo. The prince himself lived in the house of Stepan Kuchko, where now there are Chistye Prudy, and where the Kremlin tower rises, at that time there was an impenetrable thick forest thicket. Initially on the site of the great city along the horizon stretched a vast Kuchkovo field, where the rich manor of boyar Kuchka was located, but he fell out of favor, and the head of the family was executed along with the rest of the family.

History of the formation of the great city

Moscow was building languidly and slowly, and only in the beginning of the 13th century, when the ruler of the city became Daniil, the son of Alexander Nevsky, a princely table and a coat of arms depicting George the Victorious appear . The princes zealously paid tribute to the new family tradition: the boys appearing in the family tried to call the name Yuri, in honor of their famous progenitor.

Moscow under Ivan Kalita

1147 - what century is this for the formation of the future capital of Russia? His first flowering and power Moscow reaches only by 1319, when it ruled Ivan Kalita. Where necessary, his hardness of character turned into cruelty, and the economy, stinginess and inclination to long reflections allowed the prince to turn the city into a political and economic center, where important issues of the state were decided. Now Moscow was in no way inferior to either Vladimir or Kiev.

And all would be nothing: but the Batu Khan in 1338 brought with him fires and devastation, and the city became terribly unrecognizable. The Russian people have always been able to stand firm even from the most desperate situations, and Moscow subsequently becomes the capital of the Russian state, the focus of its cultural wealth and military might. The history of the city has always been shrouded in riddles, conjectures and secrets, but scientists have proven that the beginning of the majestic city was precisely under Yuri Dolgoruk. 1147 is the century of the founding of our capital, and also the beginning of the unification of numerous peoples of peoples into a single and invincible empire.

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