LawHealth and Safety

Works of increased danger: list. The work of increased danger in school: an indicative list

Sometimes the work is connected with the fulfillment of tasks that require not only skill, but also close attention, do not give the right to make a mistake. These are jobs of increased danger. The list of such specialties will be considered below. And also we learn, what activity of the raised danger can be spent at school.

Examples of hazardous activities

There are a number of works that can not be started until several mandatory items are fulfilled - these are dangerous jobs. Before you begin to implement them, you need to solve some organizational and technical issues that are mandatory. They must guarantee the safety of the worker who carries out this task.

Each enterprise or organization has its own list of works with increased danger in Russia. The list will be drawn up depending on the direction in which the organization operates. Further, it must necessarily be approved by the chief engineer of production.

The next step is to look at the list of professions and types of work of increased danger.

Dangerous professions

So what are the occupations associated with hazardous work?

  • Autoclave, asphalt concrete worker.
  • Driller, explosive, vulcanizer.
  • Diver.
  • Hydromonitor, defectoscope, insulator.
  • The caisson, stoker, acid-proof.
  • Blacksmith, fireman.
  • Roofer.
  • The machinist, installer, slinger.
  • The driller, the trunk.
  • The scavenger.
  • Electrician, electrician, electrician.

And this is not the whole list of such professions. Each of them is dangerous in its own way. Someone's work is carried out at a vertiginous height, someone has something to do with chemical hazardous substances.

Works of increased danger

The list will be as follows:

  • Works performed at altitude.
  • Work in a confined space.
  • Use of glass wool and its products.
  • Harvesting and working with the forest.
  • Collection and analysis of buildings and structures.
  • Installation and repair of machines, mechanisms, equipment.
  • Work with electrical lines.
  • Work with hydraulic and pneumatic equipment.
  • Maintenance of ferries, canyons, reservoirs.
  • Chemical protection of trees and products from them.
  • Maintenance of railways, roads.
  • Cooking of glass, preparation of bitumen.
  • Storage, transportation of dangerous goods.
  • Underground work.
  • Work with current, increased pressure.
  • Coating, metal working.
  • Work with a hand and an electric tool.
  • Work under high voltage.
  • Work with chemicals.
  • Work with flammable, explosive objects.

Execution of works of increased danger

The list of hazardous works must be in any production. It is necessary to know how the above described works are organized.

How should you act if such work is planned?

  1. First of all, the responsible person is appointed.
  2. Technical documentation of the planned works is being developed.
  3. The order-admission is formalized, it is by all means agreed with the head.
  4. The workers are briefed and a section of knowledge (instructions, safety regulations) is provided.
  5. Check the serviceability of the equipment, tools, personal protective equipment.
  6. The person in charge should check how everyone knows the instructions and safety techniques.
  7. The responsible person must be present and monitor the performance of hazardous activities.

So it is necessary to act if work is planned, which is included in the list of jobs and occupations of increased danger.

And now a little more about the previously mentioned points.

How to issue an order-admission

Registration of the work permit is the first stage for performing work of increased danger. List of items to be completed:

  1. To fill in the form of the order-admission.
  2. Register it in a special magazine.
  3. It is allowed to make out for several shifts and prolong it.
  4. The order-admission is made on the responsible person.
  5. The tolerance at the beginning of the shift is signed.
  6. Fill one paste in two copies and without corrections.
  7. If it is necessary to carry out works of increased danger, the building is handed over to the building in accordance with the act, which indicates the serviceability of all technical, communication and electrical components.
  8. If you have to work near underground utilities or working electrical networks, then you need to coordinate with the involved organizations.

Attachment is not required

Sometimes there are situations when it is not possible to write out a dress-permit, since someone's life depends on the speed of the actions of employees.

Work related to the resolution of an emergency situation does not require a work permit, but only before the elimination of a direct threat, then it is necessary to formalize it.

Who can be allowed to carry out dangerous work

The above-mentioned list of works with increased danger can only be carried out by those who meet the following requirements:

  • Age must be at least 18 years.
  • The worker must be healthy and this is evidenced by a medical report.
  • The length of the corresponding work should be at least 1 year, the qualification - not lower than 3 ranks.
  • It is necessary to know the rules of safety, to be instructed, trained.
  • You need to have an authorization to permit this type of work.
  • It is mandatory to be instructed on the safety of the workplace.

Responsible for the safety of hazardous work

We found out who can be allowed to carry out a list of works of increased danger. A sample document is described. Next, we learn who can bear the burden of responsibility for their implementation at the proper level.

Responsible persons are indicated in the dress-permit:

  • Writing order-admission.
  • The admission is a representative of the management team.
  • The person in charge is the one who leads the work.
  • Performer of works.
  • The one who is watching the work process.
  • Brigade Composition.

Responsibilities of responsible persons

Each person specified in the admission order must have the following terms of reference:

  • The person who issues the admission must correctly calculate the scope of work, know the qualifications of the workers, executives who can create conditions for safe work.
  • The adherent is responsible for ensuring that all conditions for safe work are created, for the readiness to perform the task, for the place to work at the beginning and at the end of the shift. It is responsible for the correct execution of the work permit.

If there is a lack of confidence in the brigade's readiness or in the safety of the execution of the assignment, then the actions cease, the dress-up is returned.

  • The responsible person is responsible for the brigade staff, their necessary professionalism. It should create the admissibility of monitoring the progress of the work. Also shares safety obligations with the permitting. Does not participate in the process of work alongside-admission.
  • The works executor is responsible for creating the required security conditions, the readiness of the workplace. Gives instructions on compliance with safety conditions, monitors the status of the working tool.
  • The supervisor is responsible for the work of the team members, as well as the installation of the necessary fencing, grounding. The supervisor should not leave the team without attention.
  • The greatest responsibility for compliance with safety regulations rests with the foreman.
  • The entire team is obliged to observe safety techniques when working in conditions of increased danger. And also its members are responsible for inventory, overalls, for personal protective equipment and for observance of discipline.

Dangerous work in school

The school does not belong to any dangerous production, however, in this institution there can be works of increased danger. Next we will offer a list of works of increased danger in school:

  • Working with live wires.
  • Work with PC.
  • Work in a chemical laboratory with chemical reagents.
  • Classes with sports equipment.
  • Working with instruments in physics lessons.
  • Working with inventory in the classroom.

This is an indicative list of works with increased danger.

All these activities should be carried out only after familiarizing themselves with safety techniques.

Who in the school can carry out the production of works of increased danger? The list looks like this:

  • An electrician.
  • Laboratory assistant.
  • Teacher.
  • The cleaner.
  • Operator PVEM.
  • Pupils of the senior classes.

All these categories undergo mandatory safety instruction and are responsible persons.

First of all, the great responsibility lies with the teachers who conduct chemical and physical experiments with children, work at the PVEM, as well as with the tools in the lessons of labor training. To ensure that such actions are safe, the teacher must conduct the initial briefing and strictly monitor its implementation.

Safety rules in school

We unite in these rules the most important points that concern the performance of works of increased danger for schoolchildren:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to observe the rules of behavior and safety techniques, especially in such offices as: chemistry, physics, labor training, physical culture.
  2. In the office of computer science, the tension in the network includes only the teacher.
  3. Begin to work, conduct experiments, do exercises or work with a tool only by the command of the teacher.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to turn the equipment on and off without the permission of the teacher.
  5. At the lessons of labor you need to have a special form, as well as a kerchief for the girls on your head, so that the hair does not interfere with the performance of certain actions.
  6. It is not allowed to repair the equipment or tool on the student's own initiative.
  7. Do not use faulty instruments.
  8. In the study of chemistry, substances for experiments can not be scattered, taken out of class and tasted.
  9. Before you start working, you need to study the action plan, read the safety rules.
  10. If there is any unforeseen situation, it is urgent to inform the teacher about it, without creating a panic.

There is a high risk of electric shock, chemical damage, and possibly injury or burns in hazardous work. The list of rules specified above, it is necessary strictly to carry out and supervise their performance, in order to avoid unhappiness.

The article lists the work of increased danger. Before engaging in any of them, you need to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the actions that are to be done. You have to be a real professional in your business, so as not only to make your work useful for society, but also not to allow injuries.

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