
Wish-list: rules of compilation and reviews

Treasure map, visualization map and wish card - all these names belong to one unique method, allowing you to execute your plans. Does the wish card work? The feedback of those who composed it, speak about the fulfillment of the enigmatic. And this applies sometimes even ridiculous little things.

Ways of compiling

You can make a wish card like this:

  1. Manually. To do this, on the paper are pasted pictures, which are cuttings from magazines or printed photos. Further, such a card is made with felt-tip pens or paints. Pictures are also signed manually.
  2. On the computer. To do this, you need to own a photo editor, which compiles collages from your photos or found.

How it works?

Do not think that creating a wish card is to build some magical thing. The effectiveness of this method is explained even by psychologists. The fact is that when a person clearly represents what he dreams about, he develops a clear image of his desire. For example, it can be a house in which you want to live, a child, applauding fans and much more. If you think about this constantly, then the image will enter the subconscious.

At the end of some time a person, without even realizing it, will take the necessary actions that will lead him to fulfill his dream. This effect has its own name, namely, the visualization of desires. It can be strengthened when presenting life goals on paper in the form of text or in the form of images. And if all this is still beautifully decorated, and the fruits of their work a person will consider every day, then the desired will come soon. Psychologists call this method a visualization board. In essence, this is the map of desires we are considering.

Explanations of her work can be found in Feng Shui. This ancient art, helping to plan the fate of man, says that people's thoughts have a strong connection with the universe. And the one who sends clearly formulated signals is already on the road to success. The universe will certainly help in their implementation.

Method of creation

The wish card itself is made according to certain rules. First of all, a person should clearly and clearly formulate his concept of what he most wants. After this, it is necessary to imagine that it has already come true, that is, to visualize one's desires.

Different methods are suitable for this. Most people are helped by a relaxing and relaxed atmosphere at the moment when a wish card is made. The rules of making a collage dictate to begin to present their dreams under a pleasant melody, comfortably sitting in an armchair or on a sofa. For example, if the cherished dream of a person is a large and beautiful house, then you should collect in the imagination its image. It is necessary to imagine the facade of the building in mind, walk through all the rooms, light a fireplace, sit in a comfortable armchair, etc. After that, it is necessary to remember those pleasant sensations that were experienced at that moment. After a clear formulation of all desires, they need to be written down on a sheet. This will be needed in the future in order to create a wish-list.

The rules for compiling a collage warn against using the particle "not". All cherished dreams should be described in the present tense and as concretely as possible. It can be phrases like "I'm rich," "I'm thin," "I'm the mistress of a red Mercedes," etc. Only after writing all this on paper can we start drawing up a wish-list.

But do not think that everything you dream about can be formulated within ten minutes. The wish card will most likely upset you than please your owner. After all, in this collage will not reflect those dreams that are really important. So how should the wish card be planned? Rules of drafting require a person to allocate for the formulation of their goals for at least an hour, during which one could calmly think about what he really wants. However, this process should not be completed either. After preliminary thinking, it takes several days to recheck your desires. Are they the most important in life? Only after that, a person can confidently say that he wants to have exactly what he wanted.

Practical steps

How to create a wish card? The rules of compiling such a collage prescribe to do this work yourself. You can not involve relatives or friends, acquaintances or even strangers in this process. In addition, the production of such a collage should start only with a positive mood.

The wish-fulfillment card is put on the paper of the paper. In addition, at hand should be:

- old magazines;

- ruler;

- glue;

- paint or colored paper;

- scissors.

How to make a wish card? According to Feng Shui (if you follow the guidelines of this practice), you will need to fill nine sectors that correspond to the main areas of human life. Ancient art relates each of them to the sides of the world. In addition, each sector must meet a certain tone. Thus, the first step in deciding the question "How to make a wish card?" (Photo below) consists in dividing the paper into 9 equal parts.

Then each of the received sectors is painted over or sealed with a color that corresponds to a certain side of the world.

The importance of sectors

So, your Whatman is divided into nine equal parts. What does each of them mean when drawing a wish card? We consider each of the sectors separately, following the same rule, which is adhered to when reading books, that is, from left to right and from top to bottom. Inside each of these parts you will need to place your photo, connected with the most cherished desires. In other words, it should not be separate texts or pictures. The completion of each part should be collages.

Sector of wealth

Let's start with the first top part of the wish card. It is a sector of wealth. This area with the help of paints is painted in light green or light green color. The wealth sector on our treasure map will be responsible for everything that connects a person to money and prosperity. Dreams about a dacha or an apartment, a car or a motorcycle, a cottage in the mountains or on the Black Sea coast, etc. are placed here. However, in this case, too, dictates their wish-for-rule card. All dreams must be expressed in the wealth sector in a specific amount. The desire "I want a lot of money" just does not work. This sector can be strengthened. To do this, it will need to place a red pyramid with the LAM mantra.

Sector of glory

It is located in the central part of the upper row of the wish card. This sector is colored in red. This site is responsible for the recognition and fame of a man collage. And it is not necessary for this to shine on TV or to become an Oscar winner. Here we are talking about recognizing the merits, skills, knowledge and experience of a person in the family, at work or in the company of friends and acquaintances. Maybe, others will appreciate your culinary masterpieces or playing a musical instrument? Or maybe you dream of standing on the first step of the podium or on the huge stage of a popular theater? Reflect these desires in the glory sector. To strengthen this section of the desire card, it is worth placing images of cups, letters and medals.

Sector of love

Drawing a wish card for Feng Shui will require filling and the right upper section, located on your paper. This is the love sector, which will need to be painted in a dark brown color. This site will answer for the sphere of human relations and for love. The person who is married should place a photo in this area where he is removed from his spouse. Those who dream of a wedding, in this sector will need to put their picture in the wedding dress.

Rules for drawing up a wish card warn that those who are not legally married can not use photographs of any particular person with whom they would like to link their lives. The universe will regard this as a spell, which is a prohibited action. How, then, does the wish card begin to operate? Comments violate its rules confirm that it just stops working.

How to strengthen this zone? To do this, you need to place affirmations. For example: "I choose a man for serious relationship."

Health Sector

Consider the central series of the desire card. In his left side is a site that will have to be painted in a dark green color. This is the health sector, which is also responsible for relations in the family. Specific dreams about the state of the human body are placed here. These may be desires for normal blood pressure, a good level of sugar and cholesterol, etc. The rules for drawing up a treasure map also permit simple and concise inscriptions like "I am healthy" or "I am healthy".

As for relations in the family, in this sector it is enough to put pictures that indicate the excellent relationship between children and parents, love between husband and wife, and mutual understanding with the rest of the family. Amplifier for this sector will be the image of delicate and beautiful fruits of peach.

Central Sector

What should include the right wish card? Reviews, who have this unusual visualization, are advised to pay attention to the central part of the paper. This sector should contain the most cherished and the main dream! Rules for drawing up a treasure map allow you to place several desires, if it is difficult to choose only one of them. On this site, you can also write down that dream, which, it seems to you, is not suitable for any other sector. To enhance the action of the map, you need to place an image of butterflies or hearts.

Filling the central sector is a very important and responsible moment for those who want their creation to give the maximum return. The fact is that this site displays the health and personality of the cardholder. Here is also placed his photo. It is very important that the person in the picture is in a good mood. That's why your image on the photo should reflect the happiest moment in life. The rules allow the placement of several mounted images on this central section. For example, it can be an image of someone's slender and beautiful figure, to which your face is framed.

Children and creativity sector

The zone located in the right corner of the central row of the wish card is responsible for the birth of the kids and the creative growth of the person. To anyone who wants to replenish the family, you should put in the sector a picture of a pregnant woman or mother with a baby. If the birth of children is not included in your plans, do not decorate this area with such pictures. The fact is that the Universe will certainly begin to fulfill this desire. Feedback indicates the available precedents.

For those who dream of creative development, it is necessary to put in the sector a picture of the Muse or some creative personality. Here, the corresponding desires are also placed. It can be a dream of writing a bestseller, embroidering an epic cross-stitch, etc. As an amplifier for this sector, images of balloons are used.

Knowledge Sector

We pass to the bottom row of our treasure map. Here in the left corner should be placed the site, painted in beige or light brown color. This is a sector of knowledge and skills that gives its master the strength to learn, do not stop halfway, become wiser and constantly improve. On this site, you should put your desires for obtaining new skills and abilities. It may be a dream of entering a university or getting a second higher education, learning Chinese, or about success in baking delicious cakes. A wonderful amplifier for this sector will be images of textbooks and books.

Career sector

Now go to the design of the zone, which is in the center of the bottom row. This is the career sector, which should be painted blue. How in this case should a wish card be drawn up? The feedback from this visualization board confirms that wishes for work should be placed on this site. It can be mastering a new profession or climbing the career ladder, creating your own firm or increasing the income from its activities. The effect of the desire card work in this sector will enhance the picture with the image of money. You can place here and drawing with the god of wealth Want.

Travel Sector and Assistants

Well, here we come to the last zone of our wish-list, which is located in the lower right corner of the Whatman paper. Before filling it, paint this area in gray.

The travel sector and assistants reflect dreams of traveling to distant countries. There must also be a desire for those who help to cope with difficult situations. It can be specific people, companies, firms or Higher Forces, whose support is needed by every person.

Image selection

If you fill out the wish-list, how correctly to do (photo below) this visualization board, so that it works with maximum effect? A very important part of this process will be the selection of pictures.

In doing so, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, which consist of:

- in the selection of such drawings, which most closely correspond to the existing desires;

- in placing only positive images with smiling people, lovely landscapes, etc .;

- in finding photos that evoke pleasant feelings.

For those who can draw, it is recommended to paint all sectors on their own. Images made by themselves, work much more efficiently than photographs. When writing desires where possible, you need to specify a specific time frame. It is important to fill in the treasure map from the central sector. The next section should be a zone of wealth. From it, filling your visualization board should go clockwise.

When to insert pictures?

According to the rules of Feng Shui, it is necessary to make a wish card with the growing moon. However, the best time to fill it will be the first two weeks after the onset of the Chinese New Year. Do not recommend Feng Shui to place their desires during the lunar or solar eclipse.

Those who do not adhere to the Chinese art of visualization, it is recommended to make their wish card at a time when you really want to do it.


So, you made a wish card. How to use it correctly ? It should be borne in mind that pictures with desires should always be in your sight, but at the same time are hidden from outside view. That's why the best place for the card will be the bedroom or the inner door of the wardrobe. To activate the visualization board, you need to perform the simplest desire. It could be a box of chocolates or a big chocolates. Place their image on the Card and buy in the store the sweetness you have chosen. The first desire will already be fulfilled. After that, you will need to look at your board every day and thank the Universe as if everything that you have depicted is already executed.

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