
Neck: an outdated name. Obsolete vocabulary: names of parts of the body

In the language there is a constant process of replacing obsolete words with new ones. Some of them leave the vocabulary, because an object, which they called, for example, "polati" (a wide sleeping place between the stove and the wall) or "kaftan" (a kind of outer clothing) disappears from use. And others are gradually being replaced by new ones. For example, the obsolete name of this part of the body is "replaced" by the modern word "neck". And "vezhdy" has long been replaced by a modern version of the "eyelids".

In the article we will talk about the names of the parts of the human body that have disappeared from Russian speech and about which of the archaisms continue to be used today.

Obsolete Vocabulary: Body Parts

In order to have some idea of how different parts of the human body were called in the old days, we will list a small list of their names with modern synonyms:

  • Vlas - hair;
  • Face - face;
  • Man;
  • Eyelids are forever;
  • Zenica - pupil;
  • Cheeks - cheeks;
  • Zev - the mouth;
  • Lips - lips;
  • Revealing;
  • Right hand is the right hand;
  • Shuitsa - the left hand;
  • Finger-finger;
  • Hand - palm;
  • Veins - blood vessels;
  • Bones - bones;
  • Flesh is the body;
  • Loins - hips;
  • The song is a foot.

And for greater clarity, you can consider the picture.

Of course, our contemporary, if he is not a linguist, it would be difficult to understand the description of any disease given in the old days. Try to translate, for example, such a combination - "he has a scoundrel on his neck". The words "reveal" and "kozhozhnik" are obsolete names. "Neck" and "boil" - these are their modern counterparts. Hence, the diagnosis is as follows: "he has a stab at his neck." And the combination of "roll sled" had nothing to do with winter fun. A sledge called the lower jaw - hence, in the example given it is said about its fracture or dislocation.

What are archaisms?

Obsolete names - neck (findings), blood vessels (veins), eyes (eyes), pupil (zenith) and others listed above, belong to archaisms. This term in linguistics is called lexical units, which are not used in modern language, as they have been replaced by synonyms, but they continue to be used as stylistically marked (that is, only in certain styles, for example, in artistic or business).

They are willingly used by the authors of historical novels in order to convey the spirit of the era, as well as poets seeking to give their works a high style. Therefore, in spite of the fact that the lexical units mentioned were expelled from use, they did not disappear without a trace.

Many obsolete words continue to exist in the structure of established expressions:

  • Cherish as the apple of the eye ;
  • In the twinkling of an eye ;
  • The hamstring is shaking (the hocks are the back of the knee, the popliteal fossa);
  • Finger pointing;
  • One, like a finger ;
  • Tear the veins ;
  • To drive out in vain ( zasha or scruffiness - as well as revealing - corresponds to the modern word "neck").

Obsolete name becomes generating for new words

It is not rare that derivatives from obsolete words that have survived to this day are also found. So the word "windows" in due time was formed from the obsolete - "eye". The fact is that the windows in the houses had previously been rounded and they really looked like the eyes. For a long time already windows in all buildings are rectangular or square, and the name remains. From the plural of this word ("eyes"), there have been new lexical units - "ochvidny", "in ochu", "for ochinok", "ochki".

And the word " neck" has an outdated name - "reveal". From it formed the verb "howl", that is, "to make throat sounds." Released from the use of the word "finger" formed such familiar names as "per finger ," " finger ", "perch". From old words the mouth and the forehead are originated by modern ones - " oral ", "naiz us ", " mouth ", and also " person ".

Using obsolete words in modern medicine and business speech

Some obsolete names of parts of the body have been preserved in medical terminology. For example, the ancient word plyusna, which signified the foot, gave life to the name of the bone of the foot, consisting of five tubular - "metatarsal bone."

The human sides in Russia were called "sighs," and the area under the ribs was "under sighs." From ordinary speech these words have long disappeared, but for the therapist, gastroenterologist or surgeon the term "iliac region" will say a lot. This is the part of the body that is located under the ribs.

Obsolete vocabulary is also used in the formal business style. For example, the words "deed", "punishment", "now" and turns "attached to this", "in proper form" can often be found in official correspondence or in judicial practice.

The use of archaisms in the literature

As mentioned earlier, the use of obsolete words in the literature is a way to express speech expressiveness. Especially often this method is used by poets. For example, in verse, the outdated name of these parts of the body - "fingers", "cheeks" and "reveals" will sound much brighter than the "fingers", "cheeks" or "neck".

Archaisms give artistic speech a particularly solemn or sublime sound:

"Years have passed. You are again with me,

But sad young man ,

His eyes turned to sadness,

The clothes were carried by dust "(AN Apukhtin).

True, they are often used with ironic coloring. For example: "What kind of parent would not want to see his child understandable and grasping everything on the fly! But very often, persistent attempts to make a miracle from a child fail. Why?". This method is quite often found in satirical satires or satirical essays.

Errors in the use of obsolete words

Trying to decorate the text and shine with rich vocabulary, some authors use archaisms, not taking into account their expressive coloring. Because of this, the text looks ridiculous or double-valued in it: "The owner quickly saw the business qualities of his manager ...", or: "But the young official was even disgusted with the idea of persuading his boss before the authorities ...". As you can see, the obsolete words are clearly out of place here. "Neck" and "saw" would be more in line with the general style.

Some authors, when using such words, distort their meaning. For example: "At the meeting, unpleasant facts were revealed ...". But the fact is that archaism is "impartial" - it is synonymous with the modern adjective "impartial" and can be combined only with the word "criticism". The author clearly wanted to report negative facts, but did not hesitate to think about the true meaning of the obsolete word he used.

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