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How to eliminate lice: treatment at home by available methods

Pediculosis is a disease characterized by parasitization of lice on different parts of the human body. This unpleasant illness is transmitted through contact and household means through hygiene products and clothing. So, it is easy to get infected in hairdressing salons, where the comb is poorly treated. Particularly prone to pediculosis are children attending kindergartens and schools. When infected on the third day, a person has a strong itch and an allergic reaction in places of bites in the form of red rashes.

Getting rid of pediculosis is not difficult, modern medicine offers a huge arsenal of medicines. But, in addition to drugs, you can use folk remedies that help to permanently eliminate lice. Treatment at home is quite effective, especially in combination with traditional therapies. First of all, it is necessary to disinfect the room, bedding and things of the patient.

Nits need to be combed with a special scallop, this process should be repeated on a daily basis. You can, of course, immediately shaved your head, but this is not aesthetically pleasing, so we propose to fight the disease with more gentle methods.

  • Cranberry juice is daily rubbed into the scalp, thereby forcing bloodsucking parasites to peel off from the body. Then immediately it is necessary to comb out the lice. Treatment at home by this method will help get rid of the disease.
  • The old proven method, showing a positive result is table vinegar. The grandfather's method effectively fights insects. So, prepare a healing solution of 300 grams of water and 30 ml of bite. Pour this water on your head with this water, and then comb the strands well. Parasites can not stand the smell of vinegar and become sluggish, in addition, the liquid dissolves the sticky mass with which they are attached to the skin.
  • Eliminate the larvae will help everyone known kerosene. Treatment of lice with kerosene allows you to achieve amazing results, only after such procedures you will have to restore your hair. Lubricate the roots of the hair with this liquid, wrap it with a towel, and put on the plastic bag from above , hold it for 2 hours, then carefully wash it with a therapeutic shampoo.
  • Hair dye will kill lice. Treatment at home is often done in a banal way - with the help of dyeing. The hydrogen peroxide contained in all the colors has a harmful effect on the blood-sucking parasites.
  • Another interesting method of treatment offers alternative medicine: mix the juice of peppermint (30 g) with a glass of natural pomegranate juice and cook for 15 minutes. Chilled broth wipe the affected areas. Do not stop therapy until the complete extermination of insects. Just do not forget to comb the lice.
  • Folk treatment with dusty soap. Just rinse your head with this remedy and comb it. Alkali, present in the soap, eliminates all insects.

Do not forget that folk remedies are not a panacea for parasites, but merely an addition to basic therapy. Before applying this or that natural preparation, first consult a doctor, as some products can cause allergies and will not cure lice. Treatment at home should be done with extreme caution, and the best are suitable medications, such as Medifox or Nittifor.

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