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Who is Bazarov? Attitude to the people of Bazarov

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, the novel "Fathers and Sons" was written in a difficult time for our country - in 1861. The action of the work takes place in 1855-1861. At that time, the war with Turkey ended, which Russia lost, and in replacement of the deceased ruler Nicholas I came Alexander II.

Consider in this article the attitude towards the Russian people Bazarov. After all, this hero touches upon the problem of serfdom, the plight of the Russian peasant.

Pictures of the life of the village

The main character in the novel is Bazarov's raznochinets. Attitude to the people of this hero is the most important theme of the work. The narrative begins with gloomy pictures of the life of the pre-reform village. Appeal to nature is not accidental. Everywhere the reader meets desolation and ruin, mismanagement and poverty. Even Arkady Kirsanov recognizes that transformation in the village is simply necessary. This is about the reform that took place in 1861, which, in fact, did not change anything in the situation of the peasants.

The Origin of Bazarov

The closest thing to the peasantry from all the heroes of the novel is Eugene Bazarov. The attitude towards the people of this character largely determines its origin. Throughout the work, he repeatedly stresses that he is a raznochinets, calls himself a medicinal son, a doctor. In a conversation with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, Yevgeny Bazarov responds with pride that his grandfather plowed the land, so the peasant, rather, in him, rather than in Pavle, recognizes a compatriot. Kirsanov, says Eugene, does not even know how to talk with peasants. But does Bazarov know how to do this? Attitude to the people (quotes from the text only confirm this) this hero also was not simple.

But Eugene is right. Pavel Petrovich really not only can not communicate with his peasants, but also manage them.

Maxim Gorky about Bazarov

As Maxim Gorky wrote, in Eugene's relations with the Russian people, one should first of all note the absence of any "sweetness", "pretentiousness." The peasants like this, and that's why Evgenia loves servants and children so much, despite the fact that he does not ask them with money and gifts. The peasants see him as an intelligent and simple person, but at the same time Eugene is alien to them, because he does not know the needs of the peasantry, life, fears and hopes, beliefs, concepts and prejudices.

Attitude to the protagonist of peasants

Bazarov in the house of the Kirsanovs is really loved. Everyone has become accustomed to it, "the servants also became attached," even though he teased them. Dunyasha willingly giggled with Bazarov and looked at him significantly, even a sidelong, even Peter - and he "smirked and brightened", it was worthwhile for the boy to pay attention to him. The boys ran after Eugene, "like a dog."

How does Evgeny Bazarov behave with peasants?

Not pity, but only anger causes the position of the peasants in Bazarov. This hero soberly assesses the people, his strength: he sees superstition, ignorance, discontent and sluggishness. Unlike Pavel Petrovich, who calls the pious, patriarchal, but sniffing cologne, when talking with him, with emotion, Eugene does not keep in touch with the peasants of distance. The Kirsanov brothers, the landlords, are unable to manage the economy, they do not know how to establish business in their estates. Their economy creaked, cracked, "like a nemazane wheel."

Attitude to the peasants of Petr Petrovich

If the more active Nikolai Petrovich is trying to do something at all, Pavel Petrovich avoids any participation in matters, confining himself only to financial assistance. He considers himself at the same time to belong to the stratum of the population, which, in his opinion, represents the main force of society - the aristocracy. This person does not understand that he leads an idle and parasitic way of life, doing absolutely nothing useful and believing that by wearing an English costume and keeping in perfect condition of nails, he retains a sense of dignity. As Bazarov justly remarked, this hero considers himself to be "a sensible person" only because he "reads Galinyashka" and once a month relieves the peasant "from execution."

Speech of heroes as evidence of connection with the Russian people

The speech of the heroes serves as a clear testimony of their connection with the people. So, Pavel Petrovich uses a lot of foreign words, pronouncing them in his own way ("eftim", "princely"), deliberately distorting them. Eugene's speech characterizes accuracy, simplicity, accuracy of expressions, many sayings and proverbs ("there and road", "the song is sung", etc.).

Ambiguity of Bazarov's perception of peasants

Bazarov sincerely wants to help the peasants. He wants to "at least scold them," but "messing around" with the peasants. But Evgeni still does not fully understand the needs of this stratum of the population, as evidenced by the conversation scene of Eugene with the peasant, which occurred in the estate of his father, after which the peasant so spoke about him "so, he chattered something." The author notes that Bazarov, who knew how to speak with peasants, did not even suspect that in the eyes of the latter he was "a sort of buffoonie." The special attitude of Bazarov to the people still does not help him to fully understand the peasants.

Loneliness of Eugene

As we see, Eugene is alone. In the family of the Kirsanovs, they do not understand him, Odintsov's beloved also rejects him, his parents are not interested in the hero, and his cutting off from the people is added to this. Why did this happen, what is the reason for Bazarov's loneliness? This person is one of the representatives of the early raznochintsy-revolutionary type, and it is always difficult for the new generation to work the way, because it does not cover anything, it is necessary to go at random.

The consciousness of the masses has not yet grown to an understanding of the revolutionary idea of nihilists, raznochintsy, and in the finale of the work Eugene himself understands this. He says, dying that Russia does not need it.

Bazarov: attitude towards the people

Quotations from the works cited above prove that Bazarov's relations with the peasants were by no means unambiguous. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, however, sees the main reason for the doomed hero not in the ability to find an approach to the peasant. It is in fact that he does not have any positive program, he only denies, therefore one more important reason for loneliness is the internal conflict that Bazarov is going through. The attitude towards the people of this hero is thus tragic - he sees the needs of the peasants, but he can not change anything. But even in the face of death, Eugene remains as he was: not afraid of being weak, doubting, knowing how to love, exalted, and this is his uniqueness and attraction.

Ability to love

The ability for true love Turgenev always considered the most important criterion for assessing a person. The author shows that here, too, this character is higher than the county aristocrats, including his beloved - the selfish and spiritually cold Odintsov.


Thus, it should be said that the main character, Bazarov, raises the theme of serfdom in the work. The attitude towards the people of this character is as follows: he at least respected and loved the Russian people, wanted a better life for him, but did not believe in the soul in the people's forces and, more importantly, was alien to the people, did not understand him.

Turgenev dedicated his work to the memory of Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky (years of life - 1811-1848), the great Russian raznochintsy. The attitude of Bazarov to the people in the novel "Fathers and Sons" is not the attitude of an individual. The text reflected the breath of the era. The author reproduces the position of our country on the eve of the reform, and also depicts a new person who, in a clash with the doomed old world, proves triumph over the aristocracy of democracy. Bazarov's attitude toward the people is typical of the nihilist raznochintsy that was emerging at the time.

The plot and the problems of the work do not lose their relevance, as evidenced by a number of films based on the novel "Fathers and Sons." Since the beginning of the 20th century, the most famous Russian adaptations number 6, the first of which dates back to 1915 (director - Vyacheslav Viskovsky), and the latter was released recently - in 2008 (directed by Avdotya Smirnova). Bazarov's attitude to the people, quotes from the text and other information can be found in each of them.

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