EducationSecondary education and schools

Why is the environment called environment. How did the name of the third day of the week appear?

Every schoolboy is familiar with the names of the days of the week, but not everyone thinks about how they originated. Of course, some little crusaders insistently ask their parents and throw them with questions like "Why the environment is called a medium". The task of adults is not only to provide children with complete information on this issue. It is advisable to submit it in an interesting and informative manner, the benefit of studying the theme of the days of the week allows you not only to get deeper into linguistics, but also to give interested listeners the basics of astronomy, history and mythology.

The names of the third day of the week in Slavic languages

When forming the words denoting the days of the week, in the Slavic languages the advantage was given to their numerical order. Thus, it is not difficult to understand why a medium is called an environment. This day is the middle of the week. In Ancient Rus, one more notation of the medium, the third one, was distributed.

Similarly, the middle day of the week is also called in other modern Slavic languages: "serada" in Belarusian, "sered" in Ukrainian, středa in Czech, srijeda in Croatian.

Day of the week Wednesday in some foreign languages

In the modern world, children learn foreign languages, starting with kindergarten, and most of them easily remember the days of the week in different languages. It is very important to draw parallels between the names of the days of the week in the native and the studied language. This will help to form a holistic picture of the world in the child, develop from him the ability to generalize information and highlight general patterns in different linguistic phenomena.

For example, in German, the third day of the week was named according to the same principle as in the Russian language. Mittwoch comes from two words: die Mitte, which means "middle", and die Woche - "week". In the Finnish word keskeviikko - the name of the day also symbolizes the middle of the week. Of course, catching this correspondence in the native and studied language, children will more easily remember the training material and will successfully master all the names of the days of the week.

In order to firmly remember the names of the days of the week in English and French, you will need to turn to astronomy, history and mythology.

Wednesday is Wednesday in English. The day of the week and, in particular, its translation is easy to remember if you know that the word came from the name of the supreme ancient German god Odin, also called Wotan. He is credited with the image of a traveler, a sage, a connoisseur of secret runic symbols and tales.

When the word "Wednesday" is learned in English (the day of the week, the third one under the account), it will not be difficult to remember it also in the languages of the Scandinavian group, since they refer to the same god Odin. For example, in Norwegian, Danish and Swedish, "Wednesday" sounds like Onsdag, in Dutch - Woensdag.

What is the day of the week Wednesday, will become clear after acquaintance with its foreign equivalents in modern languages, having a Latin root. It is known that in French the environment is mercredi, in Spanish - miércoles, in Italian - mercoledì. In Latin, Wednesday literally means the day of Mercury (dies Mercurĭi), which in ancient times was one of the most famous Roman gods.

Gods, planets, days of the week ...

So, it was easy to understand why the environment is called the environment in the Slavic and some European languages. But still it is unclear why the name of the third day of the week in many European languages is based on the designation of the planet of the solar system and the name of the god Votan.

The fact is that representatives of ancient civilizations believed that every day is controlled by a certain planet. Each planet corresponded to God, embodied its principle and influenced people's life especially strongly on the corresponding day of the week. Thus, the ancient Roman god Mercury, the ancient Greek god Hermes and the Scandinavian god Votan represent the same cosmic and natural power.

Mythology and Astrology

For the Romans, Mercury is a winged messenger of the gods, who was allowed to wander between the underworld and the gods sitting on Olympus. He served as a mediator and conciliator, brought news, crossed borders dividing people on earth and gods in the sky. The appearance of Mercury symbolized the changes and the beginning of a new life period.

Since Mercury is the smallest and fastest planet in the solar system, its planetary principle presupposes a good reaction, a high speed of thought processes, and excellent communicative abilities. Mercury sponsors training, knowledge, trade, mediation and medical treatment.

Wednesday is the day of Mercury

So, according to the testimony of ancient astrologers, the environment is under the control of Mercury. What is useful to do on this day? On Wednesday, people's ability to understand, meditate and exchange thoughts improves. Therefore, on this day, any communication, the conclusion of treaties and agreements is good, trips, studies and making contacts with new people are easy.

After we managed to find out why the environment is called the environment and what is the meaning of this day of the week, everyone can have the idea of a commonality and a single source of knowledge available in the cultures and linguistic heritage of different peoples. Only by combining disparate facts into a single integrated system can the child fully explain the essence of individual linguistic phenomena and, in addition, expand the horizons of his own perception of the world.

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