Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Why does a cat with a kitten dream: what do the dream books say?

Almost all dream books consider the appearance in a dream of a cat as a foretaste of future problems. What they will be - opinions differ. But most authors believe that the cat in the dream personifies the enemy. Therefore, guessing what a cat and a cat are dreaming about , one must proceed from this. She is her behavior and Color will tell you who the enemy is? And what he intends to do.

Details: what does a cat dream about

Gray - to the waiting ill-wisher, white - to the flattery deceiver, black - to the obvious enemy. A red cat may suggest that a woman acts against you, a multicolored will indicate that the ill-wishers are among the closest friends. The same can be said about the kittens. By their color they determine what kind of enemy you have in your life. Only small kittens are weak detractors who can not cause serious damage. Or negative intentions only ripen in the minds of unkind people. They can still be prevented by correct behavior by driving out bad thoughts from their minds.

Pay attention to the actions of the animal

When deciding what a cat and a kitten dream about, remember the nuances of sleep. If she feeds her children - your enemy creates a command to attack you. He acts slyly and flatteringly, spinning around your name a lot of gossip. Does the cat wash his offspring? The enemy is already ready for decisive action! Hurry up to protect yourself! Playing with them - prepare to reflect direct slanderous statements and attacks. Teaches to catch mice - the actions of the enemy will lead to its collapse. Your ill-wisher will outwit himself and fall into the trap that he prepared for you! But if they attack you together, scratched or bitten, then you have no chance at the moment to defeat your enemies. It is better to wait out an unpleasant moment, preparing the following actions, which will lead you to the desired victory.

General circumstances of sleep

When deciding what a cat and a kitten dream about, pay attention to the features that cut into your memory. If it was sunny, then all fears will quickly dissolve. The trouble will be short-lived and will not leave serious consequences. It was raining - you will cry from the actions of enemies. Bright colors - ill-wishers will give you unforgettable emotions, unfortunately, unpleasant. If everything was at home, then most likely, the enemies will be charged for your family happiness. In the office - you understand - to work! And if the actions of a dream occurred in an unknown place, or you simply did not remember what it was, then the subconscious for some reason can not tell you, with Which side to wait for trouble.

Dead cat

A dead or dead animal is dreaming of something? A cat with a kitten who escaped, disappeared, died - to get rid of negative circumstances. You will be saved from trouble. Maybe you will not notice that someone was sharpening your teeth at you.

A cat with a kitten in a Muslim dream book

This is one of the few dreams about which there are diametrical differences depending on religious views. A cat in the dreams of Muslims is a friend. All of its actions are treated directly opposite to those previously described. Her appearance in a dream - to help. A cat with a kitten - to profit. Where the money comes from depends on the color of the animals. Only black kittens say that enrichment efforts will not lead to anything. Dreams kitten gray - to salary growth, white - to the gift, red - to win.

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