Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

What does the shooting look like: the interpretation of the vision

Sometimes our dreams are like action movies - there is chasing, shooting, and trying to escape. In a dream you can shoot both in you and in other characters. So let's try to figure out what the shooting is about.

Interpretation on the Modern dream book

The solution of a dream depends on different nuances, this dream book says . можете и вы сами, а можете просто слышать отдаленные звуки стрельбы. You can shoot yourself, or you can just hear distant sounds of shooting. In the Modern Dream Book every version of such a night vision has its own interpretation:

  • If you hear single shots in a dream - wait for important news;
  • If you yourself shoot in your dream - get the long-awaited opportunity to ease the soul;
  • Shooting in a dream without stopping - you can be overtaken by life's misfortunes.

Interpretation on the dream book of Miller

Miller's dream interpretation of what the shooting is about is interpreted unfavorably.

  • Watching a shootout of several people in a dream can mean a lot of trouble that will be difficult to overcome.
  • If the sounds of shots come from far away, and the dreamer does not see the shooters at the same time, failures will not catch up with you so soon. But you are warned and should be ready for them. Otherwise, troubles can take you by surprise.
  • If you just see a shooting person in a dream, then this can serve as a sign to you that it is time to achieve your goal. To do this you will need a lot of strength and perseverance.
  • в котором снится девушке, в реальной жизни может привести к проблемам с возлюбленным или с мужем. But a dream, a shootout in which a girl dreams, in real life can lead to problems with the lover or with her husband. And the case may end in a break.

Interpretation on the dream book of Vanga

Wangi's dream interpretation of such visions is more severe.

  • A dream in which several people made a shootout may mean the approaching hungry times.
  • Also, shooting in a dream, according to Vanga's interpretation, portends very difficult times in the family life. And if you are involved in military operations and shoot at the enemy, you will soon be in trouble with yourself and your friends. But if you yourself fell into the fire under fire, wait for a lot of trouble. In this case, your failures will affect your family and friends.

Dreams of Dmitry and Hopes of Winter

, трактуют немного иначе, в отличие от двух предыдущих источников. Dmitriy and Nadezhda Zima , what the shooting is about , is treated a little differently, in contrast to the two previous sources.

  • The uncontrolled chaotic shooting in the night dreams of the dreamer can become a symbol of quarrels and conflicts. After such a dream, you need to be as attentive to your actions and deeds, as a quarrel can lead to a completely insignificant excuse.
  • If in a dream you carefully aimed, before shooting, then this is a good sign. It can become a symbol of the fact that you are ready to realize important intentions.

What does the shooting show in the interpretations of various dream books?

If you look at a few other dream books, there you can find other explanations for shooting in dreams.

  • Take, for example, the Chinese dream book. самому в кого-либо по нему предвещает дальнюю дорогу. Shoot yourself in someone on it foreshadows the long journey. If in a dream they shoot at you - wait for the guests to arrive.
  • The Gypsy Dream Book interprets shooting in a dream as your readiness to realize what you long dreamed of.
  • According to the Family Dream Book, the heard sounds of shots in a dream can become a harbinger of quarrels with your loved one. And the quarrel can happen due to your imprudence. Another Family dream interprets such a dream as your dissatisfaction with the results of your work. около вашего дома, в этом толкователе трактуется так, что ваши друзья разругаются из-за вас по вашей вине. But what does a gunfight from guns about your house look like in this interpreter is interpreted so that your friends quarrel because of you through your fault.
  • According to the Newest Dream Book, shooting in a dream can mean that you will quarrel with neighbors or colleagues.
  • His interpretation of such night visions gives and the American Dream Book. If you are shooting in a dream, then in reality you feel that someone is trying to invade your life.

The meaning of sleep depends on the type of weapon

Explain the dream in which shooting was heard can be much more detailed if you remember what kind of a dream you saw the kind of weapon:

  • If you dreamed a rifle, then in real life you can meet obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • Machine in a dream - you can avoid further deterioration of the state of your affairs;
  • I dreamed a machine gun - you can be dragged into a deliberately failed business.

Having read attentively the interpretations of the various dream dreams, in which the shooting was heard, it can be noted that the same dreams can not be interpreted in the same way. Therefore, if such a night vision caused you to worry, consider several variants of the interpretations, compare the nuances seen in the dream, and, perhaps, your dream will not be so bad. But if the interpretation still promises you failures, in reality try to be more vigilant and attentive. Perhaps this will help you avoid trouble.

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