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Who are the most talented people in the world?

What is history? First of all it's time, place and, of course, people. And far from ordinary and far from simple fate of destiny and created our history, and the most ingenious, the greatest, most talented people in the world! Who are they? List the names and talk about their talents for hours, days, probably even months, so many of them were in the history of mankind. However, today I want to dwell on the ten most, probably, famous, most famous, those whose names most often sound on the lips of contemporaries, regardless of their citizenship, religion and level of education.

So, the most talented people on the planet ...

William Shakespeare is the greatest English poet and playwright of the Renaissance. His many-sided and profound plays have been translated into all major languages of the world and are still included in the repertoires of all world theaters more often than the works of any other authors.

Michelangelo is a genius Italian architect and sculptor, painter and poet, painter and thinker, the greatest figure and creator of the Renaissance. He achieved true perfection in his works, however, dying, he still regretted that he was leaving, only after he had learned to read his profession by syllables.

Are not the most talented people in the world - architects who created such a wonder of the world as the Egyptian pyramids? Their complex mathematical and engineering calculations, on the basis of which the pyramids are erected, are simply shocking, especially considering that construction was not their main occupation. Talented people, as you know, are talented in everything.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is a genius German prose writer and poet, thinker, playwright, natural scientist and great statesman. The most grandiose creation of Goethe, reflecting all the stages of his work, to which he devoted almost all his life, is the tragedy "Faust".

Who else can be classed as "the most talented people in the world"? One can not help remembering the genial commander of all times and peoples - the great Alexander of Macedon, who changed the world in just 11 years. He left the deepest trace in history, he himself did not live up to 33 years.

Knight's title for his scientific works was awarded to the English physicist and mathematician, mechanic, astronomer and great alchemist Isaac Newton. He belongs to the authorship of many physical and mathematical theories, the most famous of which is the theory of relativity.

The third US president - Thomas Jefferson rightfully bears the name of one of the founders of this great state. As an outstanding politician, philosopher and diplomat, he was remembered for the successful purchase of Louisiana from France in 1803 and the associated land expedition of Lewis and Clark.

One of the key positions in the rating of "the most talented people in the world" is occupied by such a titan of the Renaissance as Leonardo da Vinci. No, probably, a man on Earth who did not hear this great name. It is impossible to list all the merits of the Italian artist, architect, sculptor, inventor, anatomist, naturalist, writer, the most brilliant and, perhaps, the most outstanding representative of the art of the High Renaissance.

Harmonious, grandiose and majestic creations of the great ancient Greek sculptor and architect Phidias. It is he who owns the statue of Zeus in Olympia, later called one of the wonders of the world.

Albert Einstein - this name is often mentioned when talking about very intelligent and gifted people. The great theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize winner, is the author of more than three hundred scientific works, as well as a hundred and fifty books on philosophy, history and journalism.

The list can be continued for a long time: Nostradamus, Socrates, Freud, Nietzsche, Lomonosov, Jesus Christ, Homer, Copernicus, Beethoven. All these truly the most talented people in the world have made an invaluable contribution to the history of the development of society, to the multifaceted and richness of the modern world.

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