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Where is the UK located? What sights is it famous for?

Do you know where the Great Britain is located on which river? A person who is aware of the geographical characteristics of the kingdom, this question may seem wrong. And all because there are several rivers on the territory of the state. They are the Thames, Trent, Clyde, Severn, Mercy. The country is in the north-west of Europe, it is stretched on the British Isles. Great Britain includes England, Wales, Scotland and a small part of Ireland. Among other things, it refers to an island called Maine. But that's not all. It also includes the Channel Islands.

Seas and straits

From the western and northern sides of the kingdom surround the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. Every schoolboy knows this. And on the eastern side of the country is washed by the North Sea. In the south are the English Channel and the Pas-de-Calais. Every educated person should know where the UK is located . Attractions of the kingdom attract inveterate travelers, many tourists come here.

The territory of the country, the highest mountain, relief

The territory of Great Britain occupies 243,809 square kilometers. The highest stretch of the kingdom is in Scotland - it's Ben Nevis. It is famous all over the world, because the altitude is as much as 1343 m. Impressive, is not it? In the southeast and in the center of the country, there are elevated plains, as well as wastelands. The western and northern regions are characterized by a mountainous terrain, and it is largely dissected.

The territory of the kingdom is very contrasting. Each region is famous for something original, peculiar only to it. All regions have their own customs, traditions and culture. And how to answer the question about where the UK is located, in English? You can say this: The United Kingdom (or Great Britain) is located on the British Isles.

London Attractions

The capital of the kingdom is a kind of mixture, consisting of all periods of the history of the state and styles, in addition, people of different nationalities live here. In the main city of the country there are a lot of places of interest, including historical places famous all over the world, for example, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Temple, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben bell weighing 16 tons, National Gallery, Sherlock Holmes Museum, Tower, Trafalgar Square, Windsor Castle and others. London by right can be called the musical capital of the world. There are many theaters, including Covent Garden, and the Hard Rock Cafe, which members of The Beatles, Elton John, Elvis Presley, Mick Jagger and a large number of other famous personalities liked to visit. Fans of these great people are certainly aware of where the UK is located. It is inextricably linked with the names of these musicians.

Other cities in United Kingdom

Provincial UK is also striking: tourists are attracted by the city of Lincoln (there is the oldest fortress), a mention of which can be found in various literary sources; The settlement of Bath, which was named so because Roman baths were founded there. Also worthy of attention is Chester, built 2000 years ago, and the most beautiful York with a remarkable Ministerial Church (the largest European church). It's not enough to know where the UK is located, you still need to know about its cities. It is very important. In order to learn English well, it is recommended to visit Stratford, where the Shakespeare's House Museum and the Royal Theater or the university settlements of Oxford and Cambridge are located. These are really beautiful places. Oxford is the oldest English university town, the citadel of education. In addition, it's just a magnificent city, the architecture is unique. Many Russian students want to study here, and, naturally, if you ask them about where the UK is located, they will give the right answer. And some people dream about this country all their life.


The famous Stonehenge (created approximately between 3100 and 1800 BC) is perhaps the most famous monument of antiquity, located in Europe. About the function of this place for more than one century are heated debates: there was a version that this is a Celtic cult structure, it was also assumed that this astronomical observatory, in addition, said that the founders of the ring of oblong stones were representatives of extraterrestrial civilization. In general, there are many theories, but the exact answer to the question, what exactly is Stonehenge is, has not yet been given. Now you know where the UK is located, and also you are aware of some of the sights of this country.

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