HealthDiseases and Conditions

What to do if it itchs pubis?

If the pubis is itchy, then what kind of disease is it? Only an experienced doctor can answer this question. If you do not have the opportunity to go to the hospital with this problem, then the probable causes of its occurrence will be presented in the materials of this article.

Basic information

The pubic is scratched - this problem can arise not only in the representatives of the weak, but also in the strong half of humanity. In general, people tend to experience different sensations every day. Some of them are quite normal, while others cause great discomfort. To get rid of the latter, you should contact an experienced specialist.

What to do if it itchs pubis?

If this problem bothers you too often, then do not pull with the address to the doctor. Representatives of the weaker sex should visit a gynecologist. As for men, they can contact a urologist, a venereologist or a dermatologist.

Of course, after the first consultation, experts will not give an unambiguous answer to the question of why the pubis is itching. Most likely, the doctor will appoint a full medical examination to the patient. Only after that he will be able to recommend effective treatment. By the way the scheme of therapy of such a condition is directly related to what became the reason for its development.

Sometimes the patients itch the pubis after shaving. This sign is banal and does not require serious treatment. However, in some cases, a similar problem is associated with the development of a disease. In this case, the patient is prescribed medications.

So what reasons can contribute to the fact that the person itches and flakes pubis? Consider the most common of them right now.

Pediculosis and its treatment

If the pubis is itchy, then immediately check for pubic lice. Most often, this parasitic disease occurs in women. Although often parasites are found in men.

Experts argue that a prerequisite for the reproduction and distribution of pubic lice is the presence in the groin of dense vegetation.

Pediculosis is a contagious disease that is transmitted during the contact of intimate zones. It should also be noted that pubic parasites pass to another person through someone else's towel, underwear and stuff.

What to do in this case? Of course, you should first contact a doctor. Also from pubic lice can be easily eliminated with the help of complete epilation of the intimate zone.

Allergy (how to get rid of?)

If the pubis is itchy, then, most likely, the person thus manifested an allergy. According to experts, such an unpleasant reaction can cause soap for intimate hygiene, various bathing gels, pads, napkins and even aromatic toilet paper.

Very often itching in the groin with allergies occurs suddenly. Sometimes such reactions are provoked by ordinary tap water. How to get rid of this unpleasant symptom? First of all you need to visit an allergist. After examination and examination the doctor is obliged to prescribe the most suitable antihistamine drug (for example, "Zirtek", "Zodak", "Tavegil" and others).

In addition to the listed medicines, the patient should completely eliminate the cause of the allergy. Only in this case the result of the treatment will not take long.

Non-observance of personal hygiene

Very often the cause of itching in the groin lies in the violation of personal hygiene. To prevent the development of such an unpleasant symptom, men should wash at least once a day. As for the fairer sex, they need to conduct such procedures much more often. This is due to the fact that women constantly excrete cervical mucus. In the event that it is not washed off from an intimate place, it will very soon cause itching and contribute to the appearance of an unpleasant smell.

So what if the pubis itches because of non-observance of personal hygiene? In this case, you should just take a shower more often. In the absence of such an opportunity, experts recommend using sanitary napkins and disposable daily pads.

Improperly selected underwear

When choosing uncomfortable clothes, a man often very much itches his pubic hair. This is due to the fact that the linen strongly rubs the inguinal area, causing irritation and itching. Therefore, the choice of clothing should be taken more seriously. Underwear should breathe well and not have tight elastic bands.

Contraceptive means

The reason for itching on the pubic can be contraception. Typically, this reaction occurs when using lubricants, condoms, oral hormonal drugs, vaginal tablets and suppositories. To get rid of this delicate problem, you need to change the method of protection. For this, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Inflammation and infection

Irritation and itching on the pubic can testify to the development of internal disease. If such symptoms occur after sexual intercourse, then it may be about sexually transmitted diseases. When untimely treatment of such conditions, they can acquire a chronic form.

In addition to itching on the pubic, a woman can observe unusual discharge, as well as an unpleasant odor. What to do in this case? First of all you should visit a venereologist. Most often, patients complaining of pubic itching, identify bacterial diseases that require the use of antimicrobial agents. However, they should be used only after testing for the sensitivity of microorganisms.


If you have a badly itchy pubis, but you can not visit the hospital in the near future, you can use the following tips:

  • Take a cotton swab and soak it in Miramistin or Chlorhexidine. After that, rub it pubic several times a day.
  • Prepare a strong broth of chamomile, using a glass of boiling water and 20 g of dry grass. Soak a cotton pad in it and wipe the place of irritation.
  • To get rid of itching, use a soda solution. Take a full glass of warm water, and then dissolve in it 10 g of white powder. With the resulting solution, rinse the inguinal area several times a day.

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