HealthDiseases and Conditions

What symptoms of asthenia have and how to get rid of it

Tell me, do you feel well? Do not now list all the existing sores, since it is a question of the general state of the body, or rather about energy, emotional sentiment and much more. Sometimes people simply get used to living in a weakened and depressed state, as it eventually seems quite normal. There is no norm here! If you feel constant weakness and fatigue, then, you probably have asthenia, the symptoms of which will be described below.

What is this ailment and what are its symptoms

Asthenia is a painful condition that manifests itself in increased fatigue, loss of ability to work, work mentally and physically. People with asthenia are very difficult to wake up in the morning - this seems to them a real torture, but in a more or less normal state they come only to the middle of the working day. At night, such people feel also little better: in the evening they tend to sleep, which immediately evaporates as soon as they find themselves in bed. Insomnia may well turn into a real torture.

Symptoms of asthenia are those that prevent a person from enjoying what is happening around. Favorite work can instantly get bored, all previous hobbies begin to seem stupid and meaningless, and people seem boring and uninteresting.

A person constantly feels as if they are carrying bags of potatoes on their shoulders all day. This feeling does not leave even those who practically do not get out of bed. The most important thing, of course, is hiding in the fact that this state never passes.

It is also worth noting that the symptoms of asthenia also have the following:

- Irritability;

- decreased immunity;

Resentment and tearfulness;

- intolerance, both cold and heat;

- Lack of sexual desire.

Asthenia: causes

Now you can look and deep into the problem. Symptoms of asthenia are very unpleasant, but what are the causes of this ailment? What are they covered in?

Very often the main reason for its appearance is the most common and banal lack of vitamins and minerals. Also asthenia can appear as a result of any chronic or just long-lasting illnesses that led to the fact that the body was exhausted so much that it can not find the strength to return to its normal state.

Depletion of the body can be both physical and mental. Which one is more dangerous is hard to say.

Asthenia symptoms mostly have such that are associated with the loss of interest in life, and therefore, it could well arise on the basis of some emotional experiences or suffering. This option is quite possible.

Another reason is a sedentary lifestyle. Physical stress is needed in order for the body to function properly, and their absence always leads to the appearance of any unpleasant disease.

Asthenia: treatment

Start consuming vitamins, fruits, vegetables, forget about chips and hamburgers. Wave, go on vacation, do something that frightens you (of course, within reasonable limits). Stop spending the evenings at the TV, go in for sports, dance, or whatever. Very often, the help of a professional psychologist can be invaluable.

The essence of all treatment, as a rule, is that you need to discover something new. This new should delight, delight and a little scare at the same time. The search for an incentive to life can be very difficult, but just think about how you can live, not loving and not expecting life? Reality is not something gray and dull - such is our drawing our tired mind, which can not change unless we put some effort into it.

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