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What is the population of Pyatigorsk? Numerical and national composition

Russia is a large state, whose people deservedly are considered the most valuable resource of the country. For example, the population of Pyatigorsk is about 150 thousand people. This city is located in the Stavropol Territory. Let's talk about the people who live in it.

City `s history

Back in the distant past, this area was inhabited. Archaeologists found here household appliances and various instruments during excavations. It is also known that people in ancient times used local sources of hot water. Preserved baths, which were cut down specifically for the purpose of healing procedures.

In the times of the Golden Horde, namely in 1334, you can find the first mention of Bis-dag, which means "five mountains". Always a big advantage of this area was the protection from the enemies, which provided the landscape. In 1561, a marriage was concluded between Maria Temryukovna, who was the heir to the Kabardian ruler of Temryuk, and Ivan the Terrible, which made the area more important in the future, and strengthened political ties between the local population and Moscow.

Also, references to local sources appeared in books in 1627. Under Peter I they were actively studied by scientists. The moment when the final rights to this area passed to the Russian Empire, you can call 1774. A peace treaty was concluded with Turkey.


Today Pyatigorsk is a well known resort town in which people of different nationalities live. As of 2014, the population of Pyatigorsk was 145.95 thousand people, and its density - 1.5 thousand people. Per sq. M. M.

This is largely due to the fact that in 2011, here moved 4,5 thousand people who left other areas that are part of the Stavropol Territory, more remote areas, as well as from abroad.

The trend so far is that the population of Pyatigorsk is growing. In 2015, a rating was compiled on the number of settlements in Russia. Pyatigorsk took 69th position.

Demographic situation

Considering the scale of the entire Stavropol region, we can say that in 2014, 36.68 thousand people were born, while 32.825 thousand people died. More families complete than those where the child is brought up by one parent. 267 children adopted and adopted in 2014.

However, it is worth noting that there are still a lot of divorces. For example, the ratio of marital and divorce processes for 2015 was 100 to 58. We can conclude, based on the statistics collected by the employment center: Pyatigorsk in total shows the growth of demographic indicators.

For example, in 2010 the density was 2.033 thousand people / sq. Km, and in 2014 - 2064.23 thousand people / sq. Km. Km. In terms of natural growth in 2014, this city was ranked 64th in the rating. In addition, in the same year there were born 2,290 people, thanks to which this territory took 104 th place in the Russian Federation. 2166 people died. (100 position of the rating). That is, it can be said that fertility rates exceed mortality, which is undoubtedly a positive sign.

The population of Pyatigorsk is steadily growing. Migrated from here in 2014, according to official figures, 175 people, although in fact the situation is restless, and we can talk about a serious outflow of the Russian population. Here moved 5,832 thousand people, of them 3,078 thousand female and 2,754 thousand - male. In terms of inflow of people, 87th place was received.

National composition

In 2010, the last census was conducted, according to which the population of Pyatigorsk can be characterized as follows: the most Russians here (101,857), that is 71.47%.

The second largest group consists of representatives of Armenian nationality, which number is 18.72 thousand people. (13.31%). The following are listed in the list by the number of Azerbaijanis, of which 4.35 thousand (3.05%). Quite a few Ukrainians - 2.55 thousand people, or 1.79%. Kabardians were 1.65 thousand (1.16%).

Also there is a large number of other peoples, whose total number is 13.14 thousand (9.22%). In the total complexity, the population of Pyatigorsk was 142,511 thousand people according to the situation for 2010. It can be seen that the Slav population makes up the bulk of the population in the city. The figures do not give much cause for concern, but some details elude the statistical services. In reality, everything is somewhat less rosy.

Outflow of the Russian population

It is worth noting that the population of Pyatigorsk is less and less composed of people of Russian nationality. The city authorities are trying to refute these rumors. Nevertheless, there are reasons to believe that the situation has become quite alarming due to the fact that more and more Caucasians come to the city. The Slavic population often prefers to move closer to the center of the country. Data coming from the authorities are rather scattered. In Pyatigorsk, people from neighboring areas are pulled together because there is a very large market where you can engage in wholesale and retail trade.

We can talk about a high level of illegal migration, although official data indicate that the population of the city of Pyatigorsk is multiplied mainly by Russians.

Disturbing factors

It may seem that indigenous people are confused by a strong influx of migrants traveling to the city for work, but there are a number of other important reasons. Over the past few years, this territory has been increasingly inhabited by visitors who came to work. Therefore, the only way to somehow arrange their lives became an appeal to the employment center of the population (Pyatigorsk), whose vacancies do not always meet the expectations of applicants. Religious administration for Muslims was justified, which made terrorist attacks more likely.

And the explosion really took place in Pyatigorsk. In Maryinskaya Stanitsa, explosives were laid, murders were committed. People just started worrying about their own lives. The Stavropol region began to compare with Kosovo. At that time, the authorities tried to reassure the public, assuring people that nothing terrible was really happening. Journalists, as a rule, bribed, so that they did not stir up unnecessary excitement and wrote something that is beneficial to the city's administration.

Discrimination of the Slavs

Chechen entrepreneurs at that time actively bought real estate. So even in the case when the Russians stay in the city, their life can not be called cloudless, comfortable and calm.

One more oppressive tendency can be mentioned that although in Pyatigorsk the Slavs live in a greater degree, 50% of the posts in the apparatus of the administration of law enforcement structures are occupied by visitors from the Caucasus. This, of course, affects the result of their work.

Social support for the population of Pyatigorsk is becoming an increasingly acute issue. Russians are openly discriminated against. If conflicts erupt between them and the Caucasian guests, the authorities, as a rule, help to ensure that the case is resolved in favor of the latter.

Lack of social guarantees

There is also a problem of employment for the indigenous population. The employment center of the population (Pyatigorsk) weakly helps in finding a normal job. A person does not feel protected, does not see a way to self-actualize.

This can already be called a sufficient reason to leave the region. It is much easier to sell a house and leave when migrants come and occupy all more or less attractive posts.

Also, Central Russia is more attractive for student youth. There are more opportunities and prospects. The contract is cheaper, there is no constant fear and anxiety, radical Islamists with their claims. In Dagestan there are military actions, which makes this neighborhood even more dangerous.

For the Caucasian population, this territory is considered more peaceful. Here, on the contrary, they have a chance to achieve something, to succeed in life. Everything is known in comparison, so with reference to a restless battlefield, you can call Pyatigorsk a paradise. Migrate from here, not only Russians, but also representatives of Armenian nationality, who have lived here for a long time. As a rule, they move to the territory of the Krasnodar Territory.

Necessity of changes

The situation has not yet reached a critical point, but, perhaps, it is foolish to sit and wait until it happens with folded hands. The sharpness of the situation was added to the murders in the region of Predgorny, as well as in the Maryinskaya stanitsa.

It is difficult to talk about the ability of law enforcement agencies to ensure order in the city. Until decisive measures are taken to eliminate stress factors, the indigenous population may continue to leave the city, fearing for its own destiny, although according to the latest census, the percentage of Russians fell slightly.

There is an opinion that the infringement of the rights of the Slavic population has become just another topic for speculation. In any case, regardless of what kind of population in Pyatigorsk in terms of ethnic composition, people should never lose their human face and move on to open aggression.

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