Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

What is the dream that awaits us? What are the cemeteries dreaming about?

Once upon a time people invented to bury the dead in the ground. It was then that the first cemeteries appeared. What is a cemetery? This is a certain area of the territory, intended for burial of the deceased people or their ashes after cremation. This is the minimum information that each of us owns. However, in all this there is another side of the medal - mystical. Many of us see these same cemeteries in their dreams. What does it mean when a cemetery is dreaming? Why is this happening? We learn from our article.

What does the cemetery look like? Gustav Miller's Dream Book

  1. To dream in a dream cemetery and to be at the same time absolutely calm - to a long and happy life.
  2. If it is old and abandoned in a dream, then awful separation is awaiting you. You will be abandoned by the beloved.
  3. To walk around the cemetery in the winter time - to leave the parental home.
  4. If you dream, as you cry at someone's grave - get ready for desperate situations. In the future, you should wait with taking responsible decisions.

What does the cemetery look like ? Dream interpretation of the woman Vanga

  1. For lovers, this dream will not bring anything good. There will be separation, betrayal on the side, and the prospect of playing the wedding will collapse, like a house of cards.
  2. The cemetery, which is constantly dreaming of old people, heralds their imminent death.
  3. If you carry white flowers in the cemetery, then you will have a happy family.
  4. A winter walk through this gloomy place will not bring you anything good. You will live in poverty and poverty. You will have to make every effort to stay afloat.
  5. The terrible dream is the following: the bride dreams, as her wedding passes in a cemetery is promises the fast death of the husband as a result of accident.

What does the cemetery look like? The Dream of Juno

  1. In a dream, go to the cemetery? In real life, you risk being left all alone.
  2. Old and abandoned cemeteries - to the death of the elderly. This is a literal dream.
  3. If you are crawling through a cemetery in a dream, drowning in liquid mud, or for some reason you are being pursued by walking dead people, think about your life: you are getting deeper into routine, so further life will be very difficult.
  4. Cemeteries, on which you see rich and well-groomed graves with beautiful steles and tombstones, indicate the recovery of your loved one. By the way, this is often what many people dream about.
  5. In a dream, the cemetery is clouded? Do you see how it got covered with a smoke screen? In real life, you do not try to give your loved ones the proper attention. Think about it, your help and support is vital.

What does the cemetery look like? Dream Interpreter

  1. Old cemeteries dream of parting with your loved ones. Sleep is considered positive, since it has nothing to do with bitter losses. Most likely, you just leave the city or country.
  2. Live and bright flowers, which you have the opportunity to observe in your sleep on stelae and tombstones, speak of the longevity of your loved ones and friends.
  3. If the cemetery atmosphere suits you, and the cemetery itself is calm and beautiful, then you are quite happy with the current of your life. The maximum that can excite your consciousness, so it's a thin and light sadness about the days gone by, about flying years ...

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