
What is ovulation in women and on what day of the cycle does it occur?

Now it is difficult to find in our world a person who does not know what ovulation in women is. This does not mean that the modern generation has become more enlightened and liberated. In fact, such things can and should be known to every person, not to mention the girls themselves. In order to explain what ovulation in women is and how it manifests itself, we suggest reading our article, where this issue will be discussed in detail. Thanks to this information you can understand the nature of the girl and, maybe, even improve relationships with your second half on "special" days.

Ovulation is a process that occurs in the female body, in which a mature egg leaves the ovaries into the fallopian tube and can be fertilized with the help of a male sperm cell. And ripe always there is only one of many millions, that's why it is so important for a girl who dreams of becoming pregnant. In the normal cycle, it ripens around the 14th day and immediately "goes" to the fallopian tube. In other words, the day of ovulation is 24 hours, during which the egg can be fertilized with the help of a sperm, and it is this day that is considered the most optimal and successful for conception of the child. However, do not think that after this day all the chances of a woman getting pregnant are zero. The egg can be fertilized before and after ovulation, if viable sperm are in the fallopian tubes (by the way, the duration of their life is 7 days).

Those of us who know what ovulation in women are, note that during this period the girl begins to look much better, her mood rises and memory improves. All this makes the body in order to find and attract a potential partner who is able to fertilize an egg. However, the manifestation of all of the above is highly individual, because girls tolerate ovulation differently. Some, for example, feel a strong sexual arousal in this period, which is almost impossible to satisfy completely. Others, on the contrary, try not to have sex on such days, because the desire is almost completely absent.

Calculate on what day of the cycle ovulation occurs, it is possible only if the menstrual cycle is complete and stable, which is achieved only by 20-24 years. Until this point, it is constantly changing, and it is practically impossible to determine anything. To help those who want to calculate the day when ovulation occurs, there are special tests that are very similar to the usual ones (for pregnancy). Some buy them in order to eliminate the risk of unwanted pregnancy, others - to determine the most successful time for conceiving a child. The test is conducted in the middle of the menstrual cycle, preferably twice a day, and helps to know when the period will come. Well aware of what ovulation in women, you can determine the day of its onset and yourself. To do this, it is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum in the middle of the cycle. The day before the onset of ovulation, it falls sharply.

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