HealthDiseases and Conditions

What is Morgagni-Morel-Stuart syndrome?

Morganyi-Stewart-Morel syndrome, the photo of which can be seen in this article, is rare enough - only one hundred and forty people get sick for one million people. In addition, in practice, specialists face mainly "splinters" of the disease, because the disease itself develops imperceptibly for many years, and the symptoms manifest themselves at different rates. Patients have to be examined not by one doctor, before the syndrome manifests itself completely and an accurate diagnosis is determined.

Critical state of the disease reaches, when already formed pathological irreversible changes in the body. After this, it is almost impossible to help the patient.


Morgagni-Stewart-Morel syndrome was carefully described in 1762, when an Italian pathologist Morgani uncovered the body of a forty-year-old woman and discovered a thickening of the inner frontal plate of the bone. At the same time he noted obesity and excessive hairiness. Morgani considered the signs interconnected and described in detail his observations. Later, Morel and Stewart drew attention to the combination of symptoms and were able to add to the clinical picture various neurological and psychic manifestations.

What is a malaise?

Morgan-Morel-Stewart syndrome is a disease in which hyperostosis of the inner frontal bone plate, obesity and a number of other endocrine and metabolic disorders are detected. The ailment in the overwhelming majority occurs in women, mostly after forty years, but sometimes manifests itself to thirty. Among the representatives of the male, the syndrome practically does not occur, with rare exception.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Morgan-Morel-Stewart disease is a syndrome whose pathogenesis and etiology are not unified. Some authors believe that the pathology is genetically determined and is transmitted by a dominant-autosomal type. There are opinions that the syndrome is closely related to the X-chromosome. There were cases when the disease suffered in four generations, mostly women.

There are also isolated cases of the syndrome in men. But they are sporadic in nature, and science still does not know how the disease is transmitted through the male line. It was believed that the syndrome is more common in women during menopause. But the data accumulated over time put this statement into question.

The disease can occur due to infections (mainly sinusitis), neuroinfections and craniocerebral trauma. The Morgagni-Stewart-Morel syndrome was found in women castrated who underwent a surgical operation. Individual signs of the syndrome can form after the treatment of cancer.

There were cases when the disease was detected in patients with:

  • Uterine myomone;
  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Persistent galactorrhea;
  • Genital infantilism.

Morgan-Morel-Stewart syndrome: pathology

The disease not only thickens the inner frontal bone plate, but sometimes there is a hyperostosis in the occiput and the front-occipital region. There are many microscopic changes in the endocrine glands. The number of eosinophilic and basophilic cells increases. Adenomatous sprouting begins (thyroid gland, adrenal cortex, etc.).


When a person has Morgani-Morel-Stewart syndrome, there are a number of symptoms that characterize him:

  • Patients begin to experience regular headaches.
  • Obesity, mainly in the abdominal region.
  • The skin retains its normal color, but it often contains pyoderma and wet eczema.
  • In most cases, severe hypertrichosis is observed.
  • On the skin there is pastness, the lower extremities begin to swell, acrocyanosis appears.
  • Muscles weaken.
  • There are changes in the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs (the borders of the heart are widening, dullness of the tones and heart failure are noted).
  • Propensity to collapse, catarrh of upper respiratory tract and bronchopneumonia.
  • Changes in the endocrine glands do not have any characteristic features. Exchange can be normal, high or low.
  • Tolerance to carbohydrates is reduced. Diabetes is often distinctly manifested.

  • Menstrual cycle is broken. During pregnancy during this period, the patient's condition worsens.
  • Nervous and mental disorders are observed. They are manifested in the form of emotional lability, irritability, insomnia and a tendency to depression.
  • The inner frontal plate has a hyperostosis, often the bones of the skull thicken. In some cases, even the size of the Turkish saddle increases.

Course of the disease

Morgan-Morel-Stewart syndrome can act on the body in different ways. It often depends on the degree of obesity. Strongly expressed has a great effect on life expectancy:

  • The activity of the heart is difficult;
  • Because of the accumulation of fat, myocardium and pericardium occur;
  • High diaphragm position;
  • Blood circulation is disrupted, and in combination with atherosclerosis and hypertension, heart failure develops, which is the cause of disability;
  • If a patient with a syndrome has diabetes and diabetes, then a metabolic disorder starts , which leads not only to a decrease in working capacity, but also shortens the life span.


Is it possible to eliminate Morgan-Stewart-Morel syndrome? Treatment of the disease is mainly in the observance of a diet similar to that prescribed for diabetes and obesity. Food should be low-calorie, rich in protein, vitamins and mineral salts. The diet reduces the amount of carbohydrates and fats. Basically, the diet Baranova.

In addition, massage is performed during treatment and physical exercises are prescribed, which reduce muscle weakness and improve peripheral circulation. If the patient has heart failure, then the treatment of the syndrome is carried out by diuretics, cardiopreparations, etc.

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