Spiritual developmentMeditation

What is meditation, its types

Nowadays, relaxation practice - meditation is widely known. During her mind reaches a state of rest, silence comes inside, and the body as a whole sinks into deep relaxation.

What is meditation? This is a spiritual practice that came from the eastern countries. It can be used instead of chemical medications to get rid of depression, stress and spleen. Meditation helps restore physical, emotional and spiritual health. It well relieves nervous tension, anxiety, relieves insomnia, is used in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction.

What is meditation? This medicine is for the cardiovascular system. This process normalizes the rhythm of the heartbeats, also helps to lower the pressure.

If you have a difficult situation in your life, then you need to relax. Meditation will help you look at problems from the outside. You will understand the reasons for the development of the situation, you can find a way out of it. What is meditation? This is one of the degrees of spiritual development. Regular meditation promotes self-realization of a person, helps to strengthen psychological resistance to conflicts and stresses. Such people most of the time experience the joy of existence.

There are different types of meditation. Let's consider some of them:

1. Meditation of concentration. Practice among Buddhists, called vipassana. All attention during meditation is aimed at the space around the person. The process begins with calming the breath. Then the practitioner's attention is shifted to external sounds. A person during meditation calms his mind and contemplates the surrounding space. During practice, you do not need to do the analysis, you just have to watch.

2. Meditation of breathing. As already clear from the title, a person watches his own breaths and exhalations. To practice, you must sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and focus on breathing. Inhalation takes place through the nose, the air thus fills the lower part of the lungs, the diaphragm descends. Exhalation should be calm, without tension.

3. Meditations while walking. When moving, the practitioner draws attention to the contact of the foot with the ground, the sensations in the legs, hands, etc. His mind wanders all over his body.

4. Devastating meditations. This practice requires complete elimination from thoughts, sensations, external stimuli. Man literally becomes an empty vessel.

5. Transcendental meditations. They presuppose the chanting of mantras. These are special phrases - prayers in Sanskrit. Instead, you can also use positive statements, they are called affirmations. If you have the opportunity to communicate with an experienced master, he will pick up the most suitable mantra or phrase for you.

    So, there are different ways of meditation. Each of them is interesting and effective in its own way. Relaxing practices are divided into two types: concentrating and non-concentrating.

    There are three principles of performing meditation:

    1. Concentration on one object. This helps not to be distracted by what is happening around.

    2. When you feel that you are fixing on extraneous thoughts, then turn your attention again to the object.

    3. When performing meditation, ignore any entertainment, sensations, extraneous images, etc.

      What is meditation? In most cases, this is a departure from reality. Constant practices lead to the fact that a person has his own world. Due to this, the practitioner feels happy and calm, despite the emergence of situations that could previously lead out of themselves.

      Now is the time when most people experience constant stress. Therefore, it is advisable for every person to practice meditation every day.

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