Spiritual developmentMeditation

Samadhi is ... The state of enlightenment, meditation practices

Many people decide to do yoga at all for the sake of spiritual insight. Their goal is to master the technique in order to gain opportunities to rise above the others: to read thoughts, walk on water, move through the air ... It is impossible to receive this gift, according to the testimony of enlightened yogis, without immersion in the state of Samadhi.

There are several varieties of Samadhi, among which, as the sages say, lies an unknown abyss. Here are some types of meditations used to achieve this spiritual state.

Savikalpa Samadhi

Savikalpa Samadhi is a state that, when entered into, a person, like being in another world, loses the sense of time and space for a while. This environment can be conditionally called the world of under-fulfilled desires: almost everything has already been fulfilled, and something awaits execution. Millions of beings inhabiting space expect the realization of millions of their desires. A person feels himself to be an instrument that, if he is involved, means - it is still necessary, if not, it means that everything is already done and there is nothing more to wish for.

The state of Savikalpa Samadhi is multilevel. In the same way as in the school class there are simultaneously more capable disciples and less able, and in Savikalpa Samadhi: one who has already reached the higher stages (the state of enlightenment) is at the top, and less able, not yet mastered the lesson, are at the bottom.

The concepts, rules and plans existing in the Savikalpa Samadhi, in no way can affect the meditator. A person engaged in meditation remains undisturbed, while his inner essence does not stand still, it is confidently and dynamically developing.

Nirvikalpa Samadhi

Nirvikalpa Samadhi is a state in which there are no concepts, no plans, no thoughts, no ideas. A person who is in Nirvikalpa Samadhi may seem inadequate or insane. There is no mind, only awareness of infinite bliss and peace, and comprehending and comprehending, enjoying an all-consuming esoteric emotion, merge into one. One and the same subject, being in Nirvikalpa Samadhi, is transformed simultaneously into an object of voluptuousness, into a being that receives pleasure, and into pleasure itself.

People who managed to get out of this state say that they felt themselves to be an endless heart. So huge that both the world of people and the whole Universe seemed to be a barely discernible point inside this heart, the dimensions of which are enormous.

Bliss is that state, comprehended and realized which is not given to every person. In Nirvikalpa Samadhi, assert esoterics, the meditator not only feels bliss, but he himself becomes bliss.

What else does Samadhi find himself in Nirvikalpa? A huge and incomparable force, a scanty part of which can be taken with oneself, into earthly life.

Nirvikalpa Samadhi is the highest form of Samadhi and is available only to the strongest spiritual guides. A stay in Nirvikalpa Samadhi can last several days, and maybe a few hours, after which a person must return to his world.

Many of those who did not devote much time to such practices, but who managed to return from Nirvikalpa Samadhi, at first could neither speak nor think, they forgot their name and age. The ability to return from Nirvikalpa Samadhi is the result of a long practice. Virtually everyone who finds himself in Nirvikalpa Samadhi caught himself thinking that he does not want to go back to the imperfect physical world.

It is very important, - warn the enlightened teachers, - to have time to return, because the soul, remaining in Nirvikalpa Samadhi for more than eighteen days, will never be able to connect with the physical body. True, there are cases when highly developed spiritual Teachers who have reached nirvakalpa Samadhi, did not return from this state, because, having reached the highest state of Samadhi, they considered it unacceptable to return to worldly affairs. A person whose spirit is enlightened can not interact with the inhabitants of this world, but he is not allowed to decide where he should be and if the Almighty deems it necessary to bring him back, his soul will descend to the earthly level.

Sahaja Samadhi

Sahaja Samadhi is the highest stage of Samadhi, reaching which a person can continue to fulfill his usual terrestrial duties, but his consciousness is at the highest point of development. In fact, a person has transformed into a soul, perceiving his earthly body as an ideal tool that can be used to accomplish earthly tasks - the same as those that ordinary ordinary people solve daily.

The heart of a man who has reached Sahaja Samadhi is overshadowed by divine understanding. He can, whenever he wants, visit the higher world, and then return to Earth and be born again. Having attained the state of Sahaja Samadhi is inseparable from the Supreme, he proves every second that God is present everywhere.

Samadhi Experience

A person residing in Samadhi has no more name and surname, personal and professional achievements, past and future. There is only the subconscious. The state of Samadhi is the main goal of a being immersed in meditative practices.

Talking about this mystical phenomenon without feeling it, it's like talking about love, not knowing anything about this feeling. A person who does not have Samadhi experience can not define this state, and one who has experienced such an experience is unlikely to want to talk about it ... Samadhi is on the other side of words, language barriers and definitions.

Samadhi is the goal of Yoga

To attain Samadhi is the task of Yoga at all levels. Being the main component of this teaching, Samadhi is by no means the last stage of development. Just from its quality, people who practice yoga believe, much depends ...

What should happen to a person in Samadhi?

A person constantly does something, says ... while believing that all his thoughts and actions are conscious. The goal of Samadhi is to destroy the limitations blocking the subconscious, to make sure that the phenomena and events that occurred in the present and past lives do not influence the way of thinking. Most people do not think about the need to control the images that are spontaneously "born" in the subconscious, prompting them to act or talk. Thoughts are just a reflection of desires, fears, resentments, anger and other manifestations, without getting rid of which, a person can not end the war between consciousness and the subconscious, and can not complete his spiritual development.

Sasmitah Samadhi

Man, staying in Samadhi, constantly practicing and becoming more and more comprehensive and comprehensive, ceases to pay attention to the elements of rough and subtle plans: "there is only an ego, freed from impurities." Sasmit's state of Samadhi is called esoterics "meditation with the touch of his" I ". A person who has attained to Sasmith Samadhi is freed from the gross bodily shell and becomes "immersed in nature."

Tantra Yoga and the Wheel of Samsara

Tantrism is perhaps the most ancient esoteric teaching of those that ever existed on Earth. In the West, the word "Tantra" is most often associated with forbidden methods of obtaining sexual gratification and ruthless mystical rites.

In the countries of the East, tantrism is considered an integral part of the cult of the feminine principle (Shakti), and Tantra-Yoga is the universal ancient doctrine of world harmony or the harmonious union of male and female principles.

In Buddhists, the tantric teaching is practiced in the hidden temples from the prying eyes, under the strict guidance of experienced mentors and a grin that appeared in the western reader after acquaintance with these lines is just a testimony of profound ignorance. No Western esotericist can practice Tantra Yoga for a simple reason: tantric rituals are conducted secretly and are transmitted strictly within the families of the initiates - from generation to generation.

It is not entirely correct for Westerners to understand the basic tenets of the ancient teachings that Gautam Buddha presented to the people ("Noble Eightfold Path"). In the list of ways by which a person can stop the movement of Samsara's wheel or chain of reincarnations, there is a mention that it is necessary to live in nature - in a natural habitat.

There is no talk of a sharp change in the way of life, because nature can surround a person who lives both in the city and in the countryside, for example, as "living fences" and man-made ponds. Not everyone can reach Nirvana, but everyone can create their Paradise on Earth.

Compared to Samadhi, Nirvana is the Mergence with the consciousness of God, the assimilation of the Holy Spirit and the oblivion of everything related to property, including one's own "I" (yogis, by the term "Nirvana", refer to ashes, the elimination of all individual).

For the transition from the state of Samadhi (Bliss) to Nirvana (Mergence), one must possess a powerful individuality. It is difficult to develop an individual consciousness to the necessary limit, but it is possible: through trainings that provide not only the acquisition of meditative experience, but also the availability of appropriate ethical training.

The transition from one state to another consists of the following stages:

  • Total destruction of the "inflated", lower (individual) "I";
  • The replacement of individual consciousness with a collective one;
  • Transformation of the collective "I" into a universal "We".

Music for meditation. Do we need it?

According to popular belief, absolute silence is the ideal background for meditation. However, the inhabitants of the modern world find it difficult to achieve complete relaxation and focus on meditative practice without a background sound.

Today everyone can decide for himself whether he needs music for meditation. A whole theory based on special sound and rhythmic combinations is built to select a suitable melody.

It is impossible to grasp the vast

It is impossible to list in one article all the conditions that can be accessed by a person staying in Samadhi. However, there are things that need to be known to the uninitiated who made the decision to reach Samadhi.

When a person, meditating, reaches the highest step, the power of his meditation will destroy his seed, erase his memories, take away the ability to think and stop all acting karmic laws ... When starting any isoteric practice, everyone should ask himself if he is ready to pay this price .

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