Self improvementPsychology

What is hidden in the theory of Freud?

So, the theory of Freud ... In the modern world, probably, it is rare to meet people who have never heard of the world-famous scientist and Viennese psychiatrist professor, Sigmund Freud. His psychological teaching about the unconscious at one time produced a real revolution in science, and to this day continues to be the subject of disputes, arguments and reflections of thousands of people.

It should be noted that by education this great man was a doctor who had once studied with an outstanding neuropathologist of the second half of the last century before Charcot. And it was the latter that influenced Freud's fascination with hysteria and pushed him to write the first scientific work devoted to the cure of a hysterical disease. Freud's psychoanalytic theory began to be traced already in this treatise. The professor believed that the cause of all mental illnesses is hidden behind the displacement of certain representations in the bowels of the unconscious, and one can cure a person only if he helps him to realize what is happening and get rid of his ideas.

The theory of Freud's motivation

According to Freud, in most cases people are not aware of some of the real psychological forces that are capable of shaping their behavior. Any person, growing up, suppresses a huge number of drives, which in turn do not disappear anywhere, but at the same time they can not be fully controlled.

They can manifest themselves in various kinds of reservations, neurotic behavior, in dreams, in obsessive states and, finally, in psychoses. With the manifestation of the latter, the human "ego" is no longer able to balance the powerful impulses of its own "id" (as Freud's theory calls instincts) and the oppression of the "super-ego" (social norms of morality, conscience). Ie people cease to realize the reasons for their own motivation.

Let us give an example. Suppose a certain middle-aged Marina wants to buy a high-quality and expensive camera. Let's try to answer the question: "Why is she doing this?" At first glance, everything seems quite logical - either this way she tries to realize her hobby, or a similar decision - the need for a career. But this is really only at first glance. The theory of Freud, in turn, explains this behavior quite differently. Perhaps Marina is trying in this way to impress the people around her, to defeat them with her giftedness and extraordinary creative abilities. But if you delve deeper into the problem even further, it may turn out that by buying expensive equipment, this person wants to feel again independent and young. Why so? - Everything is simple: getting acquainted with the new camera, the woman will react not only to the technical characteristics of the equipment, but also to external, seemingly insignificant moments. For example, the size of the new device, its weight, the quality of the material from which the camera is made, the color and the case. All this will cause in the Marina a certain type of emotion. If the camera gives the impression of durability and reliability, a woman may need to be more independent, and she will either try this or try to avoid it.

This point, by the way, is important for a modern businessman, a manufacturer of a certain type of goods. It is necessary to predict in advance the degree of influence of its goods on the consumer, because This will help or hinder the purchase of goods by buyers.

In general, Freud's theory is very universal. It can be applied competently in different spheres of our life. Let us take at least the entire trade. Researchers have made a number of interesting observations as to what the buyer is guided by when buying a particular product. Sometimes these conclusions can, without exaggeration, simply shock.

In my article I will give just a few examples.

  1. Prunes in stores are not sold well because by its appearance it is able to resemble decrepit old people. People try to avoid old age unconsciously.
  2. Women, more often men, prefer vegetable oils, for example. At the subconscious level, they feel guilty before the killed animals.
  3. Very often, some representatives of the weaker sex are too serious about baking, say, cupcakes. Do you know why? "Strange as it may seem, this process can be associated with childbirth, and an easy solution to this problem again awakens a sense of guilt.

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