Health, Diseases and Conditions
What is hidden in a tachycardia? Symptoms, treatment options
The ailments of the cardiovascular system, perhaps, are among the three most common diseases of the present century, along with diabetes and oncological diseases. No wonder the XX century, some called "the age of cardiovascular disease."
Tachycardia is not the last in the list of heart diseases. The literal translation of this term is a "fast heart". It is this disease that will be discussed in this article.
What is meant by tachycardia?
Under tachycardia it is customary to understand the increase in heart rate. The heart rate of a healthy person varies from 60 to 80 cuts per minute. If the contractions are 90-100 times, then this is already a tachycardia, the symptoms of which will be described below.
What are the types of tachycardia?
In medicine, it is customary to distinguish two types of tachycardia:
- Physiological. Such a tachycardia of the heart implies no changes in the cardiovascular system, and therefore observed during physical exertion, emotional stress, deep inspiration, oxygen deficiency, acceptance of certain groups of drugs;
- Pathological. At such kind at the person out-cardiac diseases or other lesions of cardiovascular system are observed.
There are also several variants of tachycardia:
- Sinus, when the source of pulses is located in sinus nodes;
- Ventricular, when the source of impulses is located directly in the ventricles;
- Atrial fibrillation, when the source of impulses is in the atria;
- Paroxysmal atrial. Suddenly, the arising and stopping of heartbeat from 160 to 200 beats per minute;
- Paroxysmal nodal A - V. Suddenly occurs and also abruptly terminates due to abnormalities in the atrioventricular (AV) node.
What causes tachycardia?
Typically, doctors identify three main causes of tachycardia :
- Pathology of the endocrine or autonomic nervous system;
- Cause and arrhythmia of the heart;
- Hemodynamic response.
What are the symptoms of tachycardia?
Very sensitive should listen to your health. With a disease like tachycardia, the symptoms can be different. The following are considered basic:
- Increased heart rate;
- Pain in the chest;
- Darkness in the eyes and dizziness;
- Frequent urge to urinate;
- dyspnea;
- Loss of consciousness;
- Sudden fear of death.
If the tachycardia caught at home
What to do if at home I found a tachycardia, the symptoms of which bring considerable discomfort? First, you need to lie down, breathe freely and be sure to rest. Often this is enough to restore the heart rate. Secondly, drink 35-40 drops of corvalol or valocordin. Thirdly, ask those who are nearby to do a back and neck massage along the spine. Fourth, close your eyes and slowly press your index fingers on the eyeballs, repeating this procedure several times. Finally, be sure to call an ambulance, because only a doctor is able to restore the rhythm of the heart.
Treatment of tachycardia
If there is a tachycardia, the symptoms of which periodically make themselves felt - home treatment can sometimes be dangerous. The treatment of tachycardia, first of all, is aimed at its elimination and improvement of the patient's condition. Traditional is drug therapy, of course, if the patient just needs to normalize blood pressure and heartbeat. Patients with severe tachycardia often have to resort to radiofrequency ablation surgery . This operation not only relieves arrhythmia, but also is financially beneficial. Patients who have ventricular tachycardia are more difficult. Doctors in such a situation assess the risk of death. If the risk is high, the question is raised about the implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator (a device that prevents heart failure).
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