Self improvementPsychology

What is a crisis? Crises of age. Causes of the crisis

A crisis in psychology is usually considered to be a period of time when a person undergoes certain changes. Such stages are necessary for normal development, so they should not be feared. Throughout life, people often think about what a crisis is, how it can manifest itself and how to fight it.

Children's Crucial Stages

Here, the time limits are relatively arbitrary, but experts argue that the child's psyche is particularly vulnerable at the age of one, three, six, seven and eleven. These periods can be considered turning points in development. They can manifest themselves in the instability of the psyche, inconsistency and conflict behavior. Parents need to understand what a crisis is, and behave patiently towards the child.

Do not be afraid that mutual understanding will disappear forever. It is better to help children overcome difficult times for them and a new unknown milestone.

The crisis of the first year of life

The main thing that the kid learned during this time is walking. Now he perceives the world in a completely different way and feels his increased possibilities. The child wants to learn as much as possible new, everything causes him sincere interest, so he climbs into all boxes and hidden corners of the apartment. Such a desire for independence often manifests itself in total rejection of adult help and whims, when the goal is not achieved.

Difficulties arising in the third year of life

This age should be perceived as a new stage in the development of a small personality. As a rule, difficulties are manifested much brighter than the crisis in the first year of life. The child already has basic skills and copes with many tasks independently. He understands that he does not depend so much on an adult, so he persistently defends his rights.

The causes of the crisis are quite understandable, but still the child's behavior often frightens the parents: from obedient karapuz he turns into a whiny capricious. The obstinacy and contradictoriness is manifested in everything from food to a walk.

Crisis of 6 years

At this age, preschoolers may behave inadequately and completely ignore the words of parents, who in response only tighten requirements. To establish a good relationship, adults must admit: their child is confident that he has become "great." It is not necessary to react to all his attacks from above, better to quietly accustom to independence and encourage his first attempts to take responsibility.

The child must feel and feel that every act entails certain consequences.

Problems of the "middle of childhood"

Sometimes parents begin to understand what a crisis is, only after their beloved child reaches the age of ten. Psychologists say that at this age the first signs of a transitional period can manifest themselves. The teenager changes not only internally, but also externally, and sometimes he is frightened by what is happening. He begins to think and feel differently.

In order not to lose mutual understanding, it is necessary to explain to the child what is happening to him, and not to pressure him with his authority.

Middle age crisis

This period happens in the life of both men and women. Many people know how to throw and experience, which occur in 30-40 years.

The reasons for the crisis may be different, but more often than not, they boil down to the following:

  • "I have not achieved anything."
  • "I have a bad job."
  • "I have no family, no children."
  • "I am not happy".

This is only a small part of what causes a real storm in the human soul when it reaches 30-40 years.

How do women experience the crisis?

When a woman's dreams do not come true by the age of 30, she begins to think about the meaning of life. A woman may find that she does not understand what to do next and where to move. During this period it is necessary to stop the usual everyday running and think about what you want to improve and correct. When the average age comes , the crisis, the essence of which lies in the thirst for change, can lead to quite serious consequences.

The crisis in men

Around 30-35 years, a man begins a state when he is annoyed: his own reflection in the mirror, the behavior of children, relatives, colleagues and even his wife. It is covered by a thirst for change, which can not be resisted. Even exemplary husbands can forget about the family and start all the hard.

A man experiences an acute desire to become what he has never been. He can buy fashionable clothes, flirt with young beauties and burn time and money in places of entertainment. Especially such changes frighten his wife, because she is always near.

All age crises are characterized by the fact that a person does not understand what is happening to him. A man can not explain his actions and actions. In this state, he begins to rush from one extreme to the other, trying to prove to himself and others that he is worth something.

The crisis of the middle of life in men can cause no less destructive consequences than the global crisis. They go into long drinking-bouts, ruin families, fall into protracted depressions and quit their jobs.

What to do?

However hard this period may be, it is necessary to remember that it is inevitable and will someday pass. You need to be patient and stop burying your head in the sand. If you cope with your own emotions and experiences, you can enter a new life stage and grow up.

The wife must give her husband a personal space and not put pressure on him. In this period it is better to take responsibility for your own happiness on yourself, so as not to depend on a partner. A man who is going through a crisis needs to say that he loves and needs a family. Do not expect reciprocal feelings, it is enough just to show sensitivity, tenderness and affection.

In no case can you look for salvation in alcohol, tobacco or drugs. They will not help solve the problem, but will only aggravate it.

Incentives and Goals

It is necessary to reconcile with the fact that very few people manage to escape the age crisis. The news that life presents to a person evokes emotions and emotions in him, they are not familiar to him, and he does not know what to do about it. To overcome the crisis, you need to find new incentives and motivations for yourself. For someone, the work becomes an outlet, and a person with new strength rises up the career ladder.

Thinking about what a crisis is, it is necessary to understand that it is an indicator of a person's unpreparedness for the changes taking place. Sometimes such a period becomes a convenient cover to justify their actions and explain their own selfishness. People who think that the crisis removes their sense of guilt and responsibility from them tend to do a lot of stupid things, the consequences of which are no less destructive than the global crisis.

A person needs to realize that 30-40 years is not the end of life, but, perhaps, only its beginning.

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