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What if your cat asks for a cat

Why do we start pets? Of course, not to create problems for yourself. A lot is written and said that pets are our friends, almost family members. All right, but there are certain nuances of the content of these lovely creatures, which should be known. For example, if a cat asks for a cat, then some owners during these periods simply do not know what to do. The impression is that there is no passage from the animal and there is simply no question of any normal rest.

What can you say? Animals tend to multiply, because they are created by nature. In a natural environment, feline, in particular wild European cats give birth to kittens annually. Life of domestic cats, of course, has radical differences from the life of their wild relatives. Accordingly, their cycle of reproduction proceeds otherwise. It's no secret that a domestic cat can not go out into the street in his entire life. Wild animals deduce offspring at the most optimal time for cultivation, and the domestic cat asks the cat (shows sexual activity) without attachment to the season.

At the cat puberty occurs approximately at the age of eight months. In this case, the cat is always ready for mating. The cat asks the cat for the first time in six to eight months, and sometimes even earlier. The most pronounced activity in this respect is manifested at the beginning of the year - from February to April, and the recession goes to October, November. If during this period there is no fertilization, then after a certain time "requests" are repeated.

Depending on the conditions in which the pet is kept, the cat again asks the cat in a few weeks or months. Do not notice the change in the behavior of a pet at this time is simply impossible. The animal can refuse to eat and even from delicacies. Urination in this period is more frequent, the sexual organs can be slightly enlarged, colorless discharge is seen.

And of course, cat owners will be subjected to a kind of "psychological attack". On the part of the cat, it can be constant cries, as well as aggression or vice versa excessive, intrusive affection. When a cat asks a cat, a prolonged meow can not stop even at night. It wriggles, rubs against your feet, the floor.

Naturally, this behavior can be annoying, but it's just a thirst for realization, inherent in the nature of programs, instincts. And yet if a cat asks a cat, then something needs to be done, is not it? Let's consider the possible solutions to the "cat's issue".

  • You can answer your pet's request by finding a suitable party for her. Find her a good groom. This option is suitable in case you are ready to increase the number of living beings in your house.
  • To solve the problem, you can use certain preparations on a plant basis. The sexual cycle is not interrupted, but due to a decrease in the excitability of the animal's nervous system, it is not so clearly expressed. Accordingly, the cat behaves much calmer.
  • There are hormonal drugs that interrupt the sexual cycle. They are released in droplets. This method is effective, but not too safe. The fact is that the uncontrolled use of such drugs can affect the health of the kitty.
  • You can resort to more radical measures, completely interrupting the sexual cycle. It's about sterilizing a cat. This removes the uterus and ovaries of the animal.

Strangely enough, but there are cases when a sterilized cat asks a cat. How can this be? Experts argue that such cases are not an exception and in the cat, ovarian regeneration can occur even from one cell left. If this happens, then it is possible that a second operation is needed. It should be conducted a kitty survey and make an appropriate decision.

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