Self improvementPsychology

What common features unite all happy people?

Everyone wants to be happy.

That's why the science of happiness attracts more attention in the last few years: researchers began to publish reports about their observations in this area, and positive psychology, whose goal has always been to bring more colors to people's lives, is gaining popularity.

At the moment we really know what features of behavior are inherent in happy people. But also researchers say that this determines only 40% of happiness, and the remaining 60% depend on genetics and external factors. Nevertheless, we can control our happiness by 40%! Let's find out how.

1. Remember that the relationship is necessary

A large study, including the observation of more than a hundred people for 70 years, showed that the happiest (and healthy) among them were those who maintained strong relationships with people they trusted. Now it's fashionable to pretend that all this does not matter, and cine sociopaths and misanthropes are our new heroes. But even they are alone at the end of the film. And we are not in the cinema, it's life, and it's much better to live it, being happy.

2. Know in the fight Time VS. Money wins Time

Also, observations have shown that happier people prefer to have more time than more money. It turned out that even trying to strive for this kind of life made people happier. All the money you still do not earn, but life you have one.

3. Nevertheless, earn enough to pay your bills

The level of people's well-being grows along with the level of their income. But this number for everyone is different and depends on how much you spend. There is for some people a paradise and a hut. Nevertheless, when money is not enough even for minimum expenses, happiness will also be a problem.

4. Stop sometimes to just smell the roses

More satisfied with their lives are those people who find the time to enjoy its moments. Do not forget to stop sometimes, just to smell the flowers, to look at the boundless sky, to be glad that you live.

5. Be kind and unselfish, it increases the mood

Do volunteer work, go to a subbotnik or help a colleague complete a difficult task. It is proved that it makes happier not only those who have been helped, but also those who helped. All the time thinking about the benefits - it's so tiring.

6. Go in for sports

Increased level of physical activity increases the level of happiness. It is also known that exercises help to alleviate the symptoms of mental illness, are recommended to combat depression and neuroses. Choose for yourself your "sport" - dancing, running, gym or steyching - and enjoy moments when you do not think about anything, but just feel your body and do it better.

7. Spend money on entertainment, not things

If there is a choice between an unnecessary bauble or an amusing experience, choose the latter. Save your senses, not the old trash that used to be fashionable clothes or a gadget. Also, buy something that can give you experience, such as books. This also increases happiness.

8. Live this

In no case is the past, and not the future. Meditate to learn to feel the moment. Scientists have long found out that this really helps.

9. Spend time with your friends

Interaction with casual acquaintances can please and bring to life something new, but only meetings with old friends will bring real, genuine, happiness to you and them. And if your friends are also very optimistic by themselves - this is a positive charge for the whole day!

As we see, these are not features that are difficult to educate in oneself, these are simple actions that make us feel better. Try, what is it worth to you? Try it, and be happy!

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