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What can you cook from squid? A few topical recipes

What can you cook from squid? Yes, in fact everything, starting with the first dishes, and ending with stuffed or stewed carcass of this marine creature. The main thing is to properly prepare it, because an unsuccessful dish does not want to eat!

Dishes from squid (recipes)

For example, carcasses can be fried. Preheat a little oil in the wok, add onions cut into half rings and chopped chives. Wait for the golden color of the first ingredient and put the chopped squid (rings) on the pan . Add the spices, as well as a spoon of the paste (tomato). Stew for a couple of minutes and you can serve the product to rice or boiled potatoes.

What can you cook from squid?

Quite an unusual dish - it's cutlets from sea inhabitants. Half a kilogram of carcasses should be washed and passed through a fine-grained meat grinder. Soak a few slices of white bread in cream, peel the onion and a couple of garlic cloves, boil the egg. All ingredients, including pre-existing minced meat, are again passed through the grinding device. Add spices, as well as (if desired) - your favorite herbs (rosemary is appropriate). Next, you need to mix a bit of crumbled breadcrumbs and a couple of spoons of sesame, roll in them the cutlets formed by wet hands, and then send them to a hot pan. When cutlets are fried, they can be sauted with any sauce. Serve with boiled croutons or pasta.

Stuffing carcasses For experienced housewives, the real find is squid dishes. Recipes with photos can be found everywhere. We offer to prepare stuffed sea inhabitants. So, take the necessary number of carcasses, carefully wash them and clean them, salt them with salt and let them lie down for a couple of minutes. In the meantime, chop cabbage, carrots and onions. Wash and cut the mushrooms. Fry the products with the addition of tomato paste. Then stuff squids and chop the edges so that the filling does not fall out. Spread on a greased baking sheet, add a little mayonnaise on each carcass, and then leave to bake for 15 minutes. Do not forget to add a little water to the sheet (otherwise the dish will be very dry).

What can you cook from squids for the first? A wonderful hot dish for dinner is soup puree. It is very useful for the stomach because of its consistency, and is also no less important for the body as a whole (due to the richness of the various vitamins and trace elements found in the ingredients). Wash a small fork of cauliflower, disassemble it on inflorescences. Peel the carrots and onions, cut the four parts into both components. Put everything in a saucepan and pour it over with water so that it only covers the vegetables. Boil the ingredients for 35-40 minutes, pour the broth into another container. Vegetables pass through a meat grinder or chop the blender. Add half a cup of cream and add the broth of vegetables (to the desired density of the dish). Squid must be washed and cut (if desired, they can be pre-fried), and then put in soup. They need to boil only a few minutes. Decorate the first dish can be greens and rings of well-fried onions.


In addition to these recipes, you can still make carcases in batter or grill, and you can fry rings in deep frying. In any case, the answer to the question about what can be cooked from squid is found.

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