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Economists on the note: what to bake from kefir, lying in the fridge?

The benefits of kefir are known to everyone. This sour milk product is rich in calcium, useful for digestion, helps to reduce body weight and improve the overall health of the body. In addition, kefir is an excellent ingredient for preparing a fairly large number of dishes, from cold soups to baking. Recipes of all kinds of pancakes, cupcakes and pies, as a rule, mean that the product has begun to deteriorate or its shelf life is coming to an end.

Thinking about what to bake from yogurt, many people remember pancakes and fritters first of all. There are a lot of recipes, secrets and subtleties of cooking these delicacies, but there are not so many win-win options. For example, to prepare delicate, lush and tasty pancakes, take: a little salt, 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, soda (extinguished with vinegar), a glass of fatty yogurt and a glass of flour.

To the pancakes came out delicate, tasty and lush, you should not add eggs to them, and the process of preparation must necessarily match the recipe. Kefir for dough should not be cold, so it should be removed in a timely manner from the refrigerator. There, add salt, soda and sugar, and then gradually pour the sifted flour, thoroughly mixing everything. Experienced housewives know that bake from kefir pancakes can be literally 15-20 minutes, but they will be much tastier if you give the test at least half an hour. Fry them from two sides in a frying pan with vegetable oil, spreading the dough with a spoon of the desired size. Ready-made pancakes can be served with chocolate cream, condensed milk or jam. They also go well with honey or sour cream.

The recipe for pancakes in this or in a slightly different form is in the arsenal of any cook, but little is known about how to bake thin kefir from kefir. They are very tasty, delicate, with the effect of a custard. 2 cups of kefir will require the same amount of water, a little sugar, salt and soda, about 3 glasses of flour, 3 eggs, vegetable oil. All ingredients except for water and flour should be mixed with a blender. Then add the sifted flour and mix a fairly stiff dough. Water should be boiled and then gradually added, thoroughly mixing. Ready-made dough is given a little to stand (at least half an hour). Fry the pancakes in a frying pan, turning over with a wooden spatula. They can be served with butter, honey or sour cream, or additionally prepare delicious fillings. About these pancakes should be remembered in the first place, thinking about what to bake from kefir. Their recipe is very simple, a set of products - too. And in the end you get a tasty and satisfying dish, which can be both lunch and dessert.

If the soul wants something sweet, cooked in the oven, you can bake a cake on kefir. You need to take a packet of margarine, 3 eggs, a glass of sugar, soda, slaked with vinegar, 12 tablespoons of flour and 2 cups of kefir. Margarine is heated in a microwave oven, the eggs are mixed with sugar, margarine, kefir, soda and flour are added there, mixing medium dough. Then, if desired, you can add cocoa, raisins, nuts or candied fruit. Ready dough can be put in a large form or in a few small ones. Bake the muffins in an oven of medium temperature, checking the readiness of the toothpick (the time will depend on the size of the mold).

There are many other recipes based on kefir. Most of them are very simple and fast. Therefore, before pouring its remains into the sewer, it is worth considering that baking from yogurt the same pancakes for breakfast is not so difficult.

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