Arts & EntertainmentFilms

"Click: with the remote control over life." Actors, roles and philosophical and psychological sense of light comedy

Adam Sandler - the actor is very uneven in terms of the quality of the films, in which he allows himself to be removed. There are masterpieces, but there are also failures. Today we will talk and analyze in detail the picture "Click: With the remote control over life". Actors in it are collected good, in particular, Adam Sandler and Kate Beckinsale.

"The American Dream" is our all

So, probably, thought Michael Newman at the beginning of the film. Michael (Adam Sandler) is an architect. He, like any respectable American, wants to make a successful career in the firm in which he serves. He is sad at once several seemingly mutually exclusive things. For example, on the one hand, he does not like to actually bow under the bosses, take a lot of work, but he understands that these are the rules of the game. On the other hand, in order to fulfill all the tasks set before him, Michael needs to distract himself from everyday life, as he thinks at first, phenomena: conversations with his wife (Kate Beckinsale), playing with children, walking with a dog, having lunch with parents. The actors of the movie "Click: With the remote control of life" play perfectly the main conflict of the film, which flares up between the wife of Michael, who embodies the family values in the picture, and the hero himself. He is here on the side of evil, i.e. Money and the "American dream." It became his slave, it would seem, irrevocably.

When fate holds out ... the console

Michael also has a very specific problem. He can not find the remote that is needed at the moment. For example, when going to work, he tries to turn on the TV, and instead opens the garage. Someone will think - a trifle, but when everyday turmoil occurs every day, over time, they roll into one big problem cluster called "unmanageable life."

Michael can not allocate his time in such a way as to have enough strength for the family, for work, and possibly for himself. It's no wonder that the hero of the movie "Click: With the remote control over life" (the actors who played in the ensemble with Sandler, too, are quite good) dreams of a device that could respond to his almost existential silent cry for help.

And after another quarrel with his beautiful wife, Michael "accidentally" gets into the store "For your life", where the seller Morty (Christopher Walken) kindly gives him what he wants - a universal console from everything. Michael does not yet know how powerful this unit is, that he not only controls the TV or the garage door, but also is able to bring order to the life of the protagonist. The trouble is that each "order" understands in its own way. Actors and the roles of the movie "Click: With the remote control of life" are chosen well. None of the performers is not a fake. Everybody plays perfectly.

The tragic film in the comedy pack

In the interests of the intrigue of the film, we interrupt here his story. In the future, we will focus on its strengths.

"Click: With the remote control over life" (the actors played it remarkably) - a tragic motion picture. First it begins so simple comedy. In action, even occasionally takes part famous comedian Rob Schneider. Then the viewer sees the existential drama. Simply put, under the influence of the console from life, Michael willingly or unwillingly cleans all the important and living, leaving only work. It is clear that the director of the film "Click: With the remote control of life" (the actors played under his sensitive guidance), Frank Korachi, hardly set himself the task of seriously reflecting on the fate of the world and the fate of the "American dream" in it. Nevertheless, he had a completely relief image of the western version of Pushkin's old woman at the broken trough.

People are most important

This film is not at once. He wants to be reviewed. Because he is a film about the "automatic mode" in which we all live. While we are children, we do not know anything about "success", nor about firms, nor about the fact that we need to build a career. And even, frightfully to say, a person at this remarkable age does not know anything about corporate ethics and other things.

The child is very ill-informed about the world, both external and internal. It's simple. But a small person is tightly connected with life. He feels the most important inside. For example, the fact that you need to love your mother, father, brother or sister, if they are. You can not offend another person in vain. The most important thing for a child is people, because he does not know anything about money. Perhaps, this is what the entire film crew of the film "Click: With the Remote in Life" wanted to say to the viewer.

"The worst thing in this world is paying the bills" (S. King)

When a man grows up, sexual passion awakens in him, and with it the need to satisfy her. Sexuality acts as a guide to the adult world: when we are looking for a companion of life, we need money. Whatever one may say, some models of social behavior prescribe that the process of courtship is paid for by a man. A variant is possible, in which a young couple divides the costs equally, but it is not so common. At that time, the person has the idea: to be successful, "more gold is needed to build the Ziggurat."

The family is the source of spontaneity and joy of being

Paradox, but when a girl becomes a wife, a man can already seem to relax and begin to build with his beloved another model of relations. In her, a woman is no longer an element that hungers, but a full partner. In the family you can forget about the modern social race and relax with your soul and body, play with your children. In short, as V. Butusov sang: "Be, be, just be." It would seem that this is not so difficult. But, unfortunately, a person can no longer exit the "automatic regime" - to divide the family and work, to close private life from it. Thus, the professional realization conquers and dominates the whole being of man. He is no longer able to escape.

"Be like children"

The film "Click: With the remote control of life" insists that a person does not change his life for money and public recognition. Because, firstly, they are not much worth, and secondly, in return, in fact, the most precious is given - time. In addition, a person loses something, just like a movie hero, something important.

Of course, the story is trivial and simple, but it can serve as a reminder every time how important it is not to go into automatic mode.

It remains to us at last to touch on the topic of only one, namely: "The film" Click: With the remote control over life ", actors and reviews." The film is good, and this is appreciated by the Russian viewer, which puts her 9.5 out of 10. In America, she received only not too prestigious awards and was nominated for an Oscar in the category "Best Make-Up", but did not win.

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