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Weight at pregnancy - for each woman the norm or rate

Weight during pregnancy is one of the main diagnostic indicators that helps to determine serious violations in the life of the woman's body. A sharp set or drop of kilograms is always a cause for concern, so every time you visit a gynecologist, a pregnant woman must undergo a weighing procedure, and her weight records are recorded in the exchange card.

How to weigh

In addition to mandatory weighing when visiting a doctor, it is also advisable to conduct your own weight measurements, which can be done at home. It is quite enough to be weighed once a week, always on an empty stomach. It is also desirable to go to the toilet in advance, you need to weigh in the same clothes, without shoes. If the clothes are different, then it should have about the same weight as the clothes at the previous weighing.

First Changes

As a rule, weight during pregnancy begins to change from the very first weeks of the embryo's existence. The first two months to notice any changes are difficult, because they are not too significant. In general, the first trimester is marked by weight loss, which can be associated with toxicosis, in which the future mother has a piece in her throat that does not climb, which leads to a loss of kilograms. In this case, weight loss during pregnancy is quite normal, the concern should be shown only if it caused an exacerbation of any chronic ailments or seriously affected the state of health of a woman. In the first three months, weight gain may be about 1-2 kilograms.

Total weight gain

The increase in body weight will gradually occur throughout the subsequent pregnancy, only before the birth, the pregnant woman can throw off a couple of kilograms. On average, a week should be added to 250-300 g, if more - this can indicate swelling and be a sign of late toxicosis (gestosis).

Rules for counting kilograms

It is believed that weight during pregnancy should increase by about 10-13 kg, but this figure depends on many of the individual characteristics of a particular woman. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the age of the future mother. With age, the propensity to fullness increases, so women after 30 years should more carefully monitor their diet and weight. In addition, an important indicator is the initial weight before pregnancy. If the pregnant woman used to be a frail physique, and she lacked several kilograms according to weight guidelines, then pregnancy compensates for the missing weight in full. Nevertheless, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the constitution and metabolism.

Women who suffer from severe early toxicosis usually lose a few pounds, but in the process of pregnancy they will return, so if weight loss during pregnancy was not too large, then this is not a cause for concern. The weight of the mother directly depends on the size of the baby, because if the child is large, then the weight gain will be greater than with a small baby.

An occasion for alarm

Particular attention should be paid to pregnant women who notice an increased appetite, because uncontrolled eating of all kinds of food is bound to be noticed sooner or later in the form of fat deposits. It is harmful not only for the mother, but also for her future child, so you need to fully control your menu. Also, weight during pregnancy is especially important with existing metabolic disorders, diabetes, propensity to edema or hydramnios. Deflection of weight indicators requires close attention of the doctor, so if the pregnant woman has noticed sudden changes, then she is obliged to see a doctor, even if the time of the next turnout has not yet come.

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