
Wedding hairstyles for an average length in the style of Boho

In order not to drown in the ocean of all kinds of options, first determine the style in which your wedding will take place, and only then choose wedding hairstyles. On average hair length is ideal for styling in the style of Boho. This bohemian image, which combines the simplicity of lines and the pretentiousness of details, links elegance and natural naturalness - one of the most fashionable trends at the moment. Pay attention to our recommendations and photos to introduce yourself and your wedding in this style.

Bohemian wedding hairstyles

The average length of hair has great advantages. We list some of them.

  • Wedding hairstyles for medium length are light and airy.
  • The curls do not cover the details of the wedding dress, and in fact they play the "main violin" in the wedding celebration in the style of Boho.
  • Take a closer look at the brides. Wedding hairstyles of medium length (the photos are very expressive) are very diverse, but at the core of each lies a special technology of curl curl. Hair freely and easily curled, laid a little carelessly. Do not forget that for these ringlets it is necessary to wind only two thirds of the length of the hair. The very tips, as a rule, are not exposed to a curling iron. Curls are obtained as if the girl simply spilled a scythe.
  • All elements of hairstyles - weaving, knots, braids, etc., do not strike the eye, but create the effect of "stacking in a hurry."
  • Very stylish looks paint some models. The effect of burnt ends or clarified highlights, color gradation and tone transition are all important elements of the bohemian trend for wedding hairstyles.
  • At medium length stylists offer styling, in which the curls are given volume due to an almost imperceptible fleece and a special increase in the size of the curl. How it's done? After the curls are ready, the master holds the end of the strand and with slight movements from below upwards, as it were, lifts the hair, imitating the process of combing the curls. As a result, the hair gets slightly confused and airy. Sunshine beams penetrate through such a hairdress, making the image of the bride especially delicate and fragile.
  • Ornaments are a highlight of the bohemian style. Live flowers, woven into wreaths or attached in the form of small boutiques, make wedding hairstyles unique. At medium length, stylists recommend using hoops and soft bandages made of lace fabric or braid. Having shown her imagination, the bride herself will make wedding accessories for herself and her fiancé.
  • But the most important advantage is that each bride can do this herself. Perhaps not every hairdresser will be able to understand what exactly you want, and his skill will just interfere with the creation of a careless hairstyle - he's used to gloss and strict lines. I'd rather your girlfriend help you.
  • Make-up is also very simple and natural. It is dominated by warm clean colors: peach, brown and others.

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