
Visceral therapy. What is it?

At present, people talk a lot about the so-called healers. They practice special methods with which you can cure diseases of internal organs without resorting to surgical intervention. However, only experts know what exactly lies behind this veil of secrecy. Let's try to understand how the mysterious healers work.

What is visceral therapy? The human organs of the abdominal cavity are very accessible directly through the abdominal wall itself. These are the liver, stomach, intestines, spleen, bladder, pancreas, nerve plexuses, blood vessels and pelvic organs. So, it's their condition specialists can investigate when palpating. However, in addition, they can be influenced by a special technique based on the synthesis of manual techniques, medicine practices of eastern countries, osteopathy. During the procedure called "visceral therapy", the doctor acts on the vessels, organs, nerve centers and fibers directly.

Probably, every person knows that the ancient healers were sure that the treatment needed not only some human organ, but the patient as a whole. If you follow similar covenants, as modern experts do, then there is a need to approach comprehensively to get rid of a certain human disease. It is the complex approach in the method called visceral therapy that leads to the fact that after several sessions patients already feel a noticeable improvement in their health and their health. In this case, this method eliminates not the symptoms of diseases, but their causes.

And so, visceral therapy is in a way a massage. However, this massage of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity is made by an experienced specialist. Remember, you can only deal with professionals. Probably, it is not necessary to talk about the problems that such a procedure, performed by an insufficiently qualified person, can bring.

In addition, it should be noted that at present in our country there is a large number of doctors who actively promote and practice this method. For example, Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov. Visceral therapy, more precisely the method of a similar procedure of this doctor, is used throughout the world. This man published a large number of books, for example, "Ogulov. The alphabet of visceral therapy. " In addition, every year he holds relevant seminars, which details his method of affecting the abdominal organs. It is worth noting that Alexander Timofeevich is one of the best specialists in this field.

It is impossible not to say that at the moment almost every city has a center, where a person can experience such a technique. Most patients report improvement after the first session. In addition, an individual approach is used for each person in such institutions. In general, visceral therapy is directed, first of all, to the elimination of various kinds of stagnant phenomena. With the help of her specialist will help you cure diseases such as cholecystitis, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcer, gastritis, hemorrhoids, colitis, gallstones, constipation, pyelonephritis of various types, cystitis and urolithiasis. Such procedures help people who have omission of internal organs, impotence, prostatitis and diseases of the reproductive system, polycystosis, cryptorchidism in children, migraine, arthrosis and sciatica, severe bruises, and stretching. Visceral therapy is used in cases of obesity. However, it is worth remembering that any method has contraindications. Therefore, before you consult with the doctor who supervises you, you still need to.

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