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Ventricular extrasystole: it is normal

Normally, the heart rate is set by a special sinoatrial node, which can be found in the right atrium. It releases a charge of electricity, which causes the atrium to contract. He through a complex system of special cells spreads through the myocardium. The frequency of contractions is normally well regulated by special nerves and humoral (catecholamines, for example, adrenaline). So the heart adapts to the needs of the organism of its host, that is, during stress, excitation or physical activity, the frequency of contractions becomes much greater.

Extrasystoles are "wedging" additional strokes into the normal rhythm of the heart, they are extraordinary and create additional difficulties for the heart. They arise when an electric charge is transferred from a region outside the sinoatrial node.

Nadzheludochkovaya extrasystole occurs in two cases. Or if any area of the atrium depolarizes before the time, or if this extraordinary impulse sends an atrioventricular node. In 60% of healthy people, single extrasystoles are observed "by genus" from the atrium. However, they are typical for some conditions, such as a heart attack, and for mitral valve anomalies . They can provoke an uncontrolled contraction - fibrillation, and therefore can not ignore ektrasistoly. Alcohol along with caffeine will exacerbate the problem.

Ventricular extrasystole occurs in people of any age. This is not uncommon at all. If you record ECG 24 hours, then 63% of absolutely cardiologically healthy single ventricular extrasystoles are detected. However, in large numbers, they occur in people with an abnormal heart structure. Often this happens after a heart attack.

In children, ventricular extrasystole occurs about as often as the atrial, usually enough regular low intensity exercise to stop manifesting. Only in the case of an abnormal atrial structure, it can cause atrial fibrillation.

As for the heart, which has the right structure, it must be said, ventricular ectopic is not dangerous. However, if they start to appear more often during exercise, this is a bad symptom.

If anomalies of the structure are revealed, it is necessary to visit the cardiologist. Otherwise, the situation can become life-threatening.

Risk factors for extrasystole include hypertension, mature age, ventricular hypertrophy, heart attack, cardiomyopathy, calcium, magnesium and potassium deficiency, amphetamines, tricyclic antidepressants and digoxin, alcohol abuse, stress, caffeine intake and infection.

Usually patients complain of a strong heartbeat. Ventricular extrasystole is manifested with extraordinary contractions after a normal stroke and is accompanied by a feeling of "stopping" of the heart. This strange sensation, unusual for a person, therefore it is noted as a symptom. Some people are very worried about this.

Usually, the state worsens at rest, and under the load itself passes. However, if they become stronger during exercise, then this is not a good symptom.

Symptoms are also fainting, weakness and chronic cough, which can not be explained by other causes.

Those with suspected anomalies of the heart structure are assigned echocardiography and ultrasound. The composition of the blood and the amount of thyroid hormones are checked, as well as the adequacy of electrolytes (calcium, magnesium, potassium) in the blood. Samples are often conducted in the form of forced physical activity: the frequency of the extrasystoles is checked at a load and at rest.

In most cases, extrasystoles are not a cause for concern, but if you suspect them, go to a trusted doctor. Constant anxiety kills more people than extrasystoles.

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