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Useful tips on how to collect Rubik's Cube 3x3

Today, this toy is treated differently: with sporting interest, with admiration, as to amusing entertainment. But the cube appeared as a visual aid for studying higher mathematics. Hungarian professor Erno Rubik invented it for his students.

At the beginning of the 21st century everyone was interested in the question: "How to collect Rubik's Cube 3x3?". Numerous techniques and instructions were invented, the game boom covered the whole world. The most important thing in this case is to know what the cube is made from and remember all its elements and ways of rotation. Many still do not know how to collect a Rubik's Cube 3x3, but this is not difficult. There are three main elements in it: center, edge and angle. It is necessary to remember the elementary notations: upper (B), lower (H), front (front-F) and back (Z) sides, right (P), left (L). A face is a layer consisting of nine elements, they can rotate simultaneously. An important clue on the topic "How to assemble the Rubik's Cube 3x3" is the location of the center. If the blue is facing you, the yellow is facing up, and the red one is on the right, then at any change of position, all the centers will remain in place. To understand how to collect a Rubik's Cube 3x3, you need to carefully study all possible combinations and try to memorize them. Rotate the face always 90 degrees, while if the combination contains an apostrophe, it means turning counter-clockwise or in the opposite direction. Turns have their names - letters denoting faces (for example, P 'means that you should turn it to the right against the clockwise arrow).

But how to assemble Rubik's Cube 3x3, interests both adults and children. This is a very fascinating intellectual activity, bringing joy or annoyance (with repeated unsuccessful attempts). Therefore, there are even training videos and instructions.

So, first you need to collect the figure of the cross on the top face in yellow color upward. The edge with a yellow-blue color is rotated so that it remains below. Then it should be under the blue center. After we scroll 2 times the blue edge, our will become in place, and similarly collect the remaining three ribs of yellow color. After these corners are placed in their places (the entire face must be the same). Below we place a yellow-blue-red corner and make a combination of P 'N' P N. The next step is to place the edges of the middle layer in places (our upper bound must be with the white center). At the top, we find an edge not of white color and turn upwards so that our color coincides with one of the centers (the combination should be the next). After that, we need to collect a white cross and put the ribs on the top, in their places. To do this, find the white color at the top of the cube and rotate it so that the two edges of the four are the same color with the side centers and, accordingly, are at an angle. Having understood, it is necessary to place the upper corners in the correct position and unfold them with a suitable color. Take a cube at the right angle (that it was the side to you and on the right), the rest should be arranged in their places by a combination: В П В 'Л' В П 'В' Л. Further it can turn out that some of the corners are unfolded correctly, in such Case, choose "wrong" and take it so that it is turned towards you and to the right. Here it will be appropriate to make the following combination: P 'N' P N.

Do not be discouraged if you do not get it right away, just some combinations need to be repeated several times. Now you know how to collect a Rubik's Cube 3x3. Good luck!

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