HealthAlternative Medicine

Urbej: benefit and harm. Useful properties and contraindications

Each country is famous for its national gastronomic masterpieces and is shrouded in individual colors. The Republic of Dagestan is the richest corner of the south of Russia, the birthplace of numerous ethnic communities with similar religious, linguistic and cultural features. The kitchen of the Caucasian region conquers from the first tasting, it is original, aromatic and natural.

Dagestan dishes are very nutritious, enriched with useful elements. These products include vegetable paste - urbech. Benefits and harm to this day are of interest to scientists. About it and will be discussed in the publication.

Some details

How much do you know about this product? Was it lucky at least one day to taste the natural Caucasian sweetness? Indeed, very few people have heard of Urbech, the benefits and harms of which have been tested for not a single century. We hasten to please you - the delicacy is realized in large supermarkets, online stores and slightly resembles the chocolate spread Nutella, but on utility even near it is not necessary.

Dagestan's food is saturated with vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. Not without reason the mountaineers used it to restore their strength. Since ancient times, Caucasian women have made the product at home and used not only for food, but also as medicinal raw materials. Natural delicacy fills with energy, strengthens immunity, and also tones well.

Types of Dagestan paste and medicinal properties

Sweet, thick mixture of chocolate color is made from natural ingredients: nuts, apricots, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, flax and other ingredients. In Dagestan, the manufacturing process is carried out in special mills. Seeds are immersed in the unit and begin to grind until the mass becomes greasy. Then honey and butter are added to it.

This method allows you to save all the healing properties. As a result, a thick, uniform mass is obtained, which is used for its intended purpose, washed down with tea. Also, it is seasoned with cereal cereals, it is spread over baking, with its help even treat physical ailments, but more on this later. Let's list the main types of Caucasian pasta.

Almond dessert

The composition is replete with amygdalin - a natural substance that increases the protective forces. Yastvo is actively used by folk healers. Indispensable for various disorders of the intestine. It shows cleansing properties, stops seizures, promotes crushing of calculi in the kidneys. And it also has a positive effect on urbetic potency. The benefits and disadvantages of the product are not the same.

Pasta from flax seeds

It is the best alternative to harmful medications. Recommended dainty practitioners with weakened immunity, diabetes, neurasthenia. It relieves inflammation in the lower back, fights against arthrosis and cardiac pathologies, and also improves cellular metabolism. Stabilizes the level of cholesterol, makes the vessels elastic and durable. Used for dermatological diseases.

From apricot kernels

Urbekch apricot - an environmentally friendly product, which is prepared from selected raw materials. It contains almost the entire table of Mendeleev: sodium, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, etc. Natural medicine has proved to be an effective remedy for bronchopulmonary diseases. It is good to apply it to the epidemic of colds.

In early childhood, you can give a dessert spoon. During the period of illness, it greatly facilitates the symptoms, restores lost strength, helps to recover faster. It is useful to use with constipation and kidney stones.

Peanut and hazelnut paste

Enriched with vegetable protein, calcium, magnesium and zinc. Neutralizes heavy metals, slags and accumulated toxins. It controls water-salt balance, strengthens the heart muscle, bones and tissues. Delicacy is appreciated by athletes and bodybuilders for high energy value.

Caucasian Pumpkin Seed Sweets

Exquisite food by the amount of zinc is in no way inferior to expensive oysters. The balanced composition of complex carbohydrates, fats and proteins makes the product truly valuable. Fills a person with life-giving energy, eliminates fatigue, relieves emotional tension. Promotes skin rejuvenation at the cellular level, sharpens vision. In addition, it positively affects the growth and development of the child's body.

Who is contra-oral urbech?

Despite the indisputable benefits and unique composition, there are insignificant limitations in the use of the product, which everyone needs to know about. Do not overdo it for dessert and use it in immense doses, because it is very high in calories - in a hundredgram portion contains about 600 calories. In particular, this applies to people with excess weight.

To increase the immunity, it is sufficient to use Dagestan Urbets daily in small amounts. Benefits and harm should be previously studied. Refuse from treats should be given to individuals who are allergic to plant components and nuts.

Pasta Urbech: recipe with linen

If you do not have the opportunity to buy a real Caucasian dessert, do not be discouraged. Natural pasta is easy to prepare by yourself. Its ingredients are available for each region and budget.

We buy in the store a kilogram of flax seeds, we knead it thoroughly in a wooden mortar. Wipe until an oily structure is obtained. On this all, it remains to add in equal proportions (for two hundred grams) natural honey and high-quality butter. It should be moved to a glass container and stored in a refrigerated chamber of linen urnech. The recipe to impossibility is simple and surprisingly good. If desired, you can add to the mass of ground nuts or sesame seeds.

Opinions of people

With enthusiasm, users talk about the taste of the product. Some have compared a delicacy with a persimmon: sweet, gentle, chocolate. A pleasant oily structure makes it easy to use Urbets in cooking. It is difficult to find something similar in the world.

Pasta instantly relieves hunger, charges, removes depression and increases stamina. Perfect for a morning meal with fruit and whole wheat bread. Gives a good mood, relieves beriberi and protects against a number of diseases Caucasian Urbek. The reviews only confirm this once again.

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