
Unexpected causes of the appearance of hated acne

Acne is the most common skin disease affecting about 80 percent of the population aged 18 to 30 years. Currently, individual rashes appear even in young children, as well as on the faces of mature people. Despite the fact that the pharmacy market is saturated with products that declare the guarantee of clean skin, we should be aware that acne is a phenomenon that arises from internal processes of the body. And while the cause itself will not be identified and eliminated, none (even the most expensive) cosmetic remedy can not help in the fight against acne.

The refutation of myths

In adolescence, we often heard grandmother's stories that you can not eat a lot of chocolate, and you need to wash your face with soap as often as possible. But skin care experts deny perennial folk observations. Dr. Fein Frey, a certified dermatologist, claims that there are only four main causes of acne. It's about clogged pores, hormonal imbalance, oil products and bacteria. Such things as taking medications and steroids, improper skin care, a diet enriched with bakery products, chips and dairy products can only strengthen acne, but do not provoke their appearance.

As you can see, dirty skin in itself is not a prerequisite for the emergence of hated pimples. There is no scientific evidence that makeup and fatty foods are provocateurs of unhealthy skin condition. Nevertheless, it is important for adolescents to maintain proper hygiene, washing twice a day with the help of special soft detergents. As clinical trials show, this can reduce the amount of rashes. Dr. Gabriel Francis adds that acne can be triggered by skin infections, an imbalance of blood sugar, stress and toxins. Thus, acne can be one of the side effects of a busy and stormy life, full of excesses.

Imbalance in the intestine

In your intestines live trillions of bacteria. If microbiomas are not balanced, this leads to various disorders of the digestive tract, in particular, to the syndrome of increased intestinal impermeability. This disease is caused by changes in the mucosa of the organ. Any health problem associated with inflammatory processes (including acne) correlates with the "holey gut syndrome". The gastroenterologist prescribes blood tests that determine the state of the intestinal mucosa. Depending on the results obtained, treatment is prescribed. In this case, only a healthy bowel will provide clean skin.

Food intolerance

If you eat what your body rejects, it will be visible on your skin. Each person has his own digestive system. Someone can not tolerate lactose, some chocolate, some citrus. Therefore, it is very important to determine what is upsetting your digestive system, and what makes it flourish. The optimal way to help determine the source of all ills is the elimination diet. You exclude a product that caused an allergic reaction from food to complete recovery.

The accumulation of toxins in the body

Ideally, the toxins that enter the body should leave it through a blizzard - a biochemical highway. When something breaks in the sequence, the toxins can not find an outlet and remain in your body. They make themselves felt through rashes in the form of foci. Provide your body with a healthy and effective detoxification by including in the daily menu Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, cauliflower and green leafy vegetables.

Daily laying

To all lovers of regular styling with the help of fixing agents, we advise you to observe the skin condition. If, after you have applied the lacquer on the strands, your skin looks painful and reddened, which means that the hair styling products block the pores. Sometimes acne on the face appear under the sites, closed hair, sometimes it is connected with dandruff or hair loss. There is nothing surprising, that the problems connected with a skin of a head, are reflected and on the face. If this is caused by some internal processes, find and eliminate them. If this is associated with "heavy" means for styling, refuse to use them.

Cellular telephone

Perhaps there is no more contaminated thing than our cell phones. Millions of bacteria accumulate on the surface of the electronic device. You take it with your hands, put it to your ear, and then touch the face with the same hands. If you notice that there are more pimples, start disinfecting with the phone. Daily wipe the device with an antibacterial wipe. So you prevent bacteria from getting on your skin.


Your cozy and soft pillow can become a real hell, if you do not follow the purity of the pillowcases and do not take care of the disinfection of the filler in a timely manner. If you experience problems with the skin, discard the feather pillows in favor of artificial filler. Such pillows are easier to wash, clean and are not a hotbed of dust mites that provoke demodicosis, a disease very similar to acne. Remember that when you are in your bed, every minute you get rid of thousands of skin cells and sweat. And in all these microscopic particles there are bacteria. Since most of the night you spend, pressing your cheek to the pillow, microorganisms easily penetrate the skin of the face.

Cleanser for face

And although this is somewhat contrary to common sense, but this is true: an aggressive approach to bacteria can sometimes hurt even more than a complete lack of treatment. When you choose a cleanser that provokes the thinning and sensitivity of the skin, thereby providing a favorable environment for the invasion of other bacteria. Keep your skin strong, so only use mild detergents. Give up antibacterial soap, which kills not only harmful but also beneficial bacteria. The use of a strong means is appropriate only for a responsible measure as a one-off measure.


Tooth-paste based on fluoride can cause irritation around the mouth. Discuss with the dermatologist other options for oral care.

Hormonal imbalance

Hormonal restructuring of the body begins in adolescence. Acne is a reflection of the processes occurring in the body. However, hormonal bursts are noted in women during pregnancy or with the onset of another menstruation. When menstrual cycles are too painful and cause severe rashes, doctors prescribe birth control pills that restore the hormonal background and improve skin health.

Lack of a shower after a workout

It's good when you watch your body condition and regularly exercise in the gym. Bad, if you miss the shower after class. A warm shower cleans sweat and bacteria better than benzoyl peroxide.


Many experts say that breakfast is the most important meal. Choosing breakfast can affect the condition of the skin. And although the dermatological community ambiguously assesses the diet and its effect on acne, experts agree that when it comes to sweets, pasta and bakery products, potatoes and corn flakes. Even sugar in fruits can provoke a flash of acne. Therefore, it is better for teenagers to exclude the intake of fruit juices at breakfast.

Replace the usual wheat toast with bread from whole wheat flour, white rice to brown, and ordinary potatoes to sweet. Milk is another culprit of skin problems, as it increases the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Also, try to reduce the consumption of caffeine, spicy foods and chocolate. If you eat citrus fruits while going out, use sunscreen.

Medicinal products

Many drugs cause the appearance of acne. However, do not stand alone, without the advice of a doctor, to stop taking them in case of side effects.

Consult with a specialist to find another remedy.

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