
Treatment of otitis media folk remedies

Otitis - a disease that does not recognize age limits, is usually caused by an infection of either the external ear (external otitis), or the middle and inner ear. Outer otitis is actually a contamination of the skin around the ear or ear canal and is often called the "swimmer's ear." Occurs when moisture enters the ear canal or traumas in the ear canal. Middle otitis media is an infection in the middle ear or bacterial infection of the tympanic membrane, internal - an inflammation of the inner ear. Other causes include blocking the Eustachian tube, ingesting foreign particles into the ear, nasopharyngeal infections, or toothache.

Self-medication without a doctor's exact diagnosis to engage in any case impossible. The consequences threaten deafness and severe inflammation, which can result in an operating theater.

But here the diagnosis is set, the treatment is prescribed: pills, ointments, drops, compresses ... All this is good, this must be followed exactly, if not for one "No". In our chemically saturated century, many viruses and bacteria simply do not react to most official drugs. Pharmacology does not keep pace with the rapid emergence of all new mutant strains. And here it is recalled the forgotten recipes of folk medicine, aimed in most cases to support the body and the awakening of its own forces to fight the disease.

Ask any mom: "How to treat otitis?", And all kinds of recipes will immediately fall on you. Treating otitis with folk remedies among mothers has always been on the first place, overtaking the doctors' recommendations on popularity.

Treating otitis with folk remedies is like a rescue ambulance, a wand-rescue wand. My ear got sick in the evening, - until morning, you can go crazy with pain. And as long as the district doctor gets ... People's treatment of otitis immediately prompts: quickly compress of vodka with water (50 * 50), yes on top parchment (or cellophane), warm shawl and wait for a warm shawl. It will soon be better ...

This is the most famous way to relieve pain. Another, no less famous, from the same arsenal: preheat any vegetable oil that is at hand, and drip into your ear. Wait for it to pass into the inside of the auditory canal, and pour out the remnants by simply tilting the head to the other side.

But the treatment of otitis with folk remedies is not limited to these widely used methods. Let's list some more not so widely known ways of treatment.

  1. Garlic oil. Make it very simple: peel several cloves of garlic, chop, put in a bowl (jar, glass), add a little vegetable (preferably olive) oil, close the lid and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the oil and drip 3 drops into each ear with external otitis.
  2. When the "swimmer's ear" is well helped by a mixture of vinegar and vodka (50 * 50) - two drops in the infected ear. Remarkably removes the itching, dissolves the earwax, freeing the blocked channel, and causes a pleasant feeling of warmth. Do not use with eardrum damage.
  3. If there is no time to insist on butter on garlic, you can quickly heat in a tablespoon a mixture of butter and garlic on an open fire, cool to a tolerant state and drip 2-3 drops.
  4. Now in many southern cities it has become fashionable to plant castor oil along the road (castor, chakchu, paradise tree in common speech). This wonderful plant - a raw material for castor oil - perfectly helps with otitis. To break several leaves (one is enough with a head, they are huge), dipped in vegetable oil and used as a compress. Good relieves acute pain.
  5. Clove oil - 2 drops each - reduces swelling and soothes pain.
  6. Aromatherapy is a great help for otitis of various etiologies: tea tree oil (a separate aroma), a mixture of ginger, mint and eucalyptus. If there is no aroma lamp, add oil to boiling water and inhale once a day.
  7. Diet: all products with vitamin C are good - lemons, oranges, limes, sweet peppers. Certainly there are products with zinc - walnuts, almonds, soy products. Zinc reduces inflammation and works great for relapses. Fruits and vegetables in fresh form and in the form of juices. Beta-carotene: dark green vegetables - broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, yellow - carrots, pumpkin.
  8. Alcohol is contraindicated categorically, as well as all fatty and fried.
  9. From ready-made dosage forms, you can advise tincture of echinacea to improve immunity.

As we see, treatment of otitis with folk remedies assumes only the use of natural products and a healthy lifestyle. How to treat otitis - in the end, everyone decides for himself, it is only necessary to note that the centuries-old wisdom of folk medicine and the millions of people rescued by it confirm the fact: people's treatment of otitis has not hurt anyone yet, but thanks to them it deserved in full.

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