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Transbaikalian Cossacks: history, traditions, customs, life and way of life

Transbaikalian Cossacks - a thunderstorm of samurai - were on the most distant borders of the homeland a bulwark of order and statehood. Extremely bold, resolute, strong training, they always successfully resisted the best units of the enemy.


Transbaikalian Cossacks appeared for the first time in the forties of the eighteenth century, when Don and Orenburg volunteered to move to undeveloped yet new Russian lands. Here, the state opened up great opportunities for the development of minerals, the number of which gave birth to legends. Borders with eastern and not very peaceful neighbors had to be guarded, and it is unlikely anyone could do better than the Trans-Baikal Cossacks.

In addition, constant and vigilant control over the local population-Buryats, in which the blood of Genghis Khan was still raging, was necessary for the Tungus, who also did not trust the newcomers too much. Transbaikalian Cossacks continued like a baton. It was their forces that were joined to the Empire by the Urals, Orenburg, and Siberia. Ostrogs on the Angara and Lena were laid by the Cossack divisions of the Perfiliev and Beketov atamans, and among the first explorers we still honor the national hero, the Cossack navigator Semyon Dezhnyov.

First trips

The first to reach Lake Baikal was Kurbat Ivanov with his Cossacks. Then the ubiquitous settling of Transbaikalia began, friendly relations with the natives were established and strengthened, and they were taught and even included quite often in the composition of their troops. Transbaikalian Cossacks, whose history dates from the campaign of Erofey Pavlovich Khabarov (1649), annexed the Amur Region to Russia, and in 1653 the Chita prison, the future capital of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks, was already built. The name of Pavel Beketov, the Cossack who laid the city of Chita, is famous to this day. Russia grew up with new territories, extremely rich, beautiful and useful.

So that the Cossacks could move further east, such a stronghold on Lake Baikal was simply necessary. The newcomers were assimilated, the life and life of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks were adjusted, new Cossack regiments were organized, which by the middle of the eighteenth century were formed into a border guard. By the way, the Buryats, by virtue of their bellicosity, brought glory to their homeland, since many regiments were created and trained specifically for strengthening border control. Despite the fact that there were no official borders with Mongolia, and Manchuria generally did not welcome the appearance of Russians in these places, rather, on the contrary, such a step was simply necessary. So it was created a full-fledged and for those times unprecedented in quality Cossack army.


At the beginning of the nineteenth century, along the eastern border, a long line of fortified fortresses (jails) built by Cossacks had already formed. At the forefront, the watchtowers were traditionally towering - the watchman, where several sentinel Cossacks were round the clock and round the clock. Also, every border town sent to the mountains and steppes reconnaissance - a detachment of twenty-five to a hundred Cossacks.

That is, the Cossacks of the Trans-Baikal Territory created a mobile border line. She warned of the enemy and was able to rebuff the enemy on her own. However, there were still few Cossacks on such a long frontier line. And then the emperor moves a lot of "walking people" to the eastern borders for carrying out frontier service. The number of Cossacks in Transbaikalia has increased dramatically. Then the official recognition of the Trans-Baikal Cossack Army came in March 1871.


This method of protecting the eastern borders of NN Muraviev came up with a plan to create a Cossack army, and the tsar and the minister of war willingly approved this work. On the outskirts of a huge country, a strong army was created, which could compete with any enemy. It included not only Don and Siberian Cossacks, but also Buryat and Tungus formations. The peasant population of Transbaikalia also increased.

The strength of the troops reached eighteen thousand men, each of whom began to serve seventeen, and went on a well-deserved rest only in fifty-eight years. His whole life was connected with the protection of the border. Here, depending on the service, the traditions of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks were formed, since all their life, their upbringing, and death itself were connected with the protection of the state. After 1866, the established term of service was reduced to twenty-two years, while the army's charter was an exact copy of the regulations of the Don army.

Feats and Defeats

No military conflict for many decades has not been without the participation of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks. The Chinese campaign - they were the first to enter Beijing. The battles at Mukden and Port Arthur - about the valiant Cossacks sing songs until now. Both the Russo-Japanese War, and the First World War were accompanied by legends about the strength, tenacity and desperate courage of the Transbaikalian soldiers. The costume of the Trans-Baikal Cossack - a dark green uniform and yellow stripes - terrified the Japanese samurai, and if their numbers did not exceed the Cossack more than five times, they did not dare to attack. Yes, and with more numbers often lost.

By 1917, the Cossack army beyond Baikal numbered already 260 thousand people. There were 12 large villages, 69 farms and 15 settlements. They defended the tsar for several centuries, served him faithfully and truthfully to the last drop of blood, that's why they did not accept the revolution and fought decisively in the Civil War with the Red Army. This was the first time when they did not win, because their cause was not right. So in the Chinese Harbin, the largest colony was formed, which was created by the Trans-Baikal Cossacks squeezed from the territory of Russia.


Of course, not all Trans-Baikal Cossacks fought against the new Soviet power, there were those who supported the Reds. But still most of it went under the leadership of Baron Ungern and Ataman Semyonov and eventually ended up in China. And here in 1920, all the Cossack armies were liquidated by the Soviet regime, that is, dissolved. In Manchuria, together with their families, only about fifteen percent of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks could leave, where they created the Three Rivers - a number of stanitsas.

From China, they for some time disturbed the Soviet border raids, but realized the futility of this and closed. They lived their traditions, their way of life until 1945, when the Soviet Army launched an offensive against Manchuria. It was the most sad time when the Cossack Trans-Baikal troops fanned by glory completely disintegrated. Some emigrated further - to Australia - and settled in Queensland, some returned to their homeland, but not in Transbaikalia, but to Kazakhstan, where they were identified by the settlement. The descendants of mixed marriages from China did not leave.


The capital of the Trans-Baikal Cossack army was always Chita. A few years ago a monument to Peter Beketov, a Cossack, the founder of this city, was opened there. History is gradually restored, the life and traditions of Trans-Baikal Cossacks are returning. The lost knowledge is gathered by the grains - according to old photographs, letters, diaries, other documents.

Above you can see the photo of the First Verhneudinsky regiment, which was part of the Cossack army. At the time of shooting, the regiment was in a long - two-year - business trip in Mongolia, where the revolution of 1911 occurred. Now we know that the Cossacks supported it, blocked the Chinese troops, guarded communications and, of course, valiantly, as always, fought. The Mongolian campaign is rather little known. This is more than the others mentioned at that time, not even the ataman, but the Cossack Semenov, who attributed most of his victories to himself personally.

And there were people of a much higher flight - even future white generals. For example, in the photo above - GA Verzhbitsky, who managed a quick assault on the impregnable fortress of the Chinese - Sharasume.


The Cossack rule was always military, despite the fact that agriculture, cattle breeding and various crafts were especially developed in all military settlements . The actual service determined the life and the rest of the Cossack's life, regardless of his position in the army. Autumn was held in the field service, in the winter there was combat training, the charters were repeated. Nevertheless, oppression and lack of rights in the Cossacks practically never met, there was the greatest public justice here. They conquered the land and therefore considered themselves entitled to own it.

Men even went to the field work, hunting and fishing to go armed, as if to a war: the nomadic tribes did not warn about the attacks. From the diapers we were taught to ride horses and arms of children, even girls. The women who remained in the fortress, when the entire male population was at war, repeatedly successfully repelled raids from abroad. Equality in the Cossacks was always. Traditionally, leading positions were chosen by people who are intelligent, talented and have great personal merits. The nobility, wealth, origin did not play any role in the elections. And obedience to atamans and decisions of the Cossack circle is unquestionably everything: from small to large.


The clergy were also elective - from the most religious and literate people. The priest was a teacher for all, and his advice was always followed. Cossacks were the most tolerant people for those times, despite the fact that they themselves are deeply, even fervently, devoted to Orthodoxy. Tolerance was due to the fact that there were always Old Believers, Buddhists, and Mohammedans in Cossack armies.

Part of the prey was intended for the church. Temples have always been generously removed with silver, gold, expensive banners and utensils. Life Cossacks understood as service to God and the Fatherland, because they never served half-heartedly. Any work was done flawlessly.

Rights and obligations

Customs in the Cossacks are such that the woman there enjoys respect and respect (and rights) on a par with men. If a Cossack talks with a woman of advanced age, he should stand, and not sit. Cossacks never interfered in women's affairs, but they always guarded their wives, defended and defended their dignity and honor. Thus, the future of the whole people was ensured. Cossacks could be represented by their father, husband, brother, son, godson.

If the Cossack woman is a widow or a single woman, she is personally protected by the ataman. In addition, she could choose an aspirant for herself from the campers. In any case, it should always be heard in any instance and be sure to help. Any Cossack should adhere to morality: to honor all the old people as his own father and mother, and every Kazachka-like his sister, every Cossack-as a brother of his own, every child-like his own. Marriage for the Cossack is sacred. This is a Christian sacrament, a shrine. No one could interfere in the life of the family without an invitation or request. The main responsibility for everything that happens inside the family is borne by a man.


For sure, the Transbaikalian Cossacks were almost exactly the same: a red corner with icons, a corner table, on which lies the Bible next to the hat and candles. Sometimes nearby was the pride of the family - a gramophone or a piano. At the wall - always beautifully tucked bed, old, with patterns, on which still great-grandfathers rested. The special pride of the Cossacks is the patterned view on the bed, the lacy embroidered pillowcases on numerous pillows.

Before the bed is usually suspended. Nearby is a huge chest, where you store a dowry girl, as well as a treasure chest, always ready for war or service. On the walls there are many embroideries, portraits and photographs. In the kitchen corner there are clean dishes, irons, samovars, mortars, pitchers. Bench with buckets for water. A snow-white stove with all the attributes - sticks and cast-iron.

The composition of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks

At the very beginning, even the Evenki (Tungus) military formations were present here. The forces were distributed like this: three horse regiments and three foot brigades (from the first to the third - the Russian regiments, the fourth - the Tungus, the fifth and the sixth - the Buryat), guarded the borders and carried out internal service, and when in 1854 an alloy was made along the Amur River and border checkpoints were established Along the rest of the border, the Amur Cossack army also appeared. For one Transbaikalian this borderline was too great.

At the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the Transbaikalians exhibited for the peace time the Guards half a hundred, four cavalry regiments and two artillery batteries. The war required more: mounted nine regiments, three spare hundreds and four artillery batteries in addition to the above. From the Cossack population in 265 thousand service carried more than fourteen thousand people.


With rebuilding, the Trans-Baikal Cossacks began their revival: a large Cossack circle was convened in Moscow in 1990, where it was decided to rebuild the Trans-Baikal Cossacks. Literally a year later it happened until the organization of the ensemble. It is called "Transbaikalian Cossacks". Ataman was elected in Chita, Sergei Bobrov became their in 2010 . And in 2011, the 160th anniversary of the appearance of the Cossacks beyond Lake Baikal was widely celebrated.

The anthem of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks has remained almost the same, the hometown Zabaikal is celebrated in it, not taking off its hats in front of one enemy force, the sunbeam, which is very poetically sewn into the blue of Baikal, like a Cossack lamp (yellow), is also sung about love to Russia, the memory of her forefathers .

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