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Tincture of green walnuts: a recipe and application

Walnuts are an inexhaustible source of useful substances, thanks to which our body can be vigorous, healthy, full of energy and keep youth even in old age. The uniqueness of this product is that it equally contains medicinal properties both in fresh - ripe - form, and in the form of tinctures. In folk medicine, in addition to kernels, leaves, peel and internal partitions are widely used. In the cosmetic industry, scrubs for the face and body are made from its shell.

Vodka tincture

The tincture of green walnuts is being prepared in different ways. A recipe can contain either a specific number of components, or an arbitrary one. It all depends on the purpose of the drug and the complexity of the composition. The easiest way to do this is: to pick up the nuts of milk ripeness (the shell is not yet ossified, the nucleoli are semiliquid, the partitions are sour, resemble cartilage), wash and, without peeling, finely chop. Just do it with rubber gloves. The product contains a large amount of iodine, which not only staunchly stains your hands, but also the skin can burn. Fill a liter jar (not up to the top) and pour in, how much will fit, vodka (40-42 degrees). Tincture of green walnuts, the recipe of which you read, can be done on home-brew, only purified, of good quality and the corresponding strength. Suit and medical alcohol. But also moonshine, and alcohol pre-dilute boiled water with constant water. Fill the filled jar with a plastic lid and put it in a dry, warm place for a month. Then strain, and fill the nuts with alcohol again, and then repeat the procedure.

It is worth noting that in many cases, such a tincture of green walnuts can help. The recipe has been used more than once by home medicine and confirms this. How and in what cases to take the remedy? If the child has an upset stomach, then take a teaspoon of tincture, dilute with a little water and give a drink. After a few hours, repeat. As a rule, 1-2 is enough, rarely 3 methods, after which the diarrhea disappears, the stool is normalized, the abdominal pains pass. For adults, the dose is slightly more - 1 tablespoon. To prevent vodka from evaporating, the tincture of green walnuts (the recipe recommends) should be stored in a closed form, in a place inaccessible to direct light. It would be nice to pour it into the dishes of dark glass.

Tincture on vodka with honey

To increase the resistance of the body to diseases, to strengthen immunity, to clear the stomach and liver of parasites, a medicine is suitable for vodka and honey. Such alcoholic tincture of walnut is made from the pulp of fruit. They should be peeled off, put in a jar, pour vodka or alcohol and put on a night in a dark place. Then put 2-3 tablespoons of honey or 2 sugars, shake the jar, put it on a cool, sunlight-free place for 21 days. Take 1 tablespoon, several times a day. You can drink it with sweetened tea. There is another version of the recipe for how to make a tincture of walnut - especially for children. Instead of alcohol, distilled or boiled water is poured.

In addition to ingestion, alcohol tinctures are good as rubbing with joint pain, radiculitis or osteochondrosis. A decoction of leaves - a great tool for losing weight.

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