
The signals of the regulator. Reminder to the motorist

There are 4 types of traffic regulation: traffic lights, markings, traffic signs and signals of the traffic controller. Drivers must clearly follow them all. However, according to the "Rules of the road", the priority is the signals of the regulator. If the traffic light and road sign requirements differ from each other, the drivers follow the first instructions. But if, for example, the signals of the traffic light and the traffic controller contradict each other, you need to follow the last one. Therefore, it is necessary to know and understand the gestures of the traffic police officer to all motorists and pedestrians.

If the regulator pulls both hands forward, sideways or lowers at the seams:

  • To the left and right of it the tram has the right to go straight; Non-rail vehicles - directly and to the right; Pedestrians can safely cross the road;
  • Those who are in front and behind, are obliged to stand still.

If the regulator pulls his right hand forward:

  • On the left, the tram is allowed only to the left, and the rest to vehicles in any direction;
  • Cars and other vehicles that are on the side of the policeman's chest, have the right to continue driving only to the right;
  • Right and behind all should stop.

If the regulator raises his hand up (this gesture is equivalent to the yellow signal of a traffic light), then in this case both pedestrians and vehicles can not continue moving. This rule does not apply to those drivers who at this time can stop only if they use emergency braking. They are allowed to complete the maneuver and continue the movement. Also, pedestrians, during the signal crossing the roadway, must reach a safe place or, if this is not possible, stand on the line marking separating traffic flows.

In conditions of poor visibility, the signals of the regulator are fed using a wand or red retroreflector. A loudspeaker can also be used. To attract the attention of pedestrians and drivers, traffic police often use a whistle.

The signals of the traffic policeman do not need to be crammed like a poem, they just need to be understood and remembered.

With a signal prohibiting travel, drivers should stop:

A) at the stop line;

B) at intersections - before the crossed road;

C) before the railway crossing;

D) in front of the traffic controller or traffic light, without interfering with pedestrians and vehicles, the movement of which is permitted.

The easiest way to remember the regulator's signals is this: when they allow you to move, you can go "from sleeve to sleeve". This means that in the direction of the hands have the right to ride trams, and the remaining cars also to the right.

A very important way of regulating traffic is the traffic light.

His signals can be X-shaped, round, in the form of an arrow indicating the direction, in the form of a silhouette of a pedestrian. They are served with flowers - green, yellow and red.

Let's look at some of the most important circular signs of the traffic light:

  • The green signal allows movement;
  • A blinking green signal - the time when you can go or go, ends. Often, the traffic lights also light up the scoreboard with seconds remaining until its end;
  • The yellow signal prohibits movement and indicates an early change of command;
  • Flashing yellow signal allows you to move, warns of a pedestrian crossing or an unregulated intersection ;
  • Red color, including blinking, prohibits movement.

The signal of a traffic light in the form of an arrow shows, in what direction the movement is allowed or prohibited at the moment. If you can go to the left, you can also turn, but only if it does not contradict the road sign or line markings.

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