HobbyBoard games

The rules of the game in Monopoly and the main secrets

Monopoly is a very interesting board game that allows you not only to have fun with your friends, but also to try yourself as a businessman. The main goal is to ruin the rivals, but not become bankrupt at all. Such interesting board games develop thinking, teach you to think outside the box, help you learn how to appreciate money. These skills are very important in the modern world, so I would advise everyone to buy this game, regardless of your age. It is useful for everyone to learn something new in the course of seemingly ordinary table games. There are other desktop economic games, however Monopoly is considered one of the most interesting and popular.

In the most general form, the essence is reduced to increasing the state by renting or selling real estate. Of course, in order to sell real estate, it must first be purchased.

The rules of the game in Monopoly are as follows. The process begins with a field called "forward". Players need to take turns to roll the dice and move the chip to the corresponding zones. If the chip falls on a free field, then you can purchase it, and subsequently build a hotel or house on it to take rent from the players who fall into this zone. If you do not have enough money, you can take a loan from the bank.

Also in the game there are fields called "chance". Once you get on them, you must take a card and follow the instructions that are placed in it. There is also a gaming prison. Success in the game Monopoly depends not only on luck, but also on how reasonable you make investments.

Now consider the rules of the game in Monopoly and the course of action more carefully. To begin with, it is necessary to place hotels, houses, documents on property rights and banknotes in the designated sectors of the field. Charts and Public Treasury cards should be shuffled and put back side up.

Each player chooses a chip and puts on the field called "Forward". One player is appointed by the banker. The banker issues to the players 1500 US dollars, he also keeps the documents on the property rights, hotels and houses, until they are bought by the players. In addition, the bank in the person of the banker pays premiums and salaries, collects fines, taxes, issues loans, acts as an auctioneer at an auction.

Participants throw dice. The game begins, the one that for the first time threw out a larger number.

The chip moves along the board in the direction indicated by the arrow. That field of the board, where it stopped, indicates what needs to be done. At the same time, several chips can be placed on one field. Depending on the field you are on, you can buy real estate, pay taxes, rent, be in prison, get a salary, get a card from the Treasury or Chance, relax in the parking lot.

If you drop the same number on both dice, you get the right to throw them again. Every time you cross the "Forward" field, the banker pays 200 thousand cu.

If you stop at a field that stands for free real estate, you can purchase it. You need to pay the bank the amount that is indicated on the game area. If you did not buy real estate, then the banker puts it on auction. Possession of real estate allows you to levy a rent from players who have fallen on your field.

As the rules of the game in Monopoly say, if you stopped at someone else's estate, you will have to pay the rent to the owner of the field.

Stopping on the field "Public Treasury" or "Chance" means that you should take the top card from the necessary pile. She may demand payment of taxes, move a chip, go to jail or give you freedom and money.

This article explains only the basic rules of the game in Monopoly. More detailed you can find in the instructions. Enjoy your time!

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