
The preparation "Polysorb": instructions, properties, characteristics

Intoxication of the body is one of the most frequently encountered problems in medical practice today. It can manifest itself in various cases, but treatment, as a rule, boils down to the removal of harmful and toxic substances and treatment of the negative consequences of their influence. There are a lot of drugs for the therapy. Today, doctors use a modern remedy, similar to that with classic activated charcoal, Polysorb. Instruction on medicines, as a rule, is applied to each package. However, it is not always possible to save it, so readers turn to virtual sources.

What is Polysorb?

The instruction for each medicine includes its characteristics, so we'll begin our article with a description of the remedy. The drug belongs to the number of en-sorbents. It has detoxification, sorption, membrane stabilizing and antioxidant properties. The medicine "Polysorb" adsorbs not only toxins, but also living pathogenic bacteria and products of their vital activity. The drug itself does not enter into a reaction with substances, it is not absorbed in the intestine and is naturally eliminated in an unchanged state.

The preparation is in the form of a powder of white, bluish color, airy and light, packed in large plastic jars. For consumption, it is bred in drinking water until the suspension is formed. Note that only the doctor recommends the reception of "Polysorb".

The composition of the preparation is simple. It contains colloidal silicon dioxide.

Indications for the appointment of the drug Polysorb

Instructions for the product include the following indications for the administration of the drug:

  • Intoxications chronic;
  • Intoxication acute;
  • Purulent-septic conditions;
  • Food allergies;
  • Dysbiosis;
  • Non-infectious diarrhea;
  • Intestinal infections;
  • Hyperbilirubinemia;
  • Hyperaemia.

Prescribe the drug residents of regions with a dysfunctional environmental situation. The drug is effective when used in therapy associated with irradiation. It is used as the main therapeutic or supplementary agent.

Contraindications for Polysorp

Instruction to the agent as a restriction for admission indicates hypersensitivity and intestinal obstruction, as well as peptic ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding. The drug can be administered to children and the elderly. It excellently excretes toxins in alcohol and narcotic poisoning .

Side effects

When using the drug can manifest only allergic reactions. Such a narrow range of negative influences is due to the inertness of the substance in the composition.

Special instructions for use

Patients taking Polysorb should take into account its ability to adsorb and reduce the effect of other medications. That is why when using it in complex therapy it is especially important to pay attention to the reception mode. The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor, however, no negative effects were observed with an increase in the norm. Producers recommend especially careful use of medication to persons prone to constipation. The drug "Polysorb" is used to treat pregnant women, young children and lactating women.

Storage and leave from pharmacies

The drug is non-toxic, and therefore is released without the requirement to have a prescription from the buyer. However, do not abuse the remedy. In addition, do not apply the drug after the expiry date, and if it has been exposed to moisture. Keep the powder in a factory container, in a cool and dry place. The prepared suspension is used immediately, it can not be stored.

The drug "Polysorb" is a modern analogue of a sorbent such as activated carbon. However, its effect is much stronger.

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