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The plan for analyzing the poem (grade 9) in literature: examples

The purpose of the analysis of the poem "The Prophet" by Alexander Pushkin is to show the change in the youthful frivolous world outlook of the poet in the light of his acquaintance with people who are deeply believers and who thoroughly knew the Scriptures - the masons P. Ya. Chaadayev and P. A. Vyazemsky.

Lyceum period

Raised in the writings of the French Enlightenment, in a family where religion was treated with coolness, a young man, rather a teenager, at the age of 14 wrote the first almost antireligious poem "Monk." One way or another, he grins with a grin at religion, not perceiving it as the highest achievement of the human spirit. He does not know how to divide the three concepts - God as Creator and Creator of everything, religion as a doctrine and system of dogmas, a church that enslaves a person in strict observance of purely external rites.

Acquaintance with P. Ya. Chaadayev

It happened in 1816. By this time, Pyotr Yakovlevich had been a member of the Masonic lodge for two years, calling himself "a Christian philosopher". The goal of the Freemasons, if briefly and simply, was to transform the world, its movement from stagnation to progress. Pushkin considered his friend one of the most intelligent people of this time. Chaadaev devoted a lot of lines in the works of Alexander Pushkin. The coverage of the world view of Peter Chaadayev is included in the plan for analyzing the poem (9th grade). Examples: he compared the ways of development of Russia and Europe, constantly wondering why Europe made a leap in motion, and Russia "froze."

Acquaintance with P. A. Vyazemsky

Petr Andreevich was also a Mason and, naturally, pursued the same goals as Peter Chaadayev. They introduced their friend to the Old Testament and influenced his attitude. The display of spiritual evolution must enter into the plan for analyzing the poem (9th grade) in literature: the knowledge of the "Book of Isaiah" by Pushkin in 1826 and the comprehension of what is the Prophet.

Link to Mikhailovskoye

In 1826 Pushkin was in exile in Mikhailovskoye. He drove to AP Osipova in Trigorskoye, which had an extensive Masonic library, and deepened knowledge of the Scriptures: the Masons were people deeply religious and well-read. In 1826, he wrote the poem "The Prophet", which stands out sharply against everything that will come out from the pen of the poet this year: several messages to friends, farewell to love, which was once a painful, brief self-analysis on 9 lines . This should also enter a separate point in the plan for analyzing the poem (9th grade) in literature.

Analysis of stanzas

Each text should be placed before each student. Every stanza should be parsed without missing anything, explaining words that are incomprehensible to the modern student, for example, "finger", "mouth", "zenith" and others.

So, the beginning

Relying directly on chapter 6, verse 1 of Isaiah, the most eloquent biblical prophet, Pushkin writes how, why and why a person can become a prophet, and how he differs from people who fuss in everyday life.

What does the Lord see, having lost hope that people will hear it? Sins and lawlessness, devastated by the war of the city and the earth, the hands of people, stained with blood. And such a people brings him victims. But God disgusts the blood of bulls and lambs, sweet incense and holidays. Who will be the messenger of the bitter will of God?

There is a man who goes to the desert, because he has an inescapable darkness on his soul, and only he alone vaguely hopes that his Creator will enlighten him: he will light a lamp in his soul.

First of all, the future prophet is not satisfied with the spiritual emptiness that surrounds him, the pursuit of gold, "blind, deaf" people, for whom it is already good, if there is lunch and dinner. By and large, the crowd does not need anything else. And Isaiah wants to get away from her, purify himself. But where and how? There, where there is no one, into the desert. And with a soul full of bitterness and anguish, barely, without strength, a man wanders off, who rejected the world, all alone. Where he drags himself, he does not know himself, and does not dismantle the roads, and, finally, falls without power. So begins the analysis of the poem. Plan 9 class can not yet compile independently, but in general terms the points are clear.


At the fork the Lord sends a man a formidable sign: his very neighbor, the glittering fire and the angel burnt with love for God: the six winged seraph. Two wings he covers his legs, two - his hands, flies on two. This is how the plan for the analysis of the poem (class 9) continues in literature.

What the seraph does

In the ringing silence, silently, the angel easily and painlessly touches the pupils (the pupil is the pupil) of the person, to the very bottom, to the very depth of changing his vision of the world, so that his eyes will never be closed. They have become like a bird, without age.

But this is not enough, the angel touched the ears - and about the miracle! Everything, as for the first time in my life, and at once the person heard. These were extraordinary sounds, not at all from our daily routine, where birds are barking and dogs barking, where sellers and buyers are bargaining in the markets, where swearing and squabbling are heard. He heard what is not given to us - the music and the harmony of the heavens, the splashing of fish in the oceans, the growth (vegetation is the growth) of wheat in the field, the movement of the juice in the vine. And he already hears and sees all that exists in his great opportunities, which people can not measure and do not feel. This is how the analysis of the poem (class 9) is going on in literature. Then the tests continued. Instead of a sinister language, Seraphim puts a sting of a snake in the prophet's mouth. The ancients thought the snake wise and knowing the secret of immortality: changing the skin, it is born every time - people are not given it. And the serpent tongue of the prophet will utter wise, eloquent and truthful words.

Even more frightening continues to act seraphim - he dissecting his chest and takes out a quivering shy heart, and instead puts a flaming fire of coal. Sizzling fire will not let a person calm down, heal peacefully and comfortably.

What happened next

Seraphim retired. The corpse remained in the desert. Only God raised a man from the dead, calling him to the feat of fulfilling his will. The task of the prophet is to see and hear everything that people can not see in their bustle and everyday worries. The prophet must bring to them, dark, what is happening now, sound like an alarm, burn with a flame. Through the mouth of the prophet the Creator will speak. This is an analysis of the poem. Plan 9 class can already understand - the poet's explanation of the plan of the Lord.

What will happen to the prophet?

This is not explicitly mentioned in the poem, but one must know that for direct statements there will be reproaches: strikes with stones and sticks are still the smallest thing that the prophet will bear. The task is set - to wake, pull out of stagnation and sins crowd. And it's scary. The crowd can rebel and break the prophet apart, when he says "remove your evil deeds, your sins are heavy and red as blood, stop, and I'll forgive you as I will snow." It's easier, than a crowd, to stop a sagging judge who does not protect orphans, and the affairs of widows do not reach him; It is easier to send a king who has forgotten about his duty, so that his city is a city of truth. So logically the work of the Prophet should be. This is the analysis of the poem by Pushkin according to plan. 9th class should represent people's reaction to the truth. After communicating with the Creator of the Prophet, it is clear that he has only one way: without fear and doubt to speak to all in the face of a bitter truth. And let her not like it - it's not a beauty, which is good for everyone, let both the tsar and the people hate her. The prophet is ready to go to martyrdom: he is sure that both the ruler and the subjects will come to their senses, renounce blood and sins and remember the plans of God.

This is the plan for analyzing the poem (grade 9) in literature. Pushkin does not give an ambiguous interpretation of the transformation of man into a prophet, who can directly say to all: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, let not I fear the king!". For the prophet is not a soothsayer, but he who sees and hears the present through and through all at once, and broadcasts about it. The prophet is the chosen one of God on earth.

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