HealthDiseases and Conditions

The neck hurts, it is painful to turn my head: what should I do?

Pain in the neck accompanies the present generation, even generations (since this pain, like love, all ages are humble), with enviable constancy.

Any office worker, professional sportsman, pensioner or schoolboy sometimes experiences unpleasant sensations - the neck hurts, it is painful to turn the head, the pain is felt behind, from the side, the neck makes a crunch when turning. The cause of the pain in the first place was a sedentary lifestyle, which we all voluntarily or forcefully give preference.

Neck. Functional features of the body part

The main function of the neck is the anatomy of the connective. The body and head of a person are held only by this strong and at the same time fragile part of the body.

But it is hardly possible to call secondary one of the functions of the neck - to withstand huge loads.

To calculate and analyze what the human neck has to go through with the slightest inclination of the head. One should resort to one of the engineering disciplines - the resistance of materials.

So, the average weight of an adult's head is approximately 4.5 kilograms - this is the weight that makes the main burden on the neck and spine with an ideal posture (flat back and straight head holding). By the way, the first sign that something is wrong with the bearing is that the neck hurts, it is painful to turn both the head and the body.

But let's return to sopromate: the axial load is much easier compared to the sloping load. What happens if a person tilts his head just three centimeters forward? The load on the neck increases to 9 kg. If the slope is six centimeters, - the equivalent increases to 13.5 kg. And this is because of some few divisions on the line.

And now you can count how many times during the day a person changes the position of the head. Not exactly, of course. On the average - about 1000. The loosened neck of such a thing would not have stood it. Therefore, we can rightfully classify the neck to the mighty parts of the body. And the fact that she is a bit ache a bit, most of us are to blame ourselves.

If the spine is uneven, then the neck hurts too.

The first and most common cause of frequent pain in the neck is a wrong posture. Now very few people adhere to the rule of the ideal back: this is when it is straight, the chin is slightly raised, and the shoulders moved slightly backward (everything was taught by the unforgettable Lyudmila Prokofievna from the "Service Novel"). Everything, basically, how she is bored, clamped. And this is a big trouble for the health of the neck.

The main problem, even the threat of incorrect posture is that the head is shifted to the side or forward (visually it is invisible, but the neck reacts very negatively). Such a posture creates all the prerequisites for the deformation of vertebral discs and the development of a hernia. And if at the beginning of the "epoch of incorrect posture" everything, like, well, does not bother anything, then in a year or two the uneven backbone will make itself felt. If the neck hurts, it is painful to turn the head - this is the "hello" from the offended spine inattention.

The massive problem of office plankton

Not only did the cars fill everything around, they were also joined by computers! Now it is hardly possible to find an uncomputered workplace. Unless the janitor does not use the "infernal machine", that is why he is also showing health.

Everyone who does not get out eight hours a day and five days a week because of his PC, considering, developing, plotting and predicting, massively suffer from osteochondrosis.

A familiar illness: it hurts to turn your head, your neck hurts. Or inside it there is an unbearable discomfort, I want to tilt my head back for a few minutes. Here in this, by the way, it's a sin to deny yourself: the neck, exhausted with constant tension, begs for mercy and rest.

Torsion and circular rotation of the head are the most accessible exercises that can be performed without leaving the workplace, and in which the neck is in great need.

Out-of-Age Disease

Although there is no definite name for this disease, everyone characterizes it almost equally: the neck hurts, it hurts to turn your head, However, they can not be considered as frivolous and independently passing it.

Pain in the neck is an echo of very dangerous diseases, which are strongly discouraged to run.

Pain in the neck does not have certain age preferences, it is typical for schoolchildren in primary school, and for students and working youth, as well as for grandmothers who are interested in spending leisure time on benches at the entrances.

Nature and causes

Pain in the neck can be as sharp (lumbago), and pulling character. Both types are extremely unpleasant. Lumbago occurs in any part of the neck, pulling, as a rule, on one side. If the neck hurts, turning painfully to the right, then this is it - a "long-playing" painful pain. If one-sided pain lasts more than a week, it is the body's signal about some serious illness.

The cause of pain in the neck can serve as:

  • injury;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Severe overstrain of the neck muscles;
  • Long standing in an uncomfortable position;
  • Supercooling;
  • Stay in a draft;
  • A tumor or a hernia of the spine;
  • Some diseases (rheumatism, heart attack, syphilis).

The first actions with pain

Nobody likes hiking in the doctors, and with the first minor or very tangible pain, we all prefer to endure, to heal on our own or hope for a chance. Well, it jammed my neck, it hurt to turn my head - is this an excuse to rush to the polyclinic?

If a person is sure that the pain in the neck does not represent anything dangerous - just turned unsuccessfully or stretched, you can try to get rid of unpleasant feelings on your own.

The first thing to do if The neck hurts, it is painful to turn a head, to warm up muscles a massage. Maybe, what kind of pinched, and massage movements can "pull" it and put it in its place.

If you know for sure that the cause of pain is draft, then massage can not be avoided. You need warming rubbers or compresses. In parallel, you can take aspirin.

The inflammatory process should be removed with cold compresses: keep for a few minutes the ice wrapped in a towel. After a compress, the neck needs to be wiped and warmed - at least taking a hot shower.

If the neck hurts, it hurts to turn and touch - possibly injuring. In this case, a visit to the doctor can not be avoided.

And if the pain gives in the hand, down to the numbness of the limb, is felt in the ears or in the bones of the base of the skull, then this is a serious reason to get a consultation from a neurologist - such symptomatology is a harbinger of very dangerous diseases.

How to get rid of pain forever? Is it possible?

If the pain has only just begun to manifest itself, then, it may very well be that nothing is lost. We need to carefully analyze its nature, find out the cause and start to get rid of it.

What the neck hurts, it hurts to turn Head, can testify to an incorrect way of life.

Therefore, the new rules for everyone who wants to forget about the pain, are:

  • Less to sit at the computer and at the TV, more to walk on fresh air;
  • With sedentary work, you need to do a ten-minute break every hour - just walk around the office, stand by the window, drink coffee, after all;
  • Daily perform a complex of simple exercises;
  • Attend a regular massage therapist;
  • Even if it is ill, it will be superfluous to periodically do acupuncture.

Exercise to restore posture

So, posture. The most important factor in preventing neck pain. If you know how to directly hold your back, then the neck will be all right. To great regret, for most to level the back - almost unrealistic task. That's why the neck hurts, it hurts to turn it even slightly - her pain lurks in the back.

The proposed exercise gives an excellent effect, but it is difficult because it can be forgotten in the turmoil of the working day, it can be postponed indefinitely for tomorrow. But if the neck hurts, it hurts to turn, Measures must be taken. This exercise refers to the category of preventive, but it helps with the first pain.

  1. The starting point is to be straight.
  2. Shoulders should be raised as high as possible.
  3. Dilute raised shoulders to the sides until it stops.
  4. Lower the shoulders.

This position is the correct posture necessary for the disappearance of pain in the neck. The main secret of the success of the exercise is a constant reminder to yourself about its necessity and control over the correct position of the back. Uncomfortable and difficult happens only in the first few days, and then the correct posture becomes a habit.

Uncomplicated saving gymnastics

To ease or prevent pain in the neck, it is necessary to train it daily by means of simple exercises that can be performed without leaving the table.

Exercise 1. Leaving the shoulders motionless, it is necessary to perform the head incline first to one, then to the second shoulder.

Exercise 2. Put your hands on your forehead and, leaning slightly forward, create resistance to tilting your head with your hands. Also - when tilting back and to the sides.

Exercise 3. Holding the load (no more than 2 kg), several times should shrug shoulders.

Basic complaints

After a stay in the draft, with an uncomfortable posture during sleep, with a sharp change in the position of the head, complaints of pain in the neck are almost the same:

  • After a long and uncomfortable sitting in a low chair (the head was constantly raised upwards), there appeared a feeling of dull pain in the lower back part - the place of "junction" of the neck with the head.
  • He smoked at the open window, now it hurts to turn his head, his neck hurts.
  • The whole night I slept on an uncomfortable pillow, woke up from the sensation of a numb neck.
  • The neck always hurts with a sharp turn of the head and lifting up.
  • Pain arose unexpectedly - my neck hurts, it hurts to turn and touch.

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