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The most affectionate breeds of cats. Breeds of cats - photos and names

Cats are one of the most popular pets. They have lived with people for more than 10 thousand years, showing people their beauty, softness and warmth. These animals are very graceful and affectionate, people appreciate them for their appearance and devotion. There are a lot of breeds of cats, they all differ from each other in different character and appearance. What breed of cats is the most affectionate? This question excites many people when choosing a pet. Some breeds of cats, pictures and names are presented in the article. Some of them were deduced specially for many years, others appeared accidentally. All of them are unique and require a careful attitude and appropriate care.

Affectionate breeds of cats

The most affectionate breeds of cats are considered to be Abyssinian, Burmese and Oriental. These animals love the warmth of the house, people, and devotion to their masters. The Abyssinian cat has a peculiar appearance: it has a triangular head, large ears with tassels, short hair and expressive eyes. This breed originated from a wild African cat. It was only spread in the 19th century.

Abyssinian cats have a special color: their wool consists of hairs of different colors, which gives them a unique shade and a special charm. Such animals are very playful, mobile, like to climb high objects in the apartment and from there to observe what is happening. They are unpretentious in care - their wool is stiff and short, the hairs fit tightly to the body. When molting it is enough just to bathe the pet with the usual cat shampoo. You can comb your hair once a week. Abyssinian cats are easily trained and quickly get used to the toilet. It is customary to divide this breed into four varieties depending on the color: dark brown ruddy (wild), blue color, fawn (from pink-beige to light brown) and sorrel (from reddish to brown).

Burmese cats are very proportionate, they have a short silky hair that literally plays in the sun and looks great even with the most simple care. Another characteristic feature of them is the large amber eyes, beautiful and very expressive. Distinctive feature of the breed is that it is impossible to determine the weight of the cat, sometimes reaching significant figures, according to the external graceful form. Especially heavyweight males. Burmese cats are very loyal to the owners, they accompany them around the apartment, take an active part in all affairs, always want to be around. They love little children and even forgive them all the pranks and careless treatment. These cats are very artistic and playful, able to arrange a real presentation for the household. They like to sit on their hands when they are groomed, and love to sleep with their host.

Initially, the color of these cats was only black, but then there were other colors - blue, platinum, champagne. The most affectionate breeds of cats are those that are excreted by people specifically for living in a human dwelling. They depend on their owners and love the house.

Representatives of the Oriental breed are eastern cats. They differ graceful physique with long paws and tail, large ears and smooth hair. Some of the most elegant, they are most like wild cats, but at the same time they are excellent in training and easily go to contact. The muzzle of the orientals is slightly elongated, the wool is short and very smooth. They are devoted, love the owner and do not imagine life without him. Do not belong to cats that walk by themselves - they just need communication. Their color is most often monophonic, without excretions of the paws, ears or tail. Orientals look like Siamese, differ from them only in color and a little character.

All the most affectionate breeds of cats are ideal for those who are looking for more than just a pet, but a friend and companion.

Canadian Sphynx

The most affectionate breeds of cats also include representatives of the Canadian Sphynx breed. This is a "bald" cat, it is a bit like an alien - skin folds, large ears, long paws and fingers and large eyes make it special and unrepeatable. She is not inherent in aggression, she is very affectionate and gentle, sociable and faithful. Such cats are comfortable to keep at home, because they do not have wool, very faint smell and low sexual activity.

British Shorthair

This breed is derived by crossing English cats with Persian. The British are massive, they have a large head and a muscular body. The coat is short and does not require too careful care. Such cats perfectly get along with children and dogs, they are very affectionate and love to live with people. The character of British short-haired is calm and smooth, they are excellent to train, easy to learn.

Persian cat

Probably, there is not a single person who does not see representatives of this breed of cats. White Persians appreciate more than others, they are very beautiful. They have fluffy long hair, a slightly upturned nose and large round eyes. Persian cats - one of the most affectionate. They love home, coziness, have a calm and even nature, are easily trained. Persians require careful daily care. Long hair should be combed every day, during the off-season they melt very much.

Maine Coon

This is one of the new breeds, derived by crossing with a trot. Maine coons are quite large - an adult cat can weigh up to 10 kg. They have trotters ears and a tail. Despite the semi-wild origin, they are calm and good-natured, get on well with children. Very strongly attached to a person, easy to train. Mainki people like to walk a lot, they are constantly purring, quiet and melodic.

Siamese cat

Siamese - one of the most common feline breeds. Known representatives of this breed of cats are white and cream colored with dark tips of the nose, paws, ears and tail. They have short hair, and they require special care. Siamese are very intelligent, their character is much like a dog's. They can be walked on a leash, they quickly get used to the collar. They differ in a jealous nature. If the cat is confident that she is loved, she will be playful, affectionate and curious. Affectionate breeds of cats perfectly coexist with children, with dogs, are obedient and contact.

Russian blue

This breed of cats has formed naturally. Its representatives are also called Arkhangelsk cats. Their name was given to these animals for a special coat color - gray-blue. They are mobile, graceful, they have a calm and devoted character, they are distinguished by their high cleanliness. To care for the hair is necessary to comb through its growth and against it.

Kurilian Bobtail

Cats of this breed have a special tail - it looks like a rabbit. They also have a special figure - high paws and a trotting physique. The coat is thick and soft. The character is much like a dog's character - Kuril Bobtails choose their own master among all members of the family, they can bring wrappers and balls, they like to swim. One of the characteristics of the breed is the absence of a strong cat's smell. Wool of a bobtail does not require such careful care, as in Persian cats. Representatives of the breed are affectionate and very cute.

Scottish fold

This is a breed of Scottish Fold cats. They can not be confused because of the characteristic features of the exterior - the ears are of a special shape, their tips hang down, which gives the muzzle a touching expression. As a rule, cats have Scottish fold excellent health, they have a good appetite and are quite active. Ideal for keeping in the house, their hair does not require special care, they are smart and quite contact.

Small cats. Breed

Separately it is necessary to allocate small cats which are a rarity, but are in great demand among breeders and fans. After all, the most affectionate breeds of cats are of different sizes. Some of them look like a 3-4-month-old kitten. Because they are called "little cats." The breed may be different: munchkins, for example, are very short paws, that-bob is a small copy of a Siamese cat. Singapore does not weigh very much - no more than three kilograms. Feature of small cats - they do not know aggression, you can play with them like with puppets - swaddling, carrying on your hands, riding in a stroller. It is very convenient to travel with such pleasant companions. They are cute and very funny cats.

Breeds, photos, descriptions of characters and features of appearance allow each person to choose a pet for their home. Each cat is unique. Even representatives of the same breed can behave differently depending on the state of health, upbringing and nature. A cat in the house is a best friend, a common favorite and a member of the family.

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