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The irony, satire, humor in literature is ... We sort out the kinds of comic

First of all, it is necessary to define the comic. This is a special tool that allows you to uncover, eradicate the life contradiction, with the usual laughter. Humor in literature this discrepancy can be noticed only at the verbal level, in the plot moves (when the hero, for example, falls into some ridiculous situation) or in character (inadequate self-esteem of the character himself in spite of common sense).

Of course, the laughter laughter is different. Satire and humor in literature are two different concepts. If the first assumes a good-natured laugh at the heroes of the novella or novel, the second prefers to strongly denounce the characters and bad deeds. And quite far from the funny stories of Shukshin, the early Chekhov - as well as from Swift's pamphlets - grotesque with the phantasmagoric plexus of the incompatible. This kind of laughter is not fun at all.

Humor in literature is ...

This kind of comic is considered the most universal. In contrast to satire, he is kind, without malice, though he is not without a certain sharpness. Its main goal is to help the character get rid of his bad qualities. Humor in literature is a series of comic situations, ridiculous mistakes. However, the hero because of them does not lose attractiveness, which is impossible in the "Dead Souls" or "The History of a City". The literature proves this. Sancho Panza is the embodiment of such a character. He is far from ideal: a coward, always guided by his peasant computation, because of what she does not allow him to offend himself.

The key property of humor - when you laugh at someone kindly, do not notice how you start paying attention to your shortcomings, try to correct them. The use of this kind of comic can be found in the insane wise, insignificant - sublime, and in the willful reveals the true nature. Without humor, not a single normal person can live, even his gloomy species is in place. As Remarque once said, we laugh and joke not because they are endowed with a sense of humor. But because without it we will be lost.

The works, which contain elements of humor, are numerous in Russian literature. This is the story of Gogol, and, to some extent, plays by Ostrovsky and Chekhov. Soviet literature gave us Zoshchenko, Bulgakov, Shukshin and many others. In addition, there is humor in children's literature (the famous "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer").


Irony is distinguished by a special device, when, in fact, the negative meaning of the statement is hidden behind its external positive side. In this case, laughter is already becoming bitter. Compare the above examples of humor in the literature and the use of irony in some of Nekrasov's poems. So, in "Kalistratus" the comic effect is built on the opposition of mother's promises, that her child will live happily, and the real situation of the peasant son in the then society.

In order to catch the irony, you must always consider the context. For example, Chichikov in the "Dead Souls" calls the police chief a well-read man. It seems that there is nothing in this saying that allows one to doubt its error. However, the narrator goes on to say: "We (that is, the police chief) lost the whole night in whist." Irony, as well as humor in literature, is the rapprochement of two plans conventionally called as given and due. However, in the case of "Dead Souls" this degree of discrediting the ridiculed object is higher. At the same time, such a division, carried out in theory, can not always be guided in practice.


If humor in literature is an ordinary ridicule of an individual, then satire is aimed at the parties of social life, which deserve criticism. Obtain the latter usually due to distortion, exaggeration, images in an absurd form. To put it figuratively, the satyr executes this imperfect world, does everything to reconstruct it with its ideal program. It does not at all seek to convey any life-like character, it sharpens, hyperbolizes it, leads to absurdity.

A vivid example of satire - "Master and Margarita" Bulgakov. Special derision deserved the "Griboyedov's house," in which there was nothing left of literature, and all the doors in such a "cultural" institution were hung with plaques "the fish-dacha section".

The specifics of satire explains why it is most often embodied in a novel form. It is the novel that allows us to cover as many spheres of reality as possible. At the same time satire is always timely. Of course, if a satirist writer begins to expose insignificant (or even non-existent) vices, he himself risks becoming a laughingstock.


With Greek sarcasm and is translated - "tear". This kind of comic is close to irony, however, indignation is more openly manifested, conviction more clearly. For example, in the Duma, the poet sarcastically says that his contemporaries are rich from the cradle by the "mistakes of the fathers and their late mind." Sarcasm is actively used in pamphlets and other similar genres.


In the 15th century, Rafael and his disciples discovered fanciful drawings during archaeological excavations , which became known as grotesque (from the word "grotto"). Its specificity is that the comic effect is built on a mix of the real and the fantastic, even the absurd. Let's remember even the missing nose from Major Kovalev from the story of Gogol or the mayor with a stuffed head in the novel Saltykov-Shchedrin.

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