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The image of Natalia in the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" by Sholokhov

Natalia is the wife of Grigory Melekhov, the daughter of Korshunov Miron Grigorievich. This heroine is one of the main characters in the work. The image of Natalia in the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" we will describe in this article. The author did not accidentally give so much attention to depicting the inner world of her heroine. It bears the characteristic features typical of a Russian woman of the 20th century. Thus, Natalia Korshunova ("Quiet Flows the Don") is a typical representative of her environment.

The image of women in the novel

If the image of a hero like Grigory Melikhov is a symbolic depiction of a Russian peasant of the 20th century, then in female types the author's idea of their fate in Russia is embodied. Priority over all politically engaged and socially-concrete eternal moral values reflect the charming images of the fair sex created in the novel.

Character of Natalia

For Natalia, Grigory's wife, is characterized by long-suffering, as well as the wise calmness of the woman who is the keeper of the hearth. In addition, she has a hidden deep ability for strong spiritual experiences. Natalia's pride, the strength of her feelings, are spoken by deeds, not by words: it is her attempt at suicide, and also the unwillingness to have a child from an unloving husband. Natalia in the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" is a woman who has managed to devote herself to children, home. In her very portrait is a tragic story of life: with "crushed work", "big" hands contrasts the beauty of the face, and gray eyes, looking boldly, are contrasted with a reserved and embarrassed smile. This is the portrait of Natalia ("Quiet Flows the Don").

Psychological interpretation of character

Representing this and other women in the work, the writer uses the principle of the so-called psychological interpretation of the character. That is, the image of Natalia in the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" is given in dynamics, in development, with penetration into the inner world, into the springs of the heroine's actions. At the beginning of the book, we see her as a very young girl, when the Melekhovs came to her woo. When the bride first shows Gregory, he thinks: "Good." He approves of the choice of the father, seeing that this girl is obedient, submissive, shy and tender. In the character of this heroine intertwined quaintly enslavement with ancient patriarchal traditions and constantly putting it in dramatic situations and pushing to protest huge human opportunities. They received the embodiment of high moral qualities in it, as well as the beauty and grace that developed in the depths of the people's life.

The relationship between Natalia and Gregory

Natalia fondly loved her fiancé Gregory, while she "looked in love" with her bride "with enamored eyes", calculated with impatience the days that remained before the wedding. This girl, seeing off the groom, watched "with tears of excited joy" after him, feeling how fast her heart was beating. Usually shy and shy, she insisted on her own when her parents did not want to marry her to Grigory. However, life with this person joyful hopes of the heroine did not justify. Gregory and Natalia were not happy in the work "Quiet Flows the Don" in family life. The heroine was convinced more and more that her husband was indifferent to him, that he loved only Aksinya. And when he confesses to her honestly that he does not love her, Natalia lonely and tacitly experiences her grief, grows thin, and in her eyes there is something "pathetic".

The selflessness of this woman's feelings and her chaste restraint is emphasized by the writer. Creating the image of Natalia in the novel "Quiet Flows the Don," the author notes the sadness that conquers the grief of her heroine. Especially memorable are her eyes, which Sholokhov calls "sad", "mournful." Restrained and modest Natalia is ashamed to show feelings in public, hides them. This is the main characteristic of this heroine (the novel "Quiet Flows the Don"). The image of Natalia is one of the brightest in the work.

The relationship between Natalia and Melekhov

This girl is disinterested in the love of Gregory and infinitely faithful to him. She attracts all Melekhovs (Sholokhov, "Quiet Flows the Don") with her human charisma and moral purity. Natalia in this family was immediately accepted well. Both her father-in-law and her mother-in-law, she conquered by her spiritual qualities and diligence. The shyness and chastity did not allow her to even kiss her future husband before the wedding.

Natalia finds happiness in work and motherhood

Natalia's love at the beginning of her married life was still sluggish and cold, and her feelings were hidden deep in her soul. Only after the birth of children revealed this heroine, gaining confidence. She cares about people with all her generous heart, she herself experiences the loneliness of an unloved wife. Oblivion finds Natalia in hard daily work. Even more than Aksinya, this heroine loves work, and Sholokhov poets this quality, the ability to inspire and easily give all his strength to him, while not sparing his "hands".

Natalia, not knowing the joy of love, finds happiness in motherhood. After the birth of Polushka and Mishatka, this heroine got prettier and blossomed. Her face shone with proud joy when she showed the children to her husband. A happy mother, Natalia gives all her unused energy to the children. And Gregory conquers "this pure inner beauty" this heroine in the image of the mother. His heart is flooded with tenderness. However, Gregory caressed his wife never spoiled, so he does not find a warm word now.

Natalia curses her husband

For a long time Natalia had to put up with her uneasy position of an unloved wife. Insulted in the best of feelings, broken, she curses her husband in the steppe during a terrible thunderstorm. Grigory maimed her life. With a tragic force, the trauma of this woman conveys the parallel between the state of nature and its inner sensation. Natalia, distraught with grief, folded her hands in prayer, wet with tears, asked Gregory to die. At that time a cloud was creeping from the east, black, swirling. Thunder roared dully. The burning white lightning, piercing the tops of the clouds, slid across the sky, wriggling. The wind blew to the west of the grass, carried bitter dust from the hat, drove down to the ground the caps of sunflowers, weighed down with seeds. Natalia, strong in character, resolutely breaks with her former resigned obedience, claiming power over her right to a real, bright life. However, she kills herself, because she does not know how to fight for it.

The image of Natalia before her death

Before death, in the last days, her courage, the greatness of the spirit, moral purity and selfless love manifests with all her strength. The image of Natalia in the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" is revealed completely. Dying, the heroine asks to put her in a green skirt. It was her who loved to see Gregory on his wife. She also sends the last will to Mishatka to kiss her father for her and tell him to feel sorry for the children. Despite the humiliation, resentment, grievous grief associated with marital life, all his wife Natalia ("Quiet Flows the Don") pardons before the death of Grigory. Characteristics of this heroine is respect, and her fate - sincere sympathy. Grigory himself did not remain indifferent to the death of his wife. For him Natalia's departure becomes a shock, he feels guilty. No grief after her death could shake him. In Gregory's memory, his wife remains a beautiful, radiant inner beauty.

The role of female images in the novel

Natalia ("Quiet Flows the Don"), the characteristic of which was presented, is not the only interesting female image in the work. Roman gives a considerable advantage of the combination of an epic image of historical events with the lyricism of the narrative, the disclosure of the deepest thoughts and feelings of the characters. This applies more to the images of Russian women.

In the domestic literature it is difficult to find another work, on the pages of which it would be so much attention given to a woman, her uneasy fraction. From the depths of the writer's heart emanates pain and tenderness towards the heroines. Natalia Korshunova ("Quiet Flows the Don") - a girl who, of course, deserves sympathy and attention of Sholokhov.

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