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"Poor Lisa": the main idea of the work. How relevant is the story of NM Karamzin today?

When a person wants to hear the most concise review of a work, he asks about his basic ideological content. Since we have N.M. Karamzin on the agenda, the theme will also sound like: "Poor Liza": the main idea and its variations, "because everyone is also well aware that the main idea is usually not one in the work - the main author's Promises, as a rule, a few.

So, let's begin.


The events here will not be considered in detail, just remind the reader that this extremely dramatic story of a poor naive girl named Lisa and a rich beautiful but shameless youth named Erast.

First he shows her that he loves that his cleanliness and innocence are pleasant to him, then, when Erast achieves his, he throws the girl under different pretexts.

Lisa is upset, finds a deep pond and scores with life.

N.M. Karamzin wants to convince the reader that young Erast was also tormented and lived a life without happiness, but for some reason it is hard to believe. If life teaches something, it's because people who are shameless and selfish live much better than those who have at least some moral principles and beliefs. The work "Poor Lisa", the main idea hidden in it, does not lead the reader to this kind of understanding, but it's a pity.

"Love is evil ..."

And it is known who uses it. But seriously, the only evil is unrequited love, when "one loves, and the other allows himself to love" (Laroshfuko). The reciprocal love is beautiful, but it, as a rule, is everyday and ends with a happy marriage and children. Who wants to read about it? Whether the cause of love is unhappy, tragic, as in the work "Poor Liza," whose main idea is in our field of vision.

How fresh is the giving, told by Karamzin?

The story of poor Lisa is eternal. There will always be stupid and naive girls and sweet guys who want to seduce these girls. Now in certain circles it is fashionable to talk about any classics, that it is, they say, a warning - a "novel-warning", "a story-warning", etc. If one can say that the composition "Poor Liza" (his main idea) is A warning, then it is empty, because the girls somehow will be caught in the network to the guys stale, soulless. Why? Because young women will always want "great and pure love," and this desire will lead them through a labyrinth of suffering.

Is there an antidote to an unhappy fate?

Of course, yes, and it is only one - the training of the mind, education. If Lisa were cynical, intelligent, educated (besides she is also beautiful, like an angel), would she need such an empty and empty person as Erast? The answer is negative. Of course, the reflection presented in this paragraph is not the main idea of the work "Poor Liza", but when it is read by a modern person, such a conclusion suggests itself.

Lisa had a low self-esteem due to the fact that she was taught from a young age: "Your destiny is to live on your knees and not contradict the masters." Unfortunately, she could not be taught otherwise at that time (the 18th century). So, let us dwell on the fact that the main idea of the story "Poor Liza" is "love of evil." In turn, we hope that the history of Lisa will serve as a warning to modern girls.

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