Spiritual developmentMystic

Tatyana Moscow: clairvoyant

Tatyana Moskovskaya (Ionina) holds special rituals and dedications to resolve human problems. Her main activity is a love spell and clairvoyance. Privorot, in her opinion, can make a man and a woman happy. It also predicts the future with great precision.

Frequently asked Questions

Most people who want to make love spells are often asked - "And what is the effect of fascination, how will I feel it?". Unfortunately, there is no exact answer to this question. In privorotah, especially love, everything is very individual, and after carrying out work in terms of subtle essences and structures of transformation, many factors take place - this is the environment of a person, his trust in the psychic and the way of thinking.

Types of love spells Tatyana Moskovskaya

Tatiana Moscow is a witch, and possesses the following kinds of spell:

  • Love spell "black matchmaker";
  • Cemetery fascination;
  • A love spell on photography ;
  • A love spell on the blood;
  • Eegel;
  • Love spell on semen;
  • A love spell for a family;
  • Homosexual spry;
  • Muslim type of spell;
  • Rite for marriage to a certain man.


Tatiana Moscow practices a love spell with the use of blood. This is a powerful energy information binding and impact on the chakras simultaneously. In fact, the source of energy will be itself bewitching. Tatiana Moskovskaya avoids dirty charm techniques, for example, fascination on a monthly (menstrual) blood. In fact, our blood is the memory of the genus, which is inherited. Genetic memory is something that can be modified and used for fascination. It is necessary mainly venous or blood from the finger or. This is the most frequently requested service among Tatiana Moskovskaya's clients. Privorot many townsfolk is considered a spoilage, but a correctly performed rite is a harmonious peg that can break any love and everyday obstacles for loving couples. The strongest source of energy for the spell is the blood for attracting the object of passion. A love spell based on sperm is, to a large extent, a sexual anchor. When using this type of fascination, all hereditary programs change, and the sexual component in relationships becomes the main one. These privoroty necessary periodically to repeat every six months or a year. Longer and more reliable is the love spell on the chakras, which is also practiced by Tatiana Moskovskaya.

Privorot on the chakras is made on two foci - cardiac and sexual. The ease and complexity of the situation is determined depending on specific individual characteristics. To a man was crazy about you, even after the spell, try to build up a spiritual contact with him, and good sex bring him to multiple orgasms.

Tips for women at the choice of a mate

What do women recommend?

  1. Choose from several men. It is advisable to have at least 7-10 fans, then it will be a "choice from a state of abundance" rather than from a flaw, this is important. About how to attract so many fans, we disassemble the program in detail.
  2. Be as attentive as possible (how it relates, how comfortable it is with it, whether it helps to solve your problems, its life goals - everything is very important). If you hurry up here and make a mistake, then no super-training and super-specialist on relationships will help, because it will not be YOURS, which means, an ANOTHER man. How to determine? Trust your feelings and feelings.

A simple exercise is to put a hand on the heart, close your eyes and ask yourself: "What do I really want? Is it all mine?". And trust in the heart. It will tell you. Tatiana Moscow advises you to listen to your heart.

3. DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING! Yours is not going away from you, believe in your happy female destiny. Tatiana Moscow is a witch, she helps to make rituals to attract a loved one.

We all certainly understand this simple mechanism: the surrounding people are ready to give you whatever you want, whether they are material resources, time or attention, if they are in love with you. And this state of love is very pleasurable for the people themselves, because hormones of joy are produced - endorphins and dopamine.

And it's just not in appearance. The witch says that she is drawn to a fairly large number of beautiful and intelligent women who have an unsatisfactory personal life. It's not about appearance and not in the mind, but how we perceive ourselves, in the absence of understanding of male psychology and knowledge, how to influence relationships. Tatiana Moscow can competently advise you about personal relationships.

Life Tips

Unfortunately, most people do not understand the simple principle: what's inside, then outside.

Such people prefer to scold everyone and everyone around without understanding a simple principle: they create their own life, such an environment, such events with the help of their thinking.

Sometimes people do not want to believe, they create all the negative events themselves. You can blame others. But the problem lies in the fact that then you are depriving yourself of the right to positive changes.

Creating a happy life is often much easier, easier and more pleasant than endlessly looking for the guilty, whining, complaining and irritating. The transfer of "Secret Territories" often invites Tatiana to conduct interviews and give recommendations.

Tatiana Moskovskaya (feedback on the activities of which speak about honesty and professionalism) works with her clients only to a stable result. Many of those who turned to her for help, felt positive changes in life.

Solving financial problems

His clients often ask the following question: "Why do you have such a financial situation now, and what negative programs prevent you from becoming a rich woman?" For this you need:

  • To rewrite the scenario of poverty and survival to a scenario of prosperity, material and spiritual benefits of this world.
  • Disclose 5 sources of income, thanks to which already within several months it is possible to adjust the situation. This helps to establish the financial position of the client.
  • Understand why the financial situation is so bad, and which negative programs are preventing you from becoming richer.

"Secret Territories" periodically consult with Tatiana about these or other esoteric issues. What does a person need in life for happiness by and large? Love and prosperity. The witch is ready to help everyone who appealed to her for help.

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